Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 880: Lock the victory

When Qin Lang took out the colorful lotus relic, Nyima Basu immediately felt it and was very surprised: "The colorful lotus relic! This is the essence and sacred thing that the most brilliant practitioners will leave when they sit down. Become a colorful lotus relic, in the Buddha can have the title of 'Buddha', always accept the worship of believers!"

Seeing the colorful lotus relic, Nyima Bashu is more determined to kill Qin Lang's determination. He must defeat Qin Lang's spiritual world, completely smear the secret of this kid, and finally torture this kid to death.

However, Nyima Bashu’s idea is good, but reality is cruel.

The colorful lotus relics are the spiritual crystallization of the ruthlessness. The thoughts of the dark reincarnation of the heavens are the spiritual practice of the creation of Yin Wuhua. The two can naturally fit perfectly without any barrier.

Therefore, this colorful lotus relic naturally became the most powerful foreign aid of Qin Lang. The powerful and pure spiritual power has poured into the spiritual world of Qin Lang. The dark reincarnation of the heavens has once again flourished. The powerful dark power has begun to sweep the entire spiritual world of Qin Lang and quickly swallow the Nyima Bashu. Mental strength.

Feeling the pressure from Qin Lang, Nyima Bashu's look became dignified. I thought that with his own spiritual strength, he could easily crush Qin Lang's spiritual world, but the facts were completely different from what he thought. However, Nyima Bashu also has his own killer, he does not think that Qin Lang can turn over -

A moment later, Nyima Basu also appeared in the hands of a relic, although the quality is far less than the colorful lotus relics in the hands of Qin Lang, but after all, it is also a genuine relic, and this relic falls in the hands of Nyima Bashu, played out Power is naturally stronger than Qin Lang. In an instant, Nyima Bashu’s spiritual strength once again prevailed, and Qin Lang’s spiritual strength was once again suppressed and he could only retreat.

"The kid is a kid. Even if you have all kinds of means, you can't escape the control of Laozi!" Nyima Bashu sneered, continued to use the resilience to extract strong spiritual strength, ready to completely suppress Qin Lang, and then seize the colorful lotus in the hands of Qin Lang Relic.

The situation of Qin Lang is more and more optimistic. Although the thoughts of the dark reincarnation of the heavens are very clever, the realm and strength of Qin Lang itself is far from the Nyima Bashu. This gap can not be compensated by virtue of the clever practice. . What's more, now Nima Baba has a relic in his hand. Although the color is quite different, he can provide Nyima Bashu with spiritual strength and let him have enough strength to suppress Qin Lang.

Qin Lang’s spiritual world began to shrink, which is his ability to resist the suppression of Nyima Bashu’s mental power.

In the end, Qin Lang’s spiritual strength retreats. In his spiritual world, there is a small courtyard with a few acres. The courtyard is surrounded by verdant bamboo. The bamboo is erratic, and the whole courtyard is very quiet, but it is also very fragile. .

Compared with the spiritual strength of Nyima Bashu, the small courtyard is indeed too fragile. It seems that Nyima Bashu’s Golden Buddha only needs a slap to press it, and it is easy to give this courtyard to Rolled into pieces. In fact, Nyima Bashu has already done this. In his view, Qin Lang’s spiritual power has become a courtyard. It’s just a mystery, but what kind of character is Nima Baba, of course, it’s impossible to be fooled by Qin Lang. past.

The palm of the Baizhang Golden Buddha was pressed down, just like the peak of Mount Tai. In an instant, the bamboo around the small courtyard immediately swayed like a mad wind, and the entire courtyard was slamming. It seemed that it could not withstand the crushing of the palm of the golden Buddha, and it could collapse completely at any time.

"Kids, even if you support hard, you can't escape!" Nyima's arrogant voice spit out from the eagle's mouth of the Golden Buddha, and it looked very mad and strong. It seems that in the eyes of his Nima Baba, Qin Lang is already a dead person.

Qin Lang did not make any noise, but constantly extracted the spiritual power from the colorful lotus relics, and supported the strong pressure from Nyima Bashu. Even though Qin Lang’s spiritual world is faltering and on the verge of collapse, he is still stubbornly supported.

Nyima Bashu continued to exert pressure, and the entire Baizhang Golden Buddha has already descended on the top of the small courtyard. It seems that he is preparing to completely suppress the small courtyard where Qin Lang’s spiritual power is condensed.

Compared to Nyima Bashu's Baizhang Golden Buddha, Qin Lang's small courtyard is indeed too fragile.

Nyima Basu smirked smugly and began the final crushing of this small courtyard. He seemed to have seen Qin Lang pleading for mercy, volunteering to give him the exercises and treasures, and then watching the girl humiliated by him. Scene...

The small courtyard finally began to collapse!

The bamboo outside the courtyard began to disappear, and the bamboo fence of the entire courtyard began to collapse...

Nyima Basu has already seen the dawn of victory, using all the spiritual power to give this small courtyard a final blow.

At this time, the change suddenly occurred!

In this small courtyard that seems to have completely collapsed, suddenly there was a dark rushing out, forming a huge dark vortex. This dark vortex showed a strong devour, even then Nima Baba The Baizhang Golden Body swallowed it!

"Not good!" Nyimaba was shocked. At this time, he realized that this small courtyard of Qin Lang was also a trap he had carefully arranged. When Nyima Bashu thought that he had broken this small courtyard, it was Qin Langtu. When you are poor.

At the same time, the colorful lotus relics in the hands of Qin Lang are flourishing, and the thoughts of the dark reincarnation of the heavens show its true horror side: the devour of the law, the heavens are all in the dark!

Nyima Basa fell into the dark vortex, and the Baizhang Jin body quickly disintegrated, because this dark vortex not only had powerful devouring power, but also carried the power of reincarnation and degeneration, which made Nyima Bashu fall into a trap. The six reincarnations, like the burning of the most horrible red lotus in the hell, the boundless darkness, the boundless pain, let the spiritual world of Nyima Bashu immediately collapse.

"Kid, you can't think about it!" Nyimaba screamed and shattered the relic in his hand, condensing all his mental strength and trying to make a final counterattack.

"Since you want to die, I will fulfill you!" Qin Lang sneered, and also crushed the colorful lotus relic in his hand.

Since it is necessary to fight hard, Qin Lang will no longer keep his hands, even if this colorful lotus relic is precious, in order to completely defeat Nyima Bashu, Qin Lang will not hesitate to completely trigger the power of this colorful lotus relic.

"All the law, the darkness - the silence!"

In the spiritual world of Qin Lang, the sound of the end of the world like the judgment of fate sounded, and then his Baizhang Jin was deprived of Guanghua, and then collapsed...

"No! This is impossible!" Nyima's voice was full of despair and deep despair.

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