Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 872: Buddha

After going down the mountain, Qin Lang sang all the way, and the mood was surprisingly good, because he finally recovered his freedom.

Without a car, Qin Lang walked along the road to the direction of the construction corps. Not long after, there was a jeep driving over. The driver who saw the car was a lama and asked him if he wanted to take a ride.

Qin Lang nodded and jumped onto the jeep.

Sitting in the car with a Tibetan middle-aged couple, the woman said to Qin Lang: "Little master, see you young, how long does it take to stand up?"

"I just got a ring today." Qin Lang laughed. "I made a guardian."

"What!" The middle-aged man was shocked. The hand holding the steering wheel shook, and a sudden brake stopped at the side of the road. Then he looked at Qin Lang unhappy. "Get off! You are a dishonest fake man!"

"Get off the bus. But you are strange. I was originally a Dawa master who presided over the precepts of the guardian. I just took the precepts at the Washing Temple. You said that I am a fake person. It is really unreasonable. Right, I am There is also a token!" Qin Lang lighted the dZi on his wrist.

The Esoteric believers have some research on the Dzi Beads. When you look at the Dzi Beads on the wrists of Qin Lang, you know that it is not a good thing, and Qin Lang said that the head is the Tao. It seems that it is really the guardian of the Tantric. However, as a guardian of King Kong, Qin Lang is too young at this age? Is it a reincarnated soul boy?

"Is Master Master a reincarnation?" The middle-aged woman has not dared to call Qin Lang a "little master."

"I protect the King of Confucius, believe it or not." Although Qin Lang said so, his hands are constantly producing a variety of secret handprints, and the spirit is also changing with the handprints. It really gave birth to the momentum of King Kong.

This time, the middle-aged couple immediately believed, and quickly got out of the car to salute Qin Lang, and repeatedly called "Foye." This is good, and suddenly changed from "Master" to "Fo". It seems that the gold content of this protector is really unusual.

Qin Lang rushed to make a hurry, and then said to the middle-aged couple: "I can take your car, this is a fate, you do not have to be polite, send me to the construction Corps headquarters."

The middle-aged man quickly said that Foye was honored to take his car.

The car was driving for a while, and the middle-aged woman suddenly sighed and then said to Qin Lang: "Fo Ge -"

"You still call me Master." Qin Lang once again reminded the middle-aged woman that he did not want to be a Buddha.

"Master... You must be the reincarnation of the Buddha King Kong. I want to ask you to make a wish. Do you know that Master can bless us?" The middle-aged woman pleaded with enthusiasm.

“Hey?” Qin Lang looked carefully at the face and look of the middle-aged woman. She suddenly understood a few points, and said in a positive color, “Is your husband having a hidden illness?”

The middle-aged couple once again showed a blank look, and the car was docked again on the side of the road.

Qin Lang is speechless: "Two, don't be surprised, while driving, saying that things can't be done?"

"Yes, yes. It is mainly that Master suddenly sees through our minds. It is really brilliant. It is no wonder that King Kong is a living Buddha." Middle-aged women said in a respectful tone.

Qin Lang thought that this is difficult, just look at the woman's temperament, she knows that her heart is stagnation, so she frowns, and her face is not good, this is not enough yin and yang, which means that they have no long-term house between husband and wife, naturally Her husband has a problem.

However, it is a middle-aged husband and wife, and it is in front of the "King Kong Living Buddha", so there is no need to avoid any shun, so I can tell Quin Lang calmly that this middle-aged man had an accident in two years without marriage and fell in a snow valley. In the middle, I was trapped for several days. Later, although I picked up a life, my body was attacked by cold poison, and I could not be humanized ever since. Later, I visited a lot of famous doctors and sorghums. Although I gradually adjusted my body, I still can't be humane. So far, there are no children. This is the biggest heart disease of the two couples.

It seems that this middle-aged man is also sympathetic to Guan Tailong. Hearing the middle-aged man’s complaints, Qin Lang’s heart suddenly had a way to deal with Guan Tailong. He thought that his heart couldn’t help but smile. He said to the middle-aged couple: “It seems that the two are really good-natured, and they touched me today. I must have solved this hidden danger for you - but, big brother, you have stabilized the car, went to the city to go to a medicinal material shop, keep your medications effective, and take three medicines to heal."

"This... Is this true?" The middle-aged man seems to be afraid to believe in Qin Lang. In the past few years, the couple have visited many famous doctors and sorghums, but they are always disappointed. Both husband and wife are almost desperate.

"I am a slang word for the esoteric Guardian King Kong?" Qin Lang said.

"Yes, we should not doubt Master." The middle-aged woman quickly said. In any case, always let them see the hope of life, this is the most important.

It can be seen that this pair of middle-aged couples also have some origins. Otherwise, they will be eroded by the cold poison. Even if they return to their lives, their physical fitness will be greatly weakened. It is obvious that he has found a famous doctor to regulate his body. However, for men, cold poisoning, yang damage, and humanity are also normal results. Other doctors have to cure this middle-aged man, or some trouble, but for Qin Lang, it is just a small matter, because Qin Lang has this kind of anti-day spirit: Ruyi hook!

Ruyi hook, naturally Qin Lang received from the valley of Yin Wuhua reclusive, Qin Lang did not have the opportunity to use it, but now that it is "Golden Living Buddha", how to be good and good to do it. The sleek hook of the squama is very hot, just restraining the cold poison in the body. As for the humane things, you don’t have to worry about it. You only need to use the wishful hook wine to make medicine, keep it sturdy and arrogant, one night. It is not a problem to meet several battles.

Fortunately, this middle-aged man has wine on the car, and Qin Lang can also make pharmaceutical wine on the spot.

In the urban area not far from the construction corps, the middle-aged couple found a medicinal material shop, then took the medicine according to Qin Lang's prescription, and immediately used a Chinese medicine machine to quickly prepare a bowl of Chinese medicine. Qin Lang took out the wishful hook in the medicinal liquor, and then handed it to the middle-aged man: "After drinking one or two drinks, drink another bowl of medicine, and it will take effect within fifteen minutes."

The middle-aged man will be suspicious and take the medicine according to the method described by Qin Lang.

Sure enough, but in ten minutes, the middle-aged man felt the heat in his lower abdomen, and the Optimus Prime, who had been away for many years, finally came back. The middle-aged woman also found her husband's strangeness, and was surprised and happy. When she hurriedly pulled her husband, she would bow down to Qin Lang, and the mouth repeatedly called "Fo Ge Xian Ling", and Pan Lang rushed to help.

"According to my instructions, take care of your body and heal." Qin Lang said to the middle-aged man, "However, this wine can not be drunk, otherwise, I am afraid that the wife will not be able to eat."

After that, Qin Lang laughed out of the drug shop. Qin Lang knows that these two couples are now eager to create people, so they will retreat, so as not to disturb others.

As the saying goes, "Gen is not a newspaper", since it is now a "Golden Living Buddha", it is always a bit of a high consciousness and style.

Looking at Qin Lang, the middle-aged man said: "Bad, we forgot to thank the master!"

"Shen is not a newspaper, this is really a living Buddha!" ​​Middle-aged women sighed, and then looked at her husband, his face showed long-lost shame and expectation.

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