Three days later,

The five five-year-old stars who were already ready

Finally received the Locks · The news of D. Gibbek’s death moved as fast as possible, dropping one news after another of their optimization into the sea!!

In 1486, Rox D. Gibbeck fell in the Valley of the Gods! 》

Shock!! The Locks Pirates have collapsed! The members fall apart and form their own pirate groups…”

In order to protect Dracos and the people, Vice Admiral Kapu of the Navy fended off the attack of the Rox Pirates on the island of Kamiya. 》

The latest information from the world government! The title of Hero of the Crown Navy will be given. 》


When one message after another,

Dropped into the sea at lightning speed



The originally calm sea directly set off a monstrous wave, and it could not be calmed down at all

Countless pirates and civilians, looking at the contents of the newspaper, almost all took a breath of cold air, and their cheeks flashed with disbelief.

No way

No one thought of that

The famous Rox Pirates on the sea actually broke up, and together with Rox · D. Gibbek was killed


Extremely shocking!!!

For a time, the prestige of the naval hero – Kapu was famous and shook the whole sea, and even the prestige of the navy and the world government reached a peak, and the pirates on the invisible suppression of the sea were breathless.

As for the authenticity of the message,

After Edward Newgate announced the formation of the Whitebeard Pirates, the Golden Lion Sckey announced the formation of the Flying Pirates, and John formed the John Pirates, everyone basically believed it.


There are also some people who are shocked in addition to that

Still silently expecting the unscrupulous ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, to stand up and do things and punch the world government and navy in the face;

Pity…… Let countless people down,

From start to finish,

The sea ancestor – Luo Lei seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, and did not appear at all

It wasn’t until Kaido announced the formation of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment and Charlotte Lingling announced the formation of the BIGMOM Pirate Regiment, that some people with a little bit of brain revealed that the sea ancestor – Luo Lei may be less fierce.

And in the dark,

The world government, which has ruled the world for more than seven hundred years, has also begun to show its sharp fangs and secretly acted

All the information and related records about the god of ninjas in Wanokuni, the ancestor of the sea – Rore are very powerful, and the major powers, navies, and CP organizations are also acting in secret.

A year….

Three years….

Five years….


As time goes by,

In the end, under the strong obliteration of the world government, a series of records and information about Lore disappeared, but the history of the pirates left a blank year in addition to a blank hundred years.




Soon it was 1500 years in the sea calendar;

This year,

A lot of things happened at the sea

For example: Gore D. Roger turned himself in and entrusted his wife and children to Vice Admiral Munch Munch. D. Karp; Golden Lion Sciskey breaks into the Navy Headquarters, and fights alone against the Admiral Buddha of the Sengoku and Vice Admiral Munch Munch. D. Karp, after the defeat, was imprisoned in the Grand Prison of Imper.

Roger was executed in the town of Rogue, Donghae, where he was born

Thus began the era of the Sea Thief.

Moonlight Moria, Shah Klockdal, Joracol Mihawk, Shanks, Bucky, Don Quixote Doflamingo, Munch D. Long and others witnessed the scene at the scene of the execution.

And in the sea where the island of Kamiya was once located,


With a violent breath fluctuation,

The sky that was originally clear gradually became darker, and the dark clouds began to intertwine to make up for it, and you could faintly see the continuous flickering of thunder in the dark clouds.

And in the thunder,

A blue-blue dragon with an arc of thunder was hovering there

No doubt

This is the pirate known as the “strongest creature” – “Hundred Beasts Kaido”.

“Boss Lore, here I am again.”

The Hundred Beasts Kaido looked down at the sea with a sluggish gaze, and muttered with a sigh, “Now I have not only made a name for myself in the new world, but also included the country of peace.” ”

“But… I couldn’t be happier. ”

When the murmur arrives,

A rare hint of sadness appeared on the face of the rugged dragon of the Hundred Beasts Kaido.

Over the years, he knew what the world government was doing in secret, but… In the face of a powerful world government, it can do nothing but work hard to cultivate and do its best to enhance its own strength.

Now he has made his mark in the New World….

“Lord Lore, rest assured, now that the Age of Sea Thieves has been opened by Roger, one day I will become the Emperor of the Sea, inherit the will to do whatever you want, and completely destroy the world government.” As if thinking of something, a wisp of determination flashed in the eyes of the Hundred Beasts Kaido.

Nothing good to say

Although the world government can erase the existence of Lord Lore,

But…… Lord Luo Lei’s will can never be erased, and he will inherit Lord Luo Lei’s will and strive to become the ancestor of the sea.



It was at this time that

Seems to perceive something,

The dragon-like beast Kaido showed a puzzled expression.

“Could it be?”


The next instant,

Almost without much hesitation

The Hundred Beasts Kaido retreated from the Green Dragon State and slammed into the sea, setting off huge waves tens of meters high.

Half an hour later, the Hundred Beasts Kaido flew out from the depths of the seabed, suspended in mid-air, and looked at the wooden man in his hand who was almost exactly the same as Lord Luo Lei, revealing a look of shock and uncertainty.

He had just felt a hint of familiarity

After diving into the depths of the seabed, he found this wooden man who was exactly the same as Lord Luo Lei in a deep crack in the seabed.

“Is Lord Mofirore hinting at me with something?”

Look at the wooden man in your hand

Hundred Beast Kaido frowned, revealing a puzzled expression.

The sea where the Island of Kamiya is located, he has been here many times, why did he only perceive this wooden man this time, it is really incredible.

“If you don’t care about him, when you return to the Ghost Island, you will offer Lord Luo Lei.” The next moment, Hundred Beasts Kaido grinned and picked up the wooden man and wanted to kiss it excitedly.


At the moment when Kaido wanted to kiss,

A series of voices resounded in his head.

“Kaido, when you find this wooden man, it proves that you already have a certain degree of self-preservation.”

“To tell you a secret, in fact, I am not dead, as long as you collect a hundred demon fruits and let this wooden man absorb the energy of the demon fruits, I can awaken from the state of the wooden man and re-enter the whole sea.”



Listening to the words in his mind, Hundred Beast Kaido couldn’t help but widen his eyes, looking at the wooden man in his hand like a ghost, he wanted to throw it away.

What’s the situation?

Lord Luo Lei is not dead yet?

Still need a hundred Demon Fruits to awaken from the state of the Wooden Man?

Couldn’t someone be lying to him?

However, at the thought of Lord Lore’s strange and unpredictable abilities, Hundred Beasts Kaido still revealed a flickering glint of light.

Fight, the bicycle becomes a motorcycle, he still plans to gamble, but Lord Lore, has now become a taboo of the world government, a little leakage of news, the consequences are unimaginable;

Therefore, if you want to resurrect Lord Luo Lei, you can only do it in secret, and no one can tell him.

“Since that’s the case…”

As soon as the Hundred Beasts Kaido’s mind moved, he turned into a green dragon and disappeared into this sea.



(PS: kneeling for tips, collections, flowers and evaluations, cute, kneeling and begging for all the readers of the big guys.) )

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