Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 916: Shadow force

Since entering the Wuxuan level, Qin Lang has been climbing for a steadily, and he has gradually put no guns and ammunition in his eyes. But today Qin Lang has once again seen the power of modern weapons. These seven people detonated bombs, almost the entire hill. They were all blown up, and the land temple on the top of the mountain was not even a piece of tile.

Because of this explosion, Qin Lang directly lost two virgin slaves, which is a huge loss. Moreover, this is still causing such a huge loss in the case of pre-arrangement and predominance. Thinking of this, Qin Lang's heart is very uncomfortable, and he also realized that he should underestimate the power of this group of people.

This group of people has powerful bombs, and they are not afraid of death. This makes it possible for Qin Lang to infer that the troops without their numbers must be terrible. It is even more difficult to deal with the amnesty of this unit.

Now, Qin Lang has begun to believe in the true meaning of the water mirror. Maybe he has already experienced this catastrophe. If today is not prepared in advance, if it is not good luck, I am afraid that Qin Lang’s loss will be even greater. Even today, he may not be able to retreat.

Although these people have been solved today, things are definitely not finished, because the eight people will definitely pass the news to their masters, and soon Qin Lang will face more trouble.

Originally, according to Qin Lang’s plan, he should get some useful clues from these eight populations, and then figure out the true identity of the opponent, and then find a solution, but with the eight people smashed, Qin Lang’s plan also bankrupted.

Fortunately, there are still dozens of kilometers from the downtown area of ​​Anrong. Although the explosion is very powerful, but it has not caused civilian casualties, Wu Wenxiang can find an excuse to fool the past. In order to take care of the overall situation, Qin Lang reminded Wu Wenxiang, lest This guy has no preparations and is caught by the handle. As long as he reminds me, Wu Wenxiang will definitely find a solution.

After leaving Xiaolongshan, Qin Lang felt that his mood was somewhat unstable, and he always felt that something bad happened. The death of these eight people did not make Qin Lang feel relaxed, but it was even more uneasy.

Therefore, on the way back to Anrong City, Qin Lang called Wu Minghou. This time, Qin Lang used the dragon snake army's own mobile phone.

"Qin Lang, are you in trouble?" Wu Minghou seems to have known something.

"Yes." Qin Lang said, "Several people have troubled me and I have solved it. As far as I know, they are from a force without a number."

"Hmm? Shadow troops?" Wu Minghou naturally knows the existence of this unit and reminds Qin Lang. "That is really troublesome. I may as well tell you that this kind of troops is very difficult to deal with, because in the eyes of many people, it is a The troops that do not exist do not appear in the public's vision, and there is never! The only meaning of this unit exists is to serve the high-level and suppress all threats! For example, super-powerful warriors and abilities, to deal with These people must use extraordinary means. This shadow force is dedicated to doing this kind of thing."

"But, isn't this kind of thing doing six doors?" Qin Lang said.

"Six doors? Have you ever thought about what to do if the six doors are betrayed? As a superior, there are many factors to consider. The existence of the six doors is very special, and it is destined not to be fully trusted at the highest level. The national strength, the highest level will naturally create a force that is completely obeyed by them. And this unit can not see the light." Wu Minghou experienced a lot of things, so he knows a lot of things.

After Wu Minghou’s reminder, Qin Lang also felt that Wu Minghou’s words were very reasonable. Indeed, although the six doors have been working for the country, the six doors may have their own way of doing things, not necessarily completely obeying the upper level, and the top level likes to play balance, so it is sure to cultivate a team that can fully compete with the six fans. The troops of the door. This is a unit that combines martial arts and technology, and it is destined to be amazing.

"So strong strength to deal with me alone, isn't this anti-aircraft guns to fight mosquitoes?" Qin Lang said, "Is this big man acting style, is it too unconventional?"

"Yes, you are just a mosquito. There is no need to use a force to deal with you at the highest level. So, I infer that you should offend a big man at the top, so this big man uses his energy to deal with you. Really want to use the entire shadow force, this is not a decision that a big man can make." Wu Minghou analyzed. His analysis made Qin Lang understand a lot of things and had a certain understanding of the current crisis. Subsequently, Wu Minghou gave Qin Lang a way to let Qin Lang hide into the Dragon Snakes, so even if it is a shadow force, there is no way to move Qin Lang, unless these people really want to offend Wu Minghou and offend the entire Dragon Snake.

For Wu Minghou's suggestion, Qin Lang can only express gratitude, but there is no way to accept it, because he can't stay in the Dragon Snake Force. Qin Lang is a poison sect, and he can't be a soldier for a lifetime.

"Qin Lang, you should consider it carefully." Wu Minghou said, "You must not underestimate the people of the shadow force. Although you offended people may only use the power of a small part of the shadow force, but it is not something you can resist. You probably don't understand that these big men's acting styles are mild and even weak, but for the internal provocation, they have always been treated with iron fists! Although you have some details, I am afraid you can't stop it!"

"Then I have to try. If I really can't stop it, I will hide it directly into the Dragon Snake Troop." Qin Lang laughed.

"Okay. Then I don't say much. The young people are so aggressive. Just like me, I only want to be willing and hateful, haha!" Wu Minghou rang a few times before he hanged up.

Things are more difficult than imagined. Qin Lang didn't expect to get a few pieces of Lingshi to make such a big trouble. The real person does not know where it is sacred, and can actually use the "shadow troops." Although Qin Lang still does not understand the origin of this unit, but it can make Wu Minghou "severe", it must be quite powerful.

Now, the identity of Qin Lang has been revealed, and it is a matter of time for the people of the shadow force to find him. Unless he hides in the Dragon Snake Troop, he can also retreat to the rivers and lakes along with the old poison.

Now, Qin Lang can't help but sigh that "the rivers and lakes are sinister, the rivers and lakes are unpredictable". He did not think that he would one day be chased by the world, but Qin Lang thought that it would happen after the identity of his poisonous ancestor was exposed. I thought that the identity of the poison sect was not exposed. Because he broke a feng shui array and got a little Lingshi, he inexplicably offended a top-level big man. As a result, he was about to be chased by the world.

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