West Sea,

C-2 Naval Branch;

As the largest naval base in the West Sea

In the name of absolute justice, he works in the West Sea.


In general,

The naval branch is divided into the Four Seas Branch and the Great Shipping Route Branch

Among them, the highest rank of the Four Seas Branch is Daisa, and the Ōsaku of the Navy Headquarters and the Daisaku of the Four Seas Branch are three classes behind in strength; The Great Shipping Route Branch is a branch directly under the Navy Headquarters, with the highest rank of lieutenant general, and the rank system is not downgraded to the same level as the Navy Headquarters.

At this time,

At C-2 Naval Branch Base,

a huge square in the front area;

Dozens of Navy soldiers in uniform are standing here with their heads held high

At the front of the line, there stood a Venal Shaozo wearing a righteous dagger and embroidered epaulettes on his shoulders.

“It stands to reason that the Tea Dolphin will be here.”

Looking up at the endless sea, Venal Shaozo frowned and muttered, “It won’t be any problem that will delay the arrival of the base!” ”

All right!

After the Vice Admiral and Substitute General of the Navy Headquarters, Tea Dolphin, led the Navy into the Western Sea

According to the news from the Navy Headquarters, Lieutenant General Tea Dolphin will be resupplying and resting at the C-2 naval branch base at noon today.


It’s not yet noon,

Shōzo Vernal gathered the naval soldiers of the base and planned to give Vice Admiral Tea Dolphin a good welcome.

After all

Regarded by the Navy and pirates as a fish pond

Usually, don’t say lieutenant general, even the major general can’t see it, and now it is hard to wait for a high-powered lieutenant general and substitute general, and Vernal Shaozo must also perform well.

In case you get into the eye of the lieutenant general of the tea dolphin

So it was not easy for him to transfer to the Navy Headquarters?

But now it was good, it was already afternoon, and the naval fleet led by Vice Admiral Tea Dolphin had no news or sign of coming.

“Vernal Shozo, the phone bug still can’t be contacted.”

At this time, a naval adjutant came over and whispered, “There seems to be no contact with the naval headquarters, and the fleet of Vice Admiral Tea Dolphin seems to have disappeared after entering the West Sea.” ”

“What, gone?”

Fernal Junior showed an unbelievable expression and blurted out: “Impossible, with the strength of Vice Admiral Tea Dolphin, plus three top naval ships, hunting down an ember like a lost dog, isn’t it easy?” ”

“If we can’t get in touch today, what the Navy Headquarters means is that let’s launch the Navy in the West Sea tomorrow to look for it.” The adjutant added softly.

“Got it…”

Vernal waved his hand somewhat impatiently

He did not believe that the tea dolphin would have a problem in the fish pond in the West Sea, and perhaps was at war with the embers, resulting in no contact.

In the distance,

The endless sea level still does not have the shadow of any naval warships

Five minutes….

Thirty minutes….

Five hours….

As time passed,

The atmosphere of the entire C-2 naval branch gradually began to become solemn, and many naval soldiers showed doubts and blank expressions, and they had not yet waited for the three top naval ships from the naval headquarters

Will the Tea Dolphin really come?

“Won’t it really go wrong?”

At this time, the calm and calm that Venal Shozo had not given him, and his heart began to become restless, and for more than five hours, they still had not contacted Vice Admiral Tea Dolphin, and there was no news from the Navy Headquarters.

“Wait, there’s a big bird in the sky?”


It was at this time that

A naval soldier with a telescope let out an exclamation sound.


Listen to this sentence

Fernal Shaozo showed a stunned expression, picked up the telescope in his hand, and looked at it without hesitation.

As a result,

Don’t look and don’t know, a look is a big shock;

Where is the big bird, isn’t it the first of the “three major disasters”, nicknamed “Fire Disaster” – the toothless pterosaur incarnated by the embers?


Vernal Shaozo’s expression changed from shock to horror and shock

What a situation

The tea dolphin will not wait,

Actually put the first of the “three major disasters”, nicknamed “Burning Disaster” – embers and so on

Where did the tea dolphin go,

It won’t be…

Fernal Shaozo did not dare to think about it, and unconsciously a wisp of cold sweat had appeared on his forehead, only to feel a tingling in his scalp, and a feeling of impending disaster appeared in his heart.

“No, this seems to be the “plague” of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment – embers!! And as the distance got closer and clearer, one of the naval soldiers also reacted, and exclaimed in panic.

“The sea thief – the ember is coming?”


The voice has not fallen

The entire C-2 naval branch boiled over at once

Almost every Navy soldier’s cheeks were filled with a look of horror and disbelief

Are you kidding?

Isn’t the lieutenant general of the Navy Headquarters chasing the embers? How did the ember run into their C-2 naval branch?

With their strength,

Isn’t the face of the sea thief – the embers a one-sided crushing?

“Hahahahaha, are you waiting for the Vice Admiral of the Admiral of the Naval Headquarters?” Soon, when Ember arrived at the C-2 Navy Branch, there was a triumphant smile on his face under the mask, and the audience laughed loudly.


The entire C-2 Navy branch was silent!!

No one dared to speak

Even Vernal Shozo was standing there stiffly

This was the first time they had faced a sea thief with a reward of up to 1.39 billion bery, and the invisible sense of oppression that belonged to the sea thief made them dare not act rashly at all, nor could they raise any war will.

“Not interesting!!”

Seeing that no navy dared to speak, not even the atmosphere dared to breathe;

Ember waved his wings a little boredly, and did not bother to do anything about these stinky fish and rotten shrimp, so he casually threw down a pocket behind his back and smashed it the C-2 Navy Branch

“Your waiting person is dead, please tell the Navy Headquarters, the real battle has just begun.”


A cracking sound sounded

With a wave of his wings, he disappeared over the C-2 naval branch.


Looking at the back of the ember leaving, Funar Shaozo was relieved, and then carefully walked to the front of the pocket, he did not believe that the tea dolphin would die? This ember is a good thing to say.

Now run,

Must have been afraid that the tea dolphin lieutenant general would catch up….


Must be so?

Vernal Shaozo secretly pumped himself up and reached out and opened his pocket.


The next instant,

See what’s in your pocket,

Vernal’s eyes widened, and he immediately sat down on the ground in fright, with only one thought in his mind, that is, the navy was going to riot.



(PS: kneeling for tips, collecting, flowers and evaluations, cute, tears kneeling and begging… Kneel down and beg the big readers. )

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