Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 848: Buddha's dog

Yan Shaoguo’s evaluation of Qin Lang’s taekwondo is very high. This is not to shoot Qin Lang’s flatter because he has no need to shoot Qin Lang’s flattery. He praised Qin Lang's taekwondo only because Qin Lang's taekwondo is indeed extraordinary. Abandoning skill and realm is not counted. Qin Lang's taekwondo is definitely the sharpest taekwondo that Shao Shaoguo has ever seen. In addition, in addition to the sharp style of the move, Yan Shaoguo found that Qin Lang's martial arts and minds have both meanings and spirits. This set of boxing methods has indeed entered the room, no, it should be the peak of the peak.

"Hey brother, it’s just a set of taekwondo. How can you say such exaggeration?" Qin Lang laughed. "This set of squats, I call it a sickle, because my understanding of taekwondo is not with others. Others think that Taekwondo should be flexible and long-lasting, but through my observation, flexibility and fighting are not the style of martyrs. As the top hunter in the insect world, hunger hunting is fast and fast. If you don’t shoot, it’s a situation where blood is splashing on the spot. Moreover, you don’t like to fight at all. Even if you face a prey that is stronger than them, they will not have a tentative attack. For example, you can catch mice and catch snakes. They are probably one of the few insects that dare to prey on carnivores. So the four words of the arm are not so much a force, but rather courage. In the face of a lot bigger than myself, dare to shine the sword, this is the king!"

"Oh... I can't think of the Qin brothers' understanding of the habits. It's no wonder that the understanding of the martial arts is so profound." Yan Shaoguo increasingly appreciates Qin Lang. "However, can you really prey on rats and snakes?"

"Of course, they are all preying on small mice and snakes. I have a few pictures and a video of a snake on my mobile phone. You can check it out." Qin Lang opened the phone and gave him a "collection". ".

"It’s a long experience!" Yan Shaoguo said with emotion. "It seems that Mr. Qin’s understanding of Taekwondo is so profound, because he is familiar with his habits."

"There are probably reasons for this." Qin Langzheng said, "My Master once said, 'Taking people as teachers, how to use the world as a teacher,' so his old man is lazy, generally does not teach me specific moves, all let me Comprehend yourself and then point out the inadequacies of these moves."

"So, the Qin brothers' master is also a real high-ranking person." Yan Shaoguo said with emotion, "It is better to use the human being as a teacher than to use the world as the teacher. Your master's sentence is really a high-ranking person." The style is gone. Qin brothers, what kind of boxing do you have, we exchange and exchange."

"Okay, my Xingyiquan is more complicated, there is no fixed routine..."


Because there is a guy who is less than a country, Qin Lang’s journey is not boring.

However, when the helicopter landed on the apron of the construction corps, the whole person of Qin Lang immediately became serious. His spirit and the facts suddenly increased, and the whole person was like a sword.

Feeling the changes in Qin Lang's spirit and temperament, Yan Shaoguo was surprised: "Qin brothers, you are like a big enemy, what is this? Is it because the construction team is dead to you?"

"The people who built the Corps are not against me, but some people are coming here to scatter wild." Qin Lang said, "And this person is not simple, I have to do everything I can."

"Hey? Who is so arrogant, I am going to see it." Yan Shaoguo came to interest.

"As long as it meets the regulations of the troops, it is no problem to go to see you," Qin Lang said.

The rules are dead and the people are alive. When Shao Shaoguo saw it, he was a very strong background. Naturally, there were ways to get the rules and accompany Qin Lang to deal with this matter.

Luo Haichuan stayed up all night, all because of the delay of the monk. The above people pressured Luo Haichuan to unconditionally release the monk, but Luo Haichuan knew that the monk Yan Yan was arrested by Qin Lang. If Qin Lang defeated the Yan Yu monk, Luo Haichuan and others may not be able to intercept the leaves smoothly. The family's team is also not able to lead him and Xu Zhengguo. Therefore, Luo Haichuan was able to withstand the pressure above, insisting that Qin Lang arrived.

In Luo Haichuan's view, even if Qin Lang came back, I am afraid that it would not be able to prevent the above people from getting rid of the monks. After all, this is the will of the superiors and cannot be changed. However, Luo Haichuan's insistence is not meaningless. At least this is a Qin Lang confession, so that Qin Lang knows that Luo Haichuan is not a person who only cares about his own interests.

However, Luo Haichuan ignored a point, that is, Qin Lang is different from him. Luo Haichuan is a professional soldier, but Qin Lang is only a guy wearing a military jacket, just for this investigation, Qin Lang had to have a military identity. However, this does not mean that he is to be restricted by the identity of the military. Therefore, before returning to the construction corps, Qin Lang specially contacted Wu Minghou to tell Wu Ming Hou Yan's monk, and Wu Minghou's reply to Qin Lang was "to handle it with you."

The implication is that as long as Qin Lang is not overturned, Wu Minghou can still give him a hand. Or, Wu Minghou also wants to explore the strength of the Buddha by Yan Yan.

Qin Lang did not carefully understand the wishes of Wu Minghou, because he did not have this necessity at all. If it was not possible, he would lose the identity of the military. This is why Qin Lang is wearing plain clothes today.

Seeing that Qin Lang and Yan Shaoguo came together, Luo Haichuan was slightly surprised. After greeting with Shao Shaoguo, Luo Haichuan took them to a secret underground interrogation room, and the Yanqi monk was detained in it. of.

However, the Yanbian monk did not receive any trial. On the one hand, it was because it was difficult to interrogate something from his mouth. After all, the old monk’s kung fu was strong, and even if he was stopped, he would not easily let him yield; another On the other hand, probably Luo Haichuan and Xu Zhengguo know that the old monk has some background, so he dare not torture him too much.

Seeing Luo Haichuan and Qin Lang, Yan’s monk’s eyes shot the cold light: “Why, are you going to send me out?”

"Why are you going to send you out?" Qin Lang asked.

"There have been people pick me up. Luo Haichuan, I don't believe you can still hold this seat!" Yanqi monk snorted, this guy seems to hear the wind, knowing that he will soon escape.

"What do you not believe?" Qin Lang sneered. "You don't believe that you will lose to me. The result is that you are a prisoner here. You don't believe that Ye Jia will lose. The result is Ye Jia. The old vulture, don't think of yourself. You can control everything, only if you can't detoxify yourself, you know that your Buddha's dog is just like this!"

Hearing that Qin Lang directly blamed the monk Yan Yan as the "Buddha's dog", this will surprise Shao Shaoguo, and Shao Shaoguo has such a kung fu and family background, naturally knowing the existence of the Buddha. The true Buddhism is not comparable to the wine and meat in those temples. It is a behemoth that lasted for thousands of years. It is deeply rooted in China and throughout Asia.

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