Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 834: 阎罗九转金身

Apologize, a few days ago, the battle broke out, the ticket was not pulled, but people were sick, cold and fever, and today the ears are inflamed. Then I got up in the afternoon in the net, and I saw that the readers were all kinds of complaints. Xiaomi wants to say that from the 22-31, 10 days Xiaomi has updated 40 chapters, it is added to the 10 chapters, and the 22-28 readers voted only to add more 5 chapters, Xiaomi did not Respond to everyone, instead, continue to 4 chapters every day after the 28th, until the release of the manuscript.

Others don't say it, everyone understands it. Let's put a chapter first, write it at night, and continue to send it.


A negotiation, this has not yet begun, it seems to become a full-fledged military.

From the look of Rosen, if he is willing to negotiate with Qin Lang, then it is really strange. And Qin Lang, obviously can not kneel for mercy, lead to kill.

"Hey - I said black coal ball, you have too much nonsense, Qin Lang is impossible to ask you for mercy, you have to die early. Yes, I lived in his house last night, and sleep is His bed..."

Any beauty is true, but for her, for Rosen, that is to add fuel to the fire, he made a wild beast roar: "No one should do it, I have to personally divide this kid five horses!"

After that, Rosen had a hard time, his upper body clothes burst into pieces, and then exposed the steel bones, stepping out, the floor tiles under the feet were broken. At this time, Rosen, like an ancient beast, is still a wild animal.

"Give me death-"

Rosen screamed again, rubbing his legs, bowing into the arrow, flying generally to Qinlang, just like the eagle catching chickens. Seeing that Rosen is so powerful, I can't help but worry about Qin Lang.

Compared with Rosen’s fury, Qin Lang’s heart is like a mirror, and the clouds are light and light. He has captured all of Rosen’s actions in his mind, so Rosen’s movements are fast, but they still do not feel the sense of Qin Lang. Qin Lang was like a snake, and relaxed, avoiding Rosen's blow.


Rosen didn't catch Qin Lang. Under the anger, he punched a big tree and broke it. Then he rushed to Qin Lang again, faster than before.

This time, Qin Lang did not evade, his hands were lifted, and his hands were weak, but his fingertips were flexible and twitching, just like spiders were weaving nets. Moreover, everyone who sees Qin Lang's movements will have such a feeling.

Qin Lang’s Xingyiquan has indeed reached the point where he entered the room. The Xingyiquan of the ordinary warrior can only play a moveable shelf, which can only play the “shape”; the Gaomingwu’s Xingyiquan can be both form and shape; now Qinlang The Xingyiquan has already reached the form of shape, meaning and god. This kind of "god" is the "spirit of the gods".

Many people's Xingyiquan, people who want to watch continue to associate, can feel the shape and meaning, and Qin Lang's Xingyiquan, after getting the marrow, the natural meaning of the form, even if the people watching the game did not deliberately associate, Can also feel the clear and huge form and meaning released from the Qin Lang boxing. For example, at this moment, when Qin Lang opened the golden spider's silver hand, everyone around him felt that he had become a huge poisonous spider, and was weaving a vicious net.

Seeing Qin Lang’s shot, the ten brothers on the side suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and said to Ren Meidao: “The eyes of Xiao Shimei are really good. Qin Lang’s Xingyiquan is too clever. I think even the third division’s understanding of Xingyiquan, They may not be able to surpass him."

"That is of course! If my eyes are not good, I am not going to marry this black coal ball in the future. However, you said that he is better than the three brothers. Is this too exaggerated? The three brothers’ Xingyiquan, but even me Dad is full of praise."

"I am not saying that he is more powerful than the three brothers. He said that his understanding of Xingyiquan is more profound than that of the three brothers. You see, his "spider-spinning" moves are simply the best of the world, I can even feel it. By the way there are a lot of spider silks around his body, he is about to form a cobweb. Hey, it’s amazing! You look at his body, and you can move forward and backward with ease and lightness, just like a spider stepping on a spider web. - Weak and strong, everything is under his control! I look at this Rosen, I am afraid that I have to suffer!" Ten brothers commented with the expert.

On the one hand, the ten brothers are still shooting at the DV level. His behavior made the people of the Tenth Temple of Solomon very uncomfortable, but these people did not rush to do it, because the people of the Ten Temples of Luomen knew that the 13 pro-disciples of the Mozong lords were not fuel-efficient lamps. Don't look at this ten-sister brother, Wen Jing is like a woman, but if he really shoots, it will immediately become the demon's little devil.

"Qin Lang's kung fu is good, but the realm is too low." Ren Mei is still somewhat worried. "He is only the realm of the realm. That Rosen, I heard that it is already washed."

"Is it? Washed the marrow? It seems that he has not used all the power. But it is good, look at Qin Lang to weak and strong, this is interesting, if Qin Lang this guy's realm is the same as Rosen, I am afraid that a stroke will kill. Rosen, that's nothing to look at." Ten brothers Ren Yujun does not seem to worry about Qin Lang.

Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!

Sure enough, after a few tricks, Rosen screamed in the bones and made a strange sound in the bone marrow, just like a beast rushing through the bone marrow.

This is the marrow!

Kungfu is trained in the realm of bone marrow, and the whole body bones and bone marrow undergo qualitative changes, like reinforced iron bones, and the infuriating gas can penetrate the bone marrow, raise your hands and feet, and the muscles and bones will sing, and the power will multiply!

After Rosen's exhibition reveals the state of the marrow, his huge body is big again, and every muscle and every blue rib of the naked upper body is clearly visible, releasing an amazing explosive power.

"This is the forging practice of the Tenth Temple of Solomon - 'Mu Luo Jiu Jin Jin'?" Ren Mei asked to the tenth brother, "Muscle is very fit, but it looks like a black bear, not much meaning. ”

"The Luolu nine turns to the golden body, but one of the tenth temples of the door of the temple, it is not much less than the genius of our Mozong, but Rosen only got to 'two turns', only the distance from the nine turns to the golden body. There are still too many differences. Otherwise, Qin Lang is in trouble." The ten brothers are more versatile.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

Rosen’s fists are as fast as the wind, and the mountains are heavy. The fists blast the air, and the stone bricks are crushed under the feet. It is really awesome.

And Qin Lang, like a spider in a storm, clinging to his own spider web, constantly fluctuating with the wind and rain, seems to be at a loss, but no matter how violent the storm, he can keep this solid spider web.

Although Rosen’s fists were like a storm, they could not cause any damage to Qin Lang.

"Oh, black coal ball, you are hurt!"

At this time, Ren Meng suddenly exclaimed, seemingly kindly reminded, in fact, there is no lack of ridicule in the tone.

Rosen looked down and saw that he had some very small scratches on his bare chest and arms. These wounds were as insignificant as silk, but after all, there was a little blood oozing out.

It seems that Qin Lang has a lot of invisible spider silk in his palm. It is these invisible spider silk that cut Rosen.

"Hey! Kid, my Rosen will be broken - corpse - 10,000 - paragraph!"

Blood, although only a small amount of blood, has completely maddening Rosen, who has always been conceited. With his arrogance, his whole person's momentum has risen again, and the infuriating air around his body has undergone a qualitative transformation. Outside his black skin, a layer of pale golden suffocation can be seen.

"My grass! This guy has been ‘three turns’!” The ten brothers who have been calm have finally stopped crying.

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