New World,

New Naval Headquarters – G1 Branch of the Navy;

Topmost floor,

within the Office of the Admiral;

Red Dog took the telephone bug and said in a deep voice, “I ask you, where are you now?” ”


The end of the phone bug,

The green bull, which was flying through a flower growing from its back, replied, “I’m in the air, Mr. Sakarsky?” ”

“Where is the air?”

The red dog accentuated the tone a little.


The Green Bull laughed loudly and no longer concealed, “Actually, I have arrived in the Kingdom of Peace.” ”


Red Dog’s face suddenly became gloomy, and he said coldly, “Go to the country of peace and never do unnecessary things, if you can clean up the mess, clean up the mess, if you can’t, you can withdraw, understand?” ”

“The news has come from the world government, and CP0 has also sent people to the country of peace, so pay attention to it.”

“It’s really wordy, I know.”

The green cow showed a disapproving expression and hung up the phone worm neatly.

Purr… Purr…

Listen to the hung up phone bugs

The red dog put down the phone bug, and his face became gloomy

This green bull actually sneaked away to the country of peace, didn’t he know that even if he went to the country of peace now, he might be slapped twice? Is it true that the Straw Hat Pirates are vegetarians?

When I think about it,

The red dog couldn’t help but clench his fists

One of the former Four Emperors, Kaido and Charlotte Lingling, became the stepping stones of Straw Hat Luffy, and now the pressure has come to the side of the navy, I only hope that the Green Bull can grasp the measure in the country of peace!

Then there was a big problem with the World Council, the revolutionary army under Saab’s leadership repelled the two generals, successfully rescued the tyrant bear, and the king of the kingdom of Alabastan died and Princess Vivi disappeared.


The red dog couldn’t help rubbing his head

During this time, all kinds of things came out and made him a little powerless.



A crisp knock on the door sounded

Only to see the head of the Naval Crime Bureau-Dark Horse walk in with a puzzled look

“What’s the matter?”

Seeing the comer, Red Dog adjusted his mentality and said, “Has the investigation of the World Conference progressed?” ”

“There’s been some progress.”

The black horse casually found a chair to sit down and said pointedly, “Things are very complicated, involving the five old stars and some deep things.” According to the meaning of the world government, Saab, who announced that it was a revolutionary army, would assassinate Kobra and would also announce Vivi’s disappearance. ”

Speaking of which,

Dark Horse added, “The world government also asked us to do our best to listen to the calls of the revolutionary army, and once we found the traces of Saab, we would not be spared.” ”

“It is said that this time the five old stars will personally shoot.”


Heard in relation to the Five Old Stars,

Red Inuyasha’s brow furrowed and he opened his mouth, trying to say something, but he didn’t say anything.

Since the dark horses have said this, it means that the world government has unified its caliber, and the navy has no other choice but to obey.

“One more thing.”

Dark Horse took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, “According to the latest intelligence gathered, before the Hundred Beasts Kaido was thrown into the underground magma, he once released a cruel word to resurrect the legendary Sea Ancestor – Luo Lei.” ”

“The embers of one of the three plagues have already rushed to the West Sea, and the specific resurrection has not yet been clarified…”



A sound of smashing the table sounded

I saw the red dog stand up from his seat in horror, his cheeks flashing with disbelief

Of course, he also knew about the Luo Lei, who had been erased from everything, especially after sitting in the position of marshal, and he knew a little about some of the things that happened on the island of Kamiya.

Now, this dog day’s hundred beasts Kaido also want to resurrect the sea ancestor – Lore, is this not intended to add chaos to the sea, to the navy and the world government eye drops??

“What does the world government say?”

I don’t know how long it took

The red dog asked in a hurried tone.

“The world government simply did not take this statement to heart, thinking that it was just the incompetent rage of Kaido before his death.” The black horse groaned for a moment before continuing, “The Five Old Stars also said that Luo Lei could not be resurrected.” ”

“Then don’t worry, an ember like a lost dog can’t turn over any waves.”

Hearing this, the Red Dog shook his head and said, “Let the tea dolphin go to the West Sea to capture the embers back, now our navy will focus on the country of peace and the revolutionary army, I have a premonition, this time the revolutionary army must have found something in Mary Joy, the world government will be so urgent, and let us listen to the call of the revolutionary army.” ”

“Got it!!”

The black horse nodded, got up and hurried away.

“Eventful autumn?”

“The sea will not be calm again…”

After the black horse left, the red dog shook his head somewhat helplessly

He knew very well that the world government must have secretly hidden from the Navy, and what did Saab of the Revolutionary Army see in Mary Joya that would provoke such a big fire from the Five Old Stars?


At the same time,

The location of the Cross Trade Union, one of the Four Kings of the New World;

“Boss Bucky has become the fourth emperor, so isn’t it natural for me to become the emperor’s deputy?” Looking at the latest newspaper in his hand, Mr.3-Galdino’s eyes widened, perhaps too excited, and his body began to tremble with joy.

Lie down to win,

Really lying to win,

He didn’t expect to become an imperial deputy for no reason

Doesn’t that mean that when you meet Sha Klockdahl again, he can call Xiao Sha?

As for the record?

He-Mr.3 is not bad either?

The small garden almost destroyed the current Four Emperors – Straw Hat Pirate Regiment;

When advancing the city, he also restrained Magellan with a strong fruit ability; The war on the top killed the Xingtai and became the first friendly army to approach Ace.

These achievements have been shown, isn’t it easy to be a royal deputy?

“No, I have to go and tell Boss Bucky.”

The next moment, Mr.3-Galdino suppressed his excitement, trembling hands, and walked toward the middle room, where he wanted to share his inner joy and joy with Boss Bucky.

Three minutes later


With a violent opening of the door, Mr.3-Gardino didn’t even knock on the door and pushed Bucky’s room open

Nothing good to say

He is now the royal deputy of the Cross Guild, is he a little domineering? Moreover, he had already thought about it, waiting to see Xiao Sha, and told him that in the future, the rules would be a little bit, and I would cover you.


After pushing the concierge door,

Mr.3 – Galdino saw a stunned scene

Only to see one of the four emperors, Bucky the boss, is being Xiao Sha, no… It was Lord Klockdahl who grabbed his hair, and it seemed that he had been beaten a lot, and on the other hand, Hawkeye pulled out his black knife Night, as if to send Bucky Boss on his last journey.



(PS: kneeling for tips, collections, flowers and evaluations, cute, kneeling and begging for all the readers of the big guys.) )

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