Juvenile Medical God

Chapter 92: At the same table



"Fuck! It hurts me..."


On the first night of the special training held by Yuanping Insurance Company, there was a scream of screams in the guest house.

After a day of devil-style training, these students have already been all over the body, and even have to fall apart, but did not expect to suffer "second degree" torture at night, because the company carefully prepared the bath wood for the students. Inside the barrel, even the capsicum water is still a bath water that people can't eat. The students who went in for a bath have a painful sorrow.

But after a while, the snoring stopped suddenly.

Because the person who had just taken a bath suddenly found out that after the pain, the whole body could not tell the comfort, the feeling of exhaustion and soreness that was tortured during the day basically disappeared, and even the wound on the body was not so painful.

Driven by curiosity, another group of people also plunged into the barrels, and the result was another burst of swearing. Then, the snoring disappeared, but instead it was amazed.

Then, oh, then marvel...

Until midnight, the snoring and the exclamation disappeared, and it was replaced by a snoring sound.

At this time, several coaches living in the single room on the top floor of the guest house could not help but be curious. Today’s training is intended to give these new students a chance to let them know that the half-month special training is not so easy to pass, so they I believe that these students will definitely be a sleepless night tonight, because their bodies will feel pain when they get out of bed. However, what surprised the coaches was that the students who stayed after they had been crying for an hour or two actually fell asleep.

"Don't it, because today's drills are not enough - no, tomorrow's training intensity has to be increased!" At this point, the ideas of several coaches were surprisingly tacit.


The grave that never fails, is still brightly lit at the moment.

Qin Lang looked at the time is not early, so he got up and sent Tao Ruoxiang back to the dormitory.

Since the last rainy night, the distance between Qin Lang and Tao Ruoxiang has returned to its former state. If you leave, Qin Lang seems to be able to see a little hope, but at the same time he can feel this hope very embarrassing.

However, there is no rain tonight, but the moonlight is clean.

"Tao, thank you for making up the class for you." Out of the library, Qin Lang said as he walked.

"Why are you so polite? Who told me to be your pottery?" Tao Ruoxiang smiled slightly, and her smile was like a blooming lily in the moonlight.

"Just, let Tao Tao stay with me every day and night, I really can't go." Qin Lang said, "Insufficient sleep is the biggest killer of women's looks, I really can't bear it."

"If you can't bear the heart, you can quickly raise your grades. The monthly exam will arrive soon. You have to cheer!"

"Do not worry, you are arrogant to teach your ears, and it is difficult for me to improve my grades. Of course, there is no way to compare with the "Little Fighter Learning Machine" like Luo Bin."

"Little bully learning machine... Oh, you can't compare with others Luobin!" Tao Ruoxiang couldn't help it, then she seemed to think of something. "That... Qin Lang, how did you know Luobin?" ”

"Mr. Tao, I always thought that you are not a gossip girl."

"I am curious." Tao Ruoxiang explained, "In my impression, Luo Bin does not seem to regard boys as friends at all. Of course, she also has few girls and friends. You... really know the kindergarten? ”

"Really." Qin Lang said seriously. "Lobin does not regard other boys as friends. It must be that she does not think that other boys are qualified to be her friends. Of course, I only have this qualification."

"Pull it down, you don't put gold on your face. As I see it, Lobin is just thinking about your classmates as a child, so I am a little better for you. Otherwise, it depends on your achievements, people. I am afraid that even the right eye will not marry you."

"Tao, you have to fight against your own students." Qin Lang said, "My personality is not reflected in the results. Even if the results are a mess, it still exudes male charm."

"I don't think so."

"If you really don't think so, would you talk to me? Look at me differently?" Qin Lang will have Tao Ruoxiang an army.

"Kid, you will be smug, who will look at you differently. Right, when it comes to Luobin, she has told you that she has changed something recently."

"Change? What changes?" Qin Lang asked doubtfully.

"Forget it, this is what she is, maybe she hasn't thought about telling you when." Then, Tao Ruoxiang opened the subject.

The next morning, early self-study Qin Lang was a sleep.

In the first class, according to the previous practice, Qin Lang also played a small nephew, but today Qin Lang did not, because the first class, Luo Bin became his desk.

However, it is only limited to the same table.

Luobin was very serious when she was in class, but she was not listening to the teacher seriously, but was carefully studying according to her own plan. For a super-spirited student like her, the teacher is just blindfolded and never interferes with her learning rhythm. Because many teachers also know that for such a top student, she is not taught by the teacher, she is purely self-learned.

Because Luobin was too serious in class, Qin Lang was also embarrassed to create opportunities to talk to her and make a difference.

However, this scene seems to have met.

Qin Lang remembers that in the kindergarten, Luobin was very serious in class, but because of this, Luo Bin, who was often praised by the teacher, became a nail for many young students. Some boys often find opportunities to bully Lobin, such as quietly. A prank to pull her hair, hide her toys, and so on. However, since the two boys who have taken the lead have been smashed by "Little King Kong", there are fewer boys who dare to bully Lobin.

At that time, Luobin was at the same table with Qin Lang every day until the day they were dismantled.

To be honest, although Lobin is definitely a big beauty, sitting next to her, Qin Lang is really a little evil, which is completely different from Qin Lang and Tao Ruoxiang. When staying with Tao Ruoxiang, Qin Lang is basically full of "evil thoughts."

Next, the second class, the third class, and the fourth class, Lobin have become the same table of Qin Lang.

However, in addition to class study, Luo Bin did not say anything, did nothing, it is no different from her usual class.

The only difference is that she used to sit in the front row in class, but now she is sitting in the back row with Qin Lang.

Until the fourth class was about to go to class, Lobin tore off a note paper and wrote a note to Qin Lang.

When Qin Lang opened the note, he was filled with joy:

"At noon canteen, eat together."

Is this a date?

Don't be too happy!

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