Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 827: Sweeping Hirakawa (4 more votes)

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The thriving tea house is once again bustling.

As the "conference room" of Wolongtang, the younger brothers of Wolongtang are patrolling at all times near the tea house to ensure safety.

Lu Qingshan seems to have matured a lot. He is no longer the former youth of the Qingyi Middle School. He lost his only relatives, killed the enemy, and became the boss of the Wolongtang. Now he seems to be a lot calmer, and he also has a few points. The fierce king's arrogance.

However, in front of Qin Lang and Tang San, Lu Qingshan is still their good friend and good brother, knowing everything.

The backbone of Wolongtang, Han Sanqiang, Barbarian, Shijian, etc. are all here, and there is also the blue dragonfly flower. The owner of the corpse door is now being deceived by Qin Lang and became the free thug of Wolongtang. . Blue scented flowers, although beautiful, but this is a master of raising cockroaches, the means is not the usual hot.

The meeting of the gang does not require a high-profile guest, and Qin Lang goes straight to the theme, and raises the current situation of Wolongtang, especially the Hamster Gate.

"No wonder, so many rivers and lakes forces want to intervene in our Wolongtang thing, it turned out to be related to the political situation." Lu Qingshan also realized the seriousness of the problem.

This time the Hamster Gate intervened, obviously not for the sake of profit.

When it comes to politics, the situation will become complicated and changeable. If you are not careful, it will be a situation of eternal annihilation. Just like the Ye family, once Ye Jiaxiong had been black and white in Pingchuan Province, but now it has become a dog of mourning. Whether it is a black or a white figure, he is not willing to have anything to do with Ye Family.

Although people in the rivers and lakes have historically been reluctant to relate to the imperial court, it is unavoidable that the forces of the rivers and lakes have been associated with the imperial forces.

Black and white, it is always difficult to distinguish.

Today, Wolongtang is also facing such a situation.

"Qin Lang, here are all my brothers, I will just say it. I can sit on the owner of Wolongtang, and I will rely on your support. So if you have any decision, just say it right, don't worry about anything! "Lu Qingshan is a quick talker and gives Qin Lang absolute trust."

"Good! Since you have said this, I will just say it." Qin Langdao, "Black. Road, is the bottom of the river and lake Tongtian Tower, but also the combination of rivers and lakes and society, although we do not want to tie up with politicians. But there is no way to be outside the political situation. So, in my opinion, nothing will be stationed. At present, we have no choice but to support 'Xu Da Da.' Since we have been tied to his warship, It is necessary to clarify his guiding line - what Xu Laoda wants is the harmony and stability of the whole Anzhen City and even Pingchuan Province. The society must be harmonious and stable, and the rivers and lakes will naturally be stable. This is what we should do in Wolongtang."

"You can rest assured that we have been serious about the rules recently, and the brothers have more rules than before." Han Sanqiang inserted a sentence.

Qin Lang smiled faintly, and said that these people in Wolongtang are eating rivers and lakes, how can they really behave in a proper manner. The best way to really keep these people abiding by the rules is to link them to the interests. There is a saying that "the barefoot is not afraid to wear shoes", which means that if a person has no money and no assets, he will be restless and dare to fight hard. On the contrary, if he has money and assets, he does not want to be desperate. Therefore, in order for these guys in the rivers and lakes to be truly disciplined, they must have huge interests.

Cangjie knows the etiquette.

This is as practical as the characters on the black road. Nowadays, the Chinese gangs in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Europe and the United States basically bid farewell to the days of slashing on the street, because most of them are now rich, rich, and casino bosses, and the younger brothers also have rich income. Whoever wants nothing is going to move the knife.

Wolongtang must be disciplined, first of all must meet the interests of the leaders of all sizes.

Fortunately, Anrong City is a piece of fat meat. Wolongtang has been in Pingchuan for so many years, and there are naturally many assets. This time, after Ye Jia’s collapse, the assets belonging to Wolongtang were not taken up. This should have been instructed by Xu Shiping. Therefore, the current income of Wolongtang is not to be worried for the time being. It is only necessary for these guys not to get rid of it. Drugs and arms sales are all right.

What's more, Liu Zhijiang's group company has moved to Anrong City to help Lu Qingshan deal with the assets of Wolongtang, and Lu Qingshan has no Yejia people's greed, so Wolongtang is not short of money. As for how to bleach the huge Wolongtang, this is a headache, because the entire Wolongtang is too large.

Of course, the bleaching of Wolongtang can be slowed down. It is imperative to deal with other forces' peek at Wolongtang. In addition to the Hamster Gate and the Tenth Hall of the Solomon, I am afraid that there are other strengths that will be overlooked by Wolongtang. Therefore, it is necessary to dispel the ambition of these forces. This is the purpose of Qin Lang to convene everyone.

"According to my meaning, it is a big kill!" Tang San's flying knife turned fast in the palm of his hand. "Anyone who wants to find trouble, kills all! See who dares to have ambitions for Wolongtang!"

"Yes, Mr. Tang is a good word!" The bull is also an idiot who only knows **** and kill.

"The movement is too big, then it is not harmonious." Shi Jian inserted a sentence, "Mr. Qin said that we must ensure the overall situation of harmony and stability, otherwise Xu will not let us go."

"Shi Jian, then what do you think?" Qin Lang asked.

"To tell the truth, the level of the Hamster Gate and the Ten Halls of the Luomen Gate can only be relied on by Mr. Qin and Mr. Tang and the Blue Palm Gate. The people in Wolongtang must do the reorganization, first rectify the situation. Rules, we must ensure that the gang's brothers can't do things. Once someone messes up, they must severely punish the warnings. In addition, it is to rectify the black road in Heilongjiang Province of Anrong City, and to rectify all the small gangs and small fish in Pingchuan Province. In addition, apart from Wolongtang, there can be no more gangs in Pingchuan Province!"

After listening to Shi Jian’s words, Lu Qingshan and Qin Lang both nodded secretly. In order to ensure the stability of Heichuan Road in Pingchuan Province, it is necessary to carry out large-scale integration and large-scale clearing. Otherwise, it will never be able to get rid of the original farce of arbitrage and slashing. This is like a country. Only when the situation of separation of princes is over, can the country be long-lasting.

"Shi Jian, you are doing a good word." Qin Lang said, "I just want you to say this. In this way, you are responsible for sweeping the black road in Anchuan City, Heilongjiang Province, with a thunderous momentum, but it cannot be big. The riots. To ensure that nothing is wrong, Tang San and Lan Zhangmen will assist you."

"Ha... If there is Mr. Tang and the blue palm door to help, then this thing should be relatively smooth." Shi Jian and others know that Tangmen and the corpse are so powerful. Tangmen did not say that the Tangmen killer is the representative of the impermanence; and the corpse door is the cow head horse face, which can make people die unconsciously. If it is only to "clean up" the gangs in Hirakawa Prefecture, this force is completely devastating, without any suspense.

The real difficulty lies in how to curb the ambitions of the gates of the Hamster Gate and the Ten Temples.

There is no doubt that this matter can only fall on the head of Qin Lang.

"Good! Let us sweep the rivers and lakes in Hirakawa!" This is the rhetoric left by Qin Lang before the meeting.

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