Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 801: Great dream

For men, hair is just hair, hair is just a hairstyle, so for hair, men always like how to cut, but how to cut; but for women, hair is not just hair, they will not easily short hair Grow hair, or cut long hair into short hair.

For haircutting, women must have their reasons.

Qin Lang didn't know why Luobin cut his hair for a short time, but he had to say that Luobin, who cut his hair, looked more refreshing and capable than before, and even had a little bit of a sense of glory. .

It seems that there is a little bit of a strong woman.

"I chose to study the finance department of the South China University of China." Luo Bin explained, "So recently I have begun to further enrich myself and learn a lot of books on financial warfare. For example, "Currency War", "Golden Game" and the like. Books, I intend to integrate into the financial investment field as soon as possible."

"You want to engage in stocks?" Qin Lang said.

“Stocks? Stocks are only part of finance.” Luo Bin corrected Qin Lang’s perception that “the financial sector covers a wide range and is very broad. Do you know why the United States will become the world’s financial center because they have a Wall Street? Through financial means, they can easily take away the money of other countries. For example, in China, we have trillions of US debts, but as creditors, we suffer huge losses every year because of US debt, exchange rate, etc. Financial warfare, It is a war without smoke."

"Listen to what you said, I have another way of thinking." Qin Lang said.

"tell me the story."

"In my opinion, these US debts, these financial provisions formulated by the United States, are simply another kind of unequal treaties that humiliate and humiliate the country!" Qin Lang said, "The United States is always like this, and the mouth is shouting democracy, but it is implemented against other countries. It is hegemony."

"You see it very deeply. However, it doesn't help." Lobin said. "I have always been interested in finance because I want to use financial means to fight foreign enemies like those of the national financial predators."

"I thought you were studying finance to make money." Qin Lang looked a little embarrassed. "It seems that I underestimated Miss Lobin's style."

"It is inevitable to make money." Lobin said. "If you can't make money, talk about financial wars and slamming foreign enemies. I know that your company is making money now, but you have to know that when you make money, your assets. It will also shrink because of the erosion of the financial war. You see, a million years ago, you have a million dollars, and now you have nothing to lose. Your money is in the bank, not only does it have no value added. Instead, it has shrunk dramatically, so who is 'stealing' your money? Those financial capitalists."

"Oh... I thought it was a country." Qin Lang said.

"The country is only the main body. The real income is only a small number of financial capitalists. The difference is that the capitalists of our country often have a red background. But in general, finance is an evil industry. This kind of industry is nothing like it. It’s Pandora’s Box. But I like this industry, and I like this kind of war in the financial industry.”

"I didn't see it, you are such a combative person." Qin Lang laughed.

"It’s fun to fight with people!" Luo Bindao said, "The country has a Chinese dream. You have a dream of a river and a lake. I also have a financial dream. My dream is to 'grab money' from the hands of Western financiers!"

"Oh... I wish you success soon. However, it should be difficult. After all, Western financiers are the people who make the rules." Qin Lang wondered.

"Does the person who invented the chess game be the first master of chess?" Luo Bin’s words are very wise. "In addition, in the world financial crisis of previous years, how many US investment bankers went bankrupt and jumped?" Therefore, if horses are ruined and people are missing, Western financiers may not necessarily win. Moreover, it is said that it is no longer a real American who controls Wall Street, but Jews who have become American citizens."

Qin Lang seems to have heard similar rumors, saying that some of the financial giants who control Wall Street are actually Jews, because the Jews are the best people in the world who are doing business and drilling. They are playing tricks with financial means. There are several streets in Wenzhou with garlic. However, the rumor has always been a rumor, Qin Lang is not very interested in the rumors of the financial industry, but he is happy for Lobin to find his own ideals.

As Lobin said, everyone should have a dream. The country can do the Chinese dream, Qin Lang can do the dream of the rivers and lakes, and she also has her own dreams.

With Qin Lang’s financial knowledge, it is impossible to talk to Luo Bin for a long time, so Luo Bin’s topic was transferred to Qin Lang: “Yes, Qin Lang, you are not helping my dad to handle things during this time. As a result, my dad is tired. No, you seem to be very leisurely. It is said that you have gone to the mountains to hunt foxes?"

"Your understanding is too superficial." Qin Langzheng said, "If I am really so busy, I will not go hunting in the mountains. I am better at hunting in Anrong City. Are you saying yes?"

"Less poor mouth!" Luo Bin snorted. "Although I don't know what you are doing with my dad, but he is very high on you, it seems that you have helped him a lot. Yes, you are not hunting. Fox, if you can’t hunt, can you show me it?”

For the request of Luobin, Qin Lang certainly could not refuse, and she could only take her to the South China University. However, Qin Lang did not take her to the underground laboratory, but took her to the biological experiment building on the ground.

"What! Your dad is here to work?" Under the experimental building, Luo Bin learned from Qin Lang that Qin Lang's father, Qin Nan, was working here, which made Robinton feel a little nervous and began to retreat.

"Why, don't you dare to go in? The ugly wife must see the in-laws, not to mention that you are not an ugly wife." Qin Langhehe smiled. "Do not worry, my dad is a otaku who is engaged in scientific research. Seeing beautiful women like you, happy."

"Who said that he dared not go in." Being so excited by Qin Lang, Luo Bin’s courage was bigger, and he walked to the experimental building.

The staff below the experimental building know Qin Lang, of course, will not stop them. The two took the elevator to the laboratory where Qin Nan was located. Through the glass door of the laboratory, Qin Lang saw that Qin Nan was doing specimen slicing.

Qin Lang knocked on the glass door, Qin Nan looked back, put down the work in his hand, came over and opened the door to Qin Lang.

"This is my girlfriend - Luo Bin." Qin Lang introduced to Qin Nan.

"Yes, it’s a big beauty. It’s more reliable than the girl who came to the house last night." Qin Nan’s words came out, and Qin Lang was dumbfounded.

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