Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 730: Snake fish

"Mr. Qin, what are we stopping here?"

Seeing Qin Lang staying here, Fu Chunsheng asked some questions inexplicably. He felt that he was getting closer and closer to the mysterious red fruit, so it was inevitable that he was anxious.

Qin Lang did not answer, just pointed his finger at the front.

When Fu Chunsheng saw it, he saw a large piece of chaotic stone forest in front of him. The rocky forest divided the river into countless tributaries, like a natural labyrinth.

"We will follow the currents in the opposite direction." Paying the proposal, he felt that it would be very simple to pass through this rocky forest because there is water as a reference.


When Fu Chunsheng just finished speaking, he heard a scream of screams in the stone forest.

This screaming continually recalls that in the rocky forest, people can't help but feel a creepy feeling.

"Mom, it is dangerous!" Fu Chunsheng was shocked. After all, he was a big family. Although he became a soldier, he participated in some military exercises and performed some tasks, but Fu Chunsheng never performed a really dangerous task, so when the real danger came, he would not be so calm. It is.

"According to your method, go upstream." At this time, Qin Lang has made up his mind, he thinks Fu Chunsheng's idea is actually not bad. Moreover, the water flow in the rocky forest is very urgent, but the water depth is not deep, and it can completely wading up.

But when they entered the rocky forest, both of them realized that the idea was really bad!

The water flow can indeed be used as a reference, but the key is that the rock forest not only divides the river into hundreds of thousands of tributaries, but also the water flow in the rock forest. It is better to not follow the flow of these waters. At this time, they use the water flow as a reference, but they are quickly fainted by these currents.

"Really! I can't think of the flow of these waters!" Fu Chunsheng looked a little angry. He originally came to Qinlang to lead the way, but the absurd thing is that at this time he did not know the route!

"Continue to go ahead!" Fu Chunsheng made a fuss and decided to continue to walk along the stone forest.


Fu Chunsheng just walked a few steps forward. Suddenly his foot was empty. It was obvious that the water level in front was suddenly deep, and Fu Chunsheng fell into the dark pit in front.

However, fortunately Fu Chunsheng will swim, he does not worry that he will be drowned. Only, at the moment of falling into the puddle, Fu Chunsheng felt a chill of fear.

laugh! laugh! laugh! laugh! laugh!

Just in the moment of paying for the fall of the water, Wei Han raised his hand, and ten times of cold awnings went to Fu Chunsheng.

"He wants to kill me?" Fu Chunsheng thought, he did not know why Wei Han wanted to kill him with a hidden weapon.

But after a while, Fu Chunsheng understood that Wei Han was not going to kill him, but to save him, because Fu Chunsheng had other "things" around him.

When Fu Chunsheng climbed out of the puddle, he saw the "things" around him. It was a strange "fish" with a black head and a large head. It was about two fists in size, and A sharp tooth with a razor, the body is long and narrow, like a water snake, but with fins and fish tails.

In short, this thing is like a giant "蝌蚪", which is very weird, but there is no doubt that this thing is not vegetarian, because their teeth are the best proof.

Fu Chunsheng was pale. Just if he was slower, he might have been bitten by these strange fishes. Even if he couldn't do it, he would be eaten by these strange fish.

Qin Lang picked up the body of a strange fish from the water, his face was slightly surprised, because this strange fish is not common, even Qin Lang believes that his parents will not recognize this strange fish, because this strange fish named "Snakefish" is a fierce fish recorded in the poisonous classics.

Although piranhas are horrible, piranhas are not poisonous, and snakefish are not only sharp, but also highly toxic, and more toxic than many poisonous snakes.

However, snake fish is not a common fish. It cannot survive in many waters. It can only survive in a specific water environment, and its living conditions are even harsh.

Even in Qin Lang's view, it is impossible to exist in natural waters unless there is someone specializing in it.

But in this unnamed valley, how can someone raise a snake?

Fu Chunsheng still stared at the puddle in front of him, seemingly worried that this disgusting fish would once again attack him.

However, Qin Lang knows that snake fish do not appear in shallow water because they don't like light, and even hate glare because their eyes can't adapt to strong light.

Therefore, if there is a snake fish in this river, it will only exist in the deep water area.

The puddle that Fu Chunsheng just fell into is no doubt a deep water area. It’s just that the water in this river has been very shallow, so Fu Chunsheng didn’t find it.

hiss! hiss! hiss! hiss!

After a while, a few snake fish suddenly appeared in the puddle in front, and the bodies of the snake fish that floated up were caught in the water. Under the bite of these snake fish, the bodies of the snake fish soon changed. Into a string of fish bones.

Fu Chunsheng was so scared that he took a few steps back, but the snake fish did not swim in shallow water to attack him, but instead Qin Lang, this time actually went to the direction of the snake fish.

"What is he doing?" Fu Chunsheng was shocked by the actions of Qin Lang. In this case, the normal person should try to stay away from it, but this Qin Lang actually has to join in the fun.

However, Fu Chunsheng’s fears are obviously superfluous, because when Qin Lang walked into the puddle, even though Qin Lang almost sank into the puddle, the snake fish did not dare to attack him, but instead became abnormal. "Tame", just slowly swimming around him.

If you don't see it with your own eyes, Fu Chunsheng can't believe the facts at hand.

After a while, Qin Lang was the whole person sinking into the water.

Fu Chunsheng was somewhat worried about Qin Lang, because at this moment he knew that there was a lot of danger here. If Qin Lang had an accident, he would certainly be in a difficult position here.

However, Fu Chunsheng can't help but wonder why he didn't encounter these things when he came here last time. Is it because the last time he really took the dog?

Just when Fu Chunsheng’s heart was full of doubts, Qin Lang had already emerged from the water.

Until Qin Lang walked back to the shallow water area, the snake fish still did not attack him, but Qin Lang's face appeared to be somewhat dignified.

"This valley is really strange!" Qin Lang said to himself. However, Qin Lang is also very surprised. When Fu Chunsheng came here last time, how did he leave here alive?

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