Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 837: Water monster?

Everything is in the calculations, and it feels good to control everything. Rosen was poisoned. He could only let Qin Lang slaughter, but Qin Lang did not intend to slaughter Rosen, but he intended to turn him into a poison slave, so that his life is from.

Turning Rosen into a poisonous slave, Qin Lang can naturally let the ten temples of Luomen not temporarily play the idea of ​​Wolongtang. On this, Qin Lang had a detailed plan. After he took Rosen, he immediately turned it into a poisonous slave, and then appeared in front of the people in the Tenth Temple, so that Rosen and him showed no disagreement and told The two of them played a tie and put on a feeling of sympathy. Then, Rosen asked the people of the Tenth Temple to stay in the Longtang. Later, Rosen vowed to win Qin Lang, so he decided to close for a while. At that time, even the people in the Tenth Temple of Solomon had some doubts, and I am afraid they would not dare to interrupt Rosen at random. When the people of the Tenth Temple and the Luomen discovered the problem, Qin Lang had a way to deal with it.

Qin Lang’s plan is not perfect, but the delay is more than enough.

At this time, Rosen was already in his hands. Qin Lang grabbed him and went to an uninhabited place. Seeing that this plan was about to be realized, suddenly Qin Lang felt that a strong and incomparable spirit quickly swept over and let Qin Lang’s heart shock.

Qin Lang vowed that this is the strongest spiritual force that Qin Lang perceives besides Yin Hua, and if Qin Ling’s spiritual practice has already had a certain heat, I am afraid that this spiritual power will be swept away and his spiritual world will collapse. It is.


Qin Lang sighed in his heart and quickly raised his mental strength to the extreme. He suddenly "looks" to the deepest part of the Black Tooth Reservoir, with a pair of green eyes staring at him. This pair of green eyes seems to ignore the existence of distance, seemingly very Far away but close to the ruler. Qin Lang knows that this is the other party's mental power affecting his judgment and making him illusion.

However, at this time, Qin Lang has become the prey of this person, his mental power has locked in Qin Lang, and is chasing it to Qin Lang at a very fast speed. At most, but a few breaths of time, this person should be able to reach Qin Lang.

At this person's speed, Qin Lang wants to escape alone, not to mention carrying a Rosen.

Qin Lang did not know who this person was, but he could clearly sense the other party's smothering and cruelty, knowing that once he fell into the hands of this person, I am afraid that he would die immediately.

At this time, Qin Lang naturally refused to take care of Rosen's life. Qin Lang directly pierced several steel needles into Rosen's head, and then pushed Rosen vigorously and pushed it in the direction of the man. These steel needles are not intended to suppress the toxins in Rosen's body, but to use the toxins to inspire Rosen's potential and burn life in an instant, turning into a poisonous person who is completely irrational and has a strong desire to attack.

These toxic needles of Qin Lang can inspire all the power and potential of Rosen, and the power will multiply more than when he is awake, but at this time Rosen is like a burning candle, the more he burns, the more he dies. The sooner.

But Qin Lang is also no way, he must fight for his own time, Rosen can only throw out as a shield. As for the ten halls, Luomen will not find Qin Lang to settle accounts, it is all the future, and Qin Lang has to solve the urgent need. This strange person hidden under the Black Tooth Reservoir does not know what it is, and it is so abnormal.

After Rosen, who is in the realm of Yuan, has been thoroughly motivated, the attack power should be amazing. However, it only blocked the time of the person's breathing. Except for Rosen's suffocation, some of the splashes did not produce any effect. Through the mental power perception, Qin Lang knew that Rosen was taken by the man in a face-to-face. Then the man bite Rosen’s neck and sucked Rosen’s blood in an instant, then dropped Rosen’s dry bones. Follow the Qin Lang.

Qin Lang had long known that he could not escape the tracking of the guy at his own speed. I didn’t know what it was. I stayed underwater all the year round. I was naturally familiar with water, and the kung fu realm was so high that Qin Lang had to escape from his hands. It is simply difficult to get to the sky.

If this strange person keeps track of Qin Lang, or Qin Lang does not have a chance to escape, but as Qin Lang expected, this strange person distracted to deal with Rosen. Although it was only a few breaths of time, but after all gave Qin Lang the opportunity, and Qin Lang also seized the opportunity, just when this strange person **** blood, Qin Lang casts the darkness of the heavens to see the idea, and then a black sky big handprint past.

Too far away, Qin Lang’s black and white handprint couldn’t hurt the other side, but it only blew up a wave of black water, but in the microsecond, Qin Lang’s palm was not meant to hurt the other side, but just to smash Break the mental strength of the other party. If the spirit of this guy has always locked Qin Lang, then Qin Lang can not escape. The only way is to cut off the other's spiritual tracking, and Qin Lang did it.

Qin Lang's kung fu realm is far less than this strange person, spiritual strength is also far more urgent than urgency, but Qin Lang's understanding of mental power is extremely brilliant, because he inherited the inheritance of Yin Wuhua, so the strange person did not expect Qin Lang Will come to such a move, actually cut off his mental strength tracking.

When the geeks re-use the spirit to search for the whereabouts of Qin Lang, they have lost the whereabouts of Qin Lang.

At this point, Qin Lang has completely sunk into the bottom of the water, and he has penetrated the whole person into the mud at the bottom of the water, just like a hibernating squid. Even Qin Lang had to sleep more thoroughly than the squid. He not only cut off his breathing, but even weakened his heartbeat to a very weak and slow point, in case he was searched by the weirdo. At the same time, Qin Lang continued to run the dark reincarnation of the heavens and completely integrated himself into black water and black mud.

Under the water, a darkness.

No matter who it is, as long as it is a person, the line of sight will be greatly reduced in such an environment. No matter how terrible the geek is, his gaze can only see the range of tens of meters around him. He can only rely on his mental strength to explore the existence of the target. . But at this time, Qin Lang merged with black water and black mud. The spirit of this strange person swept around, but it also found the existence of Qin Lang.

After about half an hour, Qin Lang felt that the crisis was gradually gone. However, Qin Lang still did not move, because this strange person is too horrible, he does not want to give each other any chance.

Sure enough, after another ten minutes, the spirit of the monster swept again and killed a carbine. However, Qin Lang has been suffocating, and the geek has not found anything.

After the geek's "returning the carbine", Qin Lang still did not leave, because he found that under such extreme pressure, his mental strength has once again increased, and everything around him suddenly became clear. Although he did not open his eyes, he did not open his eyes. You can see the muddy squid and squid that thrash in the mud, you can clearly see the movement of the fish, and even see the faint water flow...

"Is this the soul?"

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