“That’s right…”

Charlotte Lingling’s eyes blinked and added, “Once Lord Loree wins, then our status will also rise, and it will be easy to surpass Locks and Roger.” ”

“When the time comes, we can do whatever we want, and like Lord Luo Lei, become an unscrupulous ancestor of the sea.”

When it comes to this,

Charlotte Lingling’s heart was clearly some impulse

“Hahaha, Lord Lorelei won’t let us down.”

Kaido smiled violently and looked expectantly at the center of Kamiya Island

The total length of the three CP0s is dead, but… The high-end combat power of the Locks Pirate Regiment, the high-end combat power of the Roger Pirate Regiment, and the high-end combat strength of the Navy have not yet started?

The real battle has only just begun….

And so it is

After seeing the total length of the three CP0s being pinched alive

Locks Lee, who was still in the hands of victory, D. Gibbek, Golden Lion Stoney, Edward Newgate, Silver Axe, John, Wang Zhi, Gore D. Roger, Silbaz Reilly, Sbark? Jaba, Steel Bone Void, Sengoku, Kapu, Zefa and others suddenly became extremely dignified.


How is there something wrong with the situation?

The four top forces of their alliance have banded together to kill Luo Lei, hoping to catch a turtle in an urn on the island of Kamiya

As a result, instead of being afraid, Luo Lei also released a big move with his backhand, pinching the total length of the three CP0s, invisibly giving them a feeling of changing from hunter to prey at once.

This makes some eggs hurt….

“Captain Locks, is there something wrong with the situation?”


“This Rolle’s hole card is stronger than expected!!”

Faced with a giant statue of Guanyin like a behemoth, Golden Lion Squirming, Edward Newgate, Silver Axe, John frowned, strangling Loree was more tricky than they thought.

“Don’t worry, ”

Locks S. D. Gibbeck took a cigar from his arms and said coldly: “The total length of those three CP0s is like an idiot, wanting to grab the limelight, rushing to attack, dead or dead, don’t take it to heart, compared with the high-end combat strength of the Navy Headquarters, the total length of CP0 is like garbage.” ”

“Hmmm… Locks, pay attention to what you say. ”

Listening to this sentence, Steel Bone Void couldn’t help but rebuke a sentence, “The total length of CP0 was also killed in order to strangle Luo Lei!” ”

“Marshal Empty, Lao Tzu is speechless when he speaks, can you beat me if you don’t accept it?”

Locks S. D. Gibek did not give the steel bone any face, took a sip of the lit cigar, and said in a deep voice: “If it were not for the situation, our Locks Pirate Regiment would not have been able to cooperate with your navy.” ”

“Do we in the Navy want to cooperate with you evil pirates?”

Not to say that it was okay, as soon as he said that the steel bone void had not yet reacted, Zefa couldn’t help but shout out in anger, “You sea thieves, burn and loot without evil, just like Luo Lei, you should be damned!” ”

“Since we do nothing evil, how can you, as a righteous navy, be humble and cooperate with us?” Locks S. D. Gibek didn’t even look at Zefa, spat out a few mouthfuls of white smoke, and spoke slowly.


Zefa opened his mouth, trying to say something, but he could only squeeze his fist in disbelief.

In fact, the navy, which takes “upholding justice” as its mission, does not want to cooperate with pirates, but… In the face of the orders of the World Government Five Old Stars and Draco, they had to obey and respectfully obey the orders.

“If you can’t speak, shut us up.” When Golden Lion Shi Ji saw this, he said playfully, “If it weren’t for the Five Old Stars taking the initiative to ask us, do you think we would cooperate with your navy?” ”


Silver Axe laughed and said untamedly, “The Navy is a bunch of garbage.” ”

“What do you say?”

“Dare to slander our navy?”

Zefa and Sengoku couldn’t bear it at once, even a wisp of anger flashed across the cheeks of Steel Bone Void and Kapu.

What about the clay man and the three points of fire? Not to mention them as the strongest combat force in the Navy? Cooperate with pirates, have touched the bottom limit, and now they are insulted by pirates in person, which is intolerable!!

“I said the Navy is garbage…”

“Others will be afraid of your navy, but we in the Locks Pirates will not be afraid.”

“Do you dare to do something against the will of the world government and the Draco?” Don’t you dare!! ”


Golden Lion Stoney, Edward Newgate, Silver Axe, John unafraid to show a provocative look at Zefa and others, quite a taste of what you can do to us, we have eaten your taste.

“Can’t stand it anymore!”

The next moment, Zefa twisted his body and roared angrily, “You pirates deserve justice.” ”

“Marshal Empty, restrain your men.”

Looking at Zepha, who was a little out of control, Gore D. Roger shook his head in displeasure and couldn’t help but say, “Now is not the time for infighting, our first priority is to cooperate to destroy Lore.” ”

“Zefa, enough is enough!!”

Steel Bone Sky took a deep breath, suppressed the unhappiness in his heart, and rebuked, “The Navy must obey orders as its duty, since the world government and the Draco people have given orders, even if the object of cooperation is a pirate, what is the harm.” ”

“Marshal of the Void…”

Zefa shouted angrily, and turned his eyes to Sengoku and Kapu.

As long as they can stand up for the justice and dignity of the Navy

Then there is still a chance.


Zefa was obviously over-worried

Sengoku had calmed down from the state of just being agitated, and there was no sorrow or joy on his face, and he did not seem to see the defiant colors on the faces of Golden Lion Schip, Edward Newgate, Silver Axe, and John.

Karp is even more outrageous

I don’t know where I found a bag of fairy shells, and I was eating it by myself.

“I see,”

Zefa was not a fool, he laughed bitterly, clenched his fists, lowered his head, gritted his teeth, and said, “Marshal Kong, I will obey the orders and cooperate well with the pirates.” ”

“Very good…”

Gang Bonekong nodded with great satisfaction, and did not want to say anything more.

He’s not fake, but… He is also a politician who wants to climb up, of course, he must focus on the overall situation, no matter what the situation, he must unconditionally listen to the world government and the Draco.

When I think about it,

Steel Bone Empty also looked at the Warring States with great satisfaction

Such a mentality, and a high degree of loyalty to the world government, is the best candidate for a field marshal, and he is not mistaken.

“Alas!! You’d better restrain your men.”


It was at this time that

After taking a bite of the fairy shell, Kapu sighed and looked at Locks with sharp eyes. D. Gibbek and Gore D. Roger, threateningly, “Otherwise, I will do nothing in the next life, and I will focus on you to fight.” ”



(PS: kneeling for tips, collections, flowers and evaluations, cute, kneeling and begging for all the readers of the big guys.) )

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