Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 788: Trading with Huo Ling Snow Fox

Dawn, the rain stopped, the world was quiet, and the air was refreshing.

Qin Lang stood on a rock in the valley, staring at the red glow in front. He chased him alone in the middle of the night, just for this thing - Huo Ling Xue Hu.

This fire spirit snow fox, originally captured by Wang Xiongzhou, but in the last battle of the valley, this fire spirit snow fox also escaped, Qin Lang lost his trace. Unexpectedly, just last night, when Qin Lang and the Yanqi monk fought, this fire spirit snow fox appeared on the top of the ten-mile side.

After seeing this fire spirit snow fox, Qin Lang immediately dropped the Yanfu monk, so that the monk and other people stayed in the town, and he immediately went alone to chase the fire spirit snow fox.

Fire spirit snow fox, a different kind of snow fox, is very sensitive to heaven and earth aura and treasures, can help them find treasures, be regarded as a kind of strange animal, Qin Lang naturally wants to hunt this fire spirit snow fox.

However, although Qin Lang stepped into the Wu Xuan level, the body speed increased a lot, but he could not catch up with this fire spirit snow fox, because this little guy is too embarrassed, and the route he chose is all steep mountain walls. Rock, it is difficult for Qin Lang to catch up with it. However, Qin Lang is also a good thing, chasing the middle of the night actually did not chase, on the one hand because of his speed, on the other hand because of Qin Lang's strong mental strength, you can track the escape route of this fire spirit snow fox with a little clue.

One person and one fox, for one night, still did not have a winner.

However, it is already dawning at this time, which should have a slight advantage for Qin Lang.

Qin Lang took a sigh of relief. Although he experienced a night of chasing, his energy did not consume much, because he had learned to breathe and breathe the aura of the world. Although it was only a trivial aura, he could at least supplement his energy. .

Hey! ~

Just as Qin Lang planned to continue to catch up, this **** snow fox suddenly sighed and shouted.

Although it was just a little fox, when the fire fox screamed, it naturally gave birth to a domineering spirit. With its long whistling sound, the eastern horizon burst into a flaming light, which is the light of the red sun. .

At this time, Qin Lang suddenly felt that the aura between the heavens and the earth seemed to become rich. It seems that the moment of alternating the day and night is the most intense moment of heaven and earth, and in addition to the aura, there seems to be a mysterious force between heaven and earth. However, after the whistle of Huo Ling Xue Hu disappeared, this mysterious power disappeared.

It seems that this fire spirit snow fox is really a world-famous beast, born to know how to cultivate, and the perception of the changes in the heavens and the earth is also very sensitive. At that moment, this fire spirit snow fox is definitely the mysterious force to absorb the air of heaven and earth. It has been said since ancient times that some spiritual animals will absorb the essence of the sun and the moon. It seems that this argument is somewhat reasonable.


The fire spirit snow fox ran again, this guy was exceptionally agile, climbing the rock as flat.

However, Qin Lang’s classmates have also caught up with this little guy this time. He has decided to catch this little thing anyway. Of course, Qin Lang will not hurt this little thing. If it can be domesticated better, even if it cannot be domesticated, Qin Lang will not imprison it.

At this time, the sky is bright, and Qin Lang’s vision is clear, and the speed of tracking is getting faster and faster.

On the contrary, this fire spirit snow fox, the speed has begun to slow down, it is not like Qin Lang, after all, can breathe and adjust their own energy, at this time the physical strength of this fire spirit snow fox has begun to decline.

Finally, after ten minutes, Qin Lang has approached this fire spirit snow fox.

When he was about to show his hand and grab the fire spirit snow fox, Qin Lang discovered that the fire spirit snow fox stopped running away, and the whispering sound of his mouth blew, his eyes flashing, and his expression seemed to be pitiful.

Qin Lang saw the scar on the neck of this Huo Ling Xue Hu, and some of them couldn’t bear it, so they took back their palms.

But at this time, this pitiful fire spirit snow fox suddenly turned around, his hind legs violently exerted force, and a sand was raised under his feet, hitting Qin Lang face to face, and this fire spirit snow fox slammed, even Run away again!

How could Qin Lang be rectified by the mud-like movements, and even the mud of Qin Lang’s body could not be broken, but Qin Lang felt funny, and he was deceived by the high-level acting of this fire spirit snow fox. This little thing is simply pitiful.

Pretending to be pitiful, in fact, to escape.

However, this little thing actually cheated Qin Lang, and said that it can not let it run, Qin Lang once again chased up.

About a few minutes later, Qin Lang finally caught up with this fire spirit snow fox again.

I finally understood my situation. This fire spirit snow fox no longer fled, but stared at Qin Lang with vigilance.

"Reassure, I won't hurt you." Qin Lang knows that this fire spirit snow fox can't understand his own words, so this is Qin Lang's own mentality to express his thoughts to Huo Ling Xuehu. "I just feel curious about you." ""

There is no limit to spiritual communication.

This fire spirit snow fox really understands the meaning of Qin Lang, although the look is still somewhat alert, but the meaning of that alert has faded a lot.

"If you remember me, we have seen one side in the valley. I am not malicious to you, but I am very curious about your skills. If you can, we can cooperate. I can teach you spiritual practice." Practice, and provide you with the elixir needed for practice.” Qin Lang began to communicate this fire spirit snow fox with spiritual power, and in order to express his sincerity, Qin Lang even took out a heavenly fruit and handed it to the fire. Ling Xuehu.

Tianling fruit can be described as the spirit of heaven and earth. It is the fruit of the innocence of the mountains and rivers gathered in the valley for hundreds of years or even longer. The effect is naturally extraordinary. The reason why Qin Lang has not taken this day's fruit is because he knows that if this kind of fruit is made into a medicine, the effect will be better.

Although it is a luxury to give a Tianling fruit to this Huo Ling Xue Hu, it seems to be a cost-effective transaction in Qin Lang. Although this fire spirit snow fox is also a bit embarrassing, but compared with the scorpion human beings, it is too far away. Qin Lang sincerely gives this fire spirit to the snow fox, because Qin Lang believes that it accepted its own natural fruit. It should be rewarded because most animals are actually more sincere than humans.

Even if there is no feedback, Qin Lang is willing to help it. After all, each of the different beasts is born of the essence of heaven and earth. They should survive in this world better, but they are deprived of the territory they belong to.

Fire spirit snow fox certainly knows the spirit of Qin Lang, although it is somewhat alert to Qin Lang, but can not refuse the temptation of the heavenly fruit, after a few laps around Qin Lang body, Huo Ling Xue Hu finally jumped from the ground , quickly used the mouth to pick up the heavenly fruit, and then slammed away and fled to the distance.

A touch of fire quickly disappeared into the morning light.

"Say good feedback?" Looking at this fire spirit snow fox disappeared in no time, Qin Lang could not help but smile, thinking that this time is a failed transaction.

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