Finally, a huge statue of Guanyin hundreds of meters high with a thousand giant arms stood in the Valley of the Gods.


Suddenly, the huge chakra condensed on top of the wooden retreat swung in all directions like a substance, causing the island of Kamiya to tremble slightly.

As for Lore, he was like a god, standing above the heads of the real thousands of hands, overlooking the Rox · D. Gibbek, Golden Lion Stoney, Gore D. Roger, Pluto Reilly, Sengoku, Kapu and others!


The whole island of Kamiya is a dead silence!!

No way

No one thought of that

After being surrounded by several top combat forces on the sea,

The Sea Ancestor – Luo Lei was not afraid at all, but instead performed a ninjutsu that had never been performed before


In mid-air, the huge wooden statue that suddenly appeared, hundreds of meters high, towering between heaven and earth, had already incarnated as the three CP0 chief in a circle

Together with Locks, who had been evacuated far away, D. Gibbek, Golden Lion Stoney, Edward Newgate, Silver Axe, John, Wang Zhi, Gore D. Roger, Silbaz Reilly, Sbark? Jabba, Steel Bone Hollow, Sengoku, Kapu, Zefa and other well-known powerful people all brushed into sluggishness.

“What… What’s going on? ”

“This… What kind of ninjutsu is this, and how can it feel more terrifying than that move that creates a blossoming forest in an instant? ”

“Is this kind of volume, ninjutsu so terrible?”

“So big, so many arms, what kind of monster is this Lore?”


The next moment, even the well-informed Locks D. Gibbek, Gore M. After D. Roger, Sengoku and the others eased up, they all involuntarily issued an uproar.

“Lord Luo Lei has performed a new ninjutsu again.”

“It feels… Feel so powerful. ”

“Worthy of being the god of the ninja world!!”


The edge of Kamiya Island,

Young Kaido and Charlotte Lingling looked at each other, and they could see the look of horror in each other’s eyes

As Luo Lei’s younger brother, the two of them also know a little bit about Lord Luo Lei’s ninjutsu, but… This huge Kannon statue ninjutsu in front of them was the first time the two of them had seen it.

So spectacular and shocking…

“I knew it would have been time for me to learn ninjutsu with Lord Lore.”

Kaido seemed to think of something, and a glint of chagrin flashed on his rough cheeks

“Who says it’s not?”

Charlotte Lingling also had some regrets about the response and said


Kaido and Charlotte Lingling actually want to join the famous Locks Pirates

Can…… By chance, the two met Luo Lei, who was performing the birth of the Tree Realm, and the admiration in his heart was out of control, so after several twists and turns, he became the ancestor of the sea – Luo Lei’s subordinate.

At the same time,

Just when everyone had some shock,

Without any warning, the huge statue of Guanyin standing there suddenly moved, and three of its huge arms twisted sharply, as if they were doing some warm-up exercises.

“No kidding, right?”

“If this thing can move, doesn’t that mean that a thousand giant arms can move?”

Seeing this scene, Rox Locks, who had just stabilized, D. Gibbek, Gore M. The cold sweat on the foreheads of D. Roger, Sengoku and others slipped from their cheeks, and there was a vague sense of foreboding in their hearts.

“Not good!!”

In mid-air, the three CPOs in the form of cats, dire wolves, and blade-toothed tigers began to tremble violently, and even couldn’t help but step on the moon and step backwards.

They are not fools and fools

One arm of this thousand-handed Guanyin statue can squeeze their animalized body, and it is wise to withdraw it for a while.

“Want to go?”

Luo Lei stood on the head of Zhen Qian’s hands, the corners of his mouth slightly cocked, and said calmly: “Since they are all coming, don’t go any further, let’s take the three of you first!” ”

Swish!! Swish!!!

The voice has not fallen

The three giant arms that were writhing violently opened their palms and squeezed at the three animalized CP0 chiefs at a speed that could not be concealed.



Extreme danger!!!

Suddenly, the three CPOs who entered the form of fear cats, dire wolves, and blade-toothed tigers suddenly sweated and haired, and it was too late to retreat, and they could only move their minds, and their whole bodies were covered with armed color domineering, and then in the form of animals, they exhibited Lan Foot.

Laugh at! Laugh at!!!

Three tens of meters long white vacuum slashing waves roared out, cutting through the air and slamming into the three huge wooden palms.

Thundered!! Thundered!!!

Three deafening roars rang out, erupting into terrifying energy shock waves, and as the targets of the attack, the three huge wooden palms trembled in the air, and a faint crack appeared on it.

But…… That’s all, as the Immortal Chakra spread, the cracks in the three huge wooden palms were repaired.

“Not broken? How can this be…? ”

“Is the defense of the wood so strong?”

“Not good, it’s too late to back off!!”


The three CP0s looked at each other, their eyes glared out, revealing expressions of extreme disbelief.

Just kidding

Their sight and smell of color domineering had long been perceived, and there was no armed color domineering attachment on those three huge wooden palms, in other words, the three huge wooden palms, just by virtue of their own toughness, were already strong to such a point.

So, huh

In such a situation,

The total length of the three CP0s who had no time to retreat,

I could only watch as my animalized body was grabbed by the wooden palm that came from the sky like a raging sun.

From a distance, the total length of the three CPOs entering the form of the cat, the dire wolf, and the blade-toothed tiger is like three chickens, and the three giant arms of the real thousands of hands are squeezed, and the scene is extremely shocking.

“The three of you are really too strong to be sanctioned.”

After grabbing the three CP0 chiefs, Luo Lei, who was standing on the head of Zhen Qian’s hand, said something very serious.



(PS: kneeling for tips, collections, flowers and evaluations, cute, kneeling and begging for all the readers of the big guys.) )

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