At the same time,

At the edge of the country of peace,

I saw a flower growing behind the Aramaki of one of the three admirals of the Navy, suspended in mid-air with his hands on his chest, looking out at a large area of forest in Wano Kuni.

This time when he came to the country of peace, in addition to wanting to deal with Straw Hat Luffy, he just wanted to see, is the legendary ninja god – Luo Lei’s wooden retreat really that magical?

That’s right

After entering the Navy,

He also saw some dusty information

In particular, he also had some curiosity about the legendary ninja god – Lore’s wooden escape.

After all

He didn’t think his Sensen fruit was weaker than Kirito

As we all know

The forest is the source of life that can stand side by side with the “sea”


He who ate the fruit of Sensen is “nature” itself.

It’s not just about making all kinds of different plants and controlling the growth of plants at will, turning them into the form you want

You can also turn your body into plants, including flowers that allow you to fly, and vines that rob others of nutrients and water.

As a result,

After entering the country of peace,

Through the power of Sensen fruit, the control and perception of those towering trees that have grown for decades

He discovered the astonishing fact that the towering trees were not only vibrant, but also seemed to have remnants of chakra unique to ninjas.

Ponder the horror

That’s a little scary

The god of ninjas – Lorei has been dead for more than forty years

The trees that were randomly created in the country of peace can still have energy remnants now, so how huge should the chakra ability in the body be?

Anyway, Aramaki thinks he can’t do it….

There is also the fact that with a clap of his hands, he can make the country of peace covered with towering trees, and this kind of terrible afforestation ability, he can’t do it even more.

“Is Mu Sui really more powerful than Sensen Fruit?”

Aramaki shook his head somewhat helplessly and muttered, “That’s not necessarily true.” ”

To be honest, he really wanted to be in the same era as Luo Lei, so that he could compare Mu Sui and Sensen Fruit and distinguish between one and the other.

“At the Battle of Kamiya, Locks was killed by Cap and Roger in tandem, but… How did this Loree die? The next moment, Aramaki showed a puzzled expression again, it is reasonable to say that with Luo Lei’s life force, he will not be easily killed, right?


In fact, Aramaki also privately asked Kapu, who participated in the Battle of Kamiya, Sengoku, Steel Bone Empty

But…… Every time, the three old guys smiled bitterly and yawned and stopped talking, which made Aramaki’s heart feel as bad as a cat’s claw.


What Aramaki didn’t know was that

Originally, the thirteen top combat forces of the sea went to besiege Luo Lei

But it was suppressed by Luo Lei, so these disgraceful and humiliating things, not only the light Kapu, the Warring States, the steel bone air will not say, even the dead Roger, Whitebeard, John and others have never mentioned.

Plus the secret weapons involved in the world government

It’s even more impossible to say.

This also leads to people who know a little bit about the blank year of history, and they all know that the ancestors of the sea are very powerful, do things unscrupulously, and do whatever they want; But I don’t know how he was killed and disappeared.

“Purr, Purr…


Just when Aramaki was still feeling it, the phone worm on his body rang.


Aramaki picked up the phone bug and said, “Who?” What’s the matter? ”

“Arama, are you still in the Land of Peace?” On the other end of the telephone worm, there was a suppressed and grumpy command voice from the red dog, “If you are still in the country of peace, please evacuate me immediately.” ”

“Mr. Sakarsky!”

Hearing that there was something wrong with Red Inu’s tone, Aramaki frowned and said, “The red-haired pirate group has also arrived in the sea where the country of Wano is located, and for the sake of safety, I have already evacuated.” ”

“Well, that’s good…”

At the end of the telephone bug, the red dog involuntarily breathed a sigh of relief, “Leave the red-haired pirate regiment alone, you hurry back to the naval headquarters.” ”

“What happened?” Aramaki said subconsciously.

“Jia Ji died in the West Sea.”

At the end of the telephone worm, the red dog was silent for a moment before he said heavily, “Because I don’t know if it was killed by the embers, the news was suppressed by the naval headquarters.” ”


“The tea dolphin is dead?”

“The ember of that Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment is a lost dog, how can it be possible to kill the tea dolphin?”


The voice has not fallen

Aramaki was so surprised that he almost threw the phone worm out of his hand

Am I mistaken?

A lieutenant general and substitute general of the Admiral Headquarters

Actually died in the West Sea, I don’t know who killed it, is there any mistake?

Needless to say,

There must be something wrong with this.

“I’ve already asked people to go to the West Sea to check!” On the other end of the telephone bug, the red dog took a deep breath before he said coldly, “Once it is clear, our navy will act quickly.” ”

“Got it…”

Sensing the seriousness of the matter, Aramaki nodded and said, “I’ll rush back to the Navy Headquarters immediately.” ”

Purr, Purr…

The words are not finished

At the end of the phone worm, the sound of the hanging up phone worm was heard.

“Eventful autumn?”

Aramaki put away the phone bug, revealing a helpless expression, he… Finally knowing why Sakarsky was angry in the first place, a lieutenant general and substitute general of the naval headquarters died in the West Sea, and once it spread, the whole sea would shake.

Just this time,

The new Four Emperors are in full swing

In addition, Yandi Saab, who made a big splash during the World Conference, also shocked the entire sea.


Once the news of the death of the tea dolphin came out

It will deal a very serious blow to the prestige and momentum of the navy and even the world government, affecting the morale of countless naval soldiers.


At the same time,

No wind belt on a desert island,

“Lord Luo Lei’s resurrection is finally confident.”

The cheeks under the ember mask flashed with excitement, especially at the thought of the vice admiral of the naval headquarters who had been killed by himself, the tea dolphin, and he couldn’t help but laugh secretly.

This tea dolphin is completely self-inflicted, that is, I don’t know how the Navy will react when it learns that the tea dolphin is dead?

And not far away,

Luo Lei slowly looked at the newspaper in his hand, and a smile appeared on his cheek

Through these few days,

He finally made clear the basic situation of the sea

Coupled with the oral account of the embers, what happened to the sea more than forty years after his “death” was almost understood.


It’s pretty much the same as in the original

Just one more blank year of history

And some legends about the god of ninjas, the ancestors of the sea, known only to people with high-end combat power or status

“Worthy of being the world government…”

Luo Lei threw away the newspaper in his hand and chuckled, “Embers, get ready, let’s go to Marin Fando.” ”


Listen to this sentence

The embers, who were still there smirking, couldn’t help but exclaim.

Going to Marin Fando? What is this for? Didn’t Lord Roley know that the Navy had moved its headquarters to the former G1 section of the Navy in the New World?

“If I am not mistaken, the news of the death of the tea dolphin was suppressed,” he said

A cold glint flashed in Luo Lei’s playful eyes, “The world government erased everything about me, then I will take it back, so I plan to give the navy another big gift before going to the new world to destroy Malin Fando.” ”

“Anyway, this resurrection only follows three principles, that is, Lao Tzu can do whatever he wants (the crescent moon soars into the sky), Lao Tzu can do whatever he wants (the crescent moon soars into the sky), or Lao Tzu can do whatever he wants (the crescent moon soars into the sky)!”



(PS: kneeling for tips, collecting, flowers and evaluations, cute, tears kneeling and begging… Kneel down and beg the big readers. )

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