As a result,

Do not perceive do not know,

There was a look of nervousness and disbelief in the eyes of the Sengoku Sengoku.

How can it be?

In addition to the scourge – embers,

Why is there that person’s breath?

Sengoku looked frozen at once, even though more than forty years had passed

Can…… For the breath of the Sea Ancestor – Luo Lei, he would never forget, had penetrated deep into the bone marrow and carved into the soul, so now with a little perception, he could be sure.

That must be the breath of the Sea Ancestor – Lore…

“No… When pigs fly? ”

“I witnessed Lorelei being killed by the World Government’s annihilation moves, how could I possibly be resurrected?”

“Could it be… Could it be that the tea dolphin was killed by Luo Lei?”


The next moment, Sengoku’s body trembled a little, and he stood up on the desk with one hand, and some of the old people’s cheeks showed a rare expression of panic, and a wisp of thoughts kept flashing in their minds.


In his heart,

Suddenly there was a bad conjecture

That’s the plague of fire, embers

It was really in the West Sea that Luo Lei was resurrected, and this was the killing of the tea dolphin.

Only in this way can we explain the cause and effect of everything….

“Wait a minute…”

After a few seconds, Sengoku seemed to think of something, and roared, “In addition to the embers, is there a man wearing a black tight combat suit with a red stacked armor on the outside?” ”


“Yes, yes.”

The rear admiral of the navy was also startled by the somewhat abnormal state of the warring states, nodded, and said thoughtfully: “That person we have never seen, nor has there been a reward, it should be a nobody, not enough to hang his teeth.” ”

“It’s over…”


Listen to this sentence

Sengoku only felt his head go black and collapsed in his chair.

Really resurrected,

Although it is not known what method Ember used,

Can…… This is the case, and now it is still coming to Marin Fando.

“Not good!!”

Seems to be aware of the seriousness of the matter

Sengoku looked panicked, almost without any hesitation, and his body left his office in a flash.


Only the confused-looking rear admiral remained

Because, even now, he hadn’t reacted yet, and he couldn’t figure out why the Warring States Daimufu showed a frightened expression, and there were really some people who couldn’t understand…

At the same time,

Directly in front of the fortress of Marin Fando,

Swish! Swish!!

Two cracking noises rang out

The bodies of Luo Lei and Ember were suspended in mid-air one after the other.

“This is the Navy’s Malin Fanta.”

The ember hovered behind Luo Lei, stirred his wings, looked at the huge fortress in front of him, and sighed inexplicably: “Even if it is no longer the naval headquarters, I can feel an invisible sense of suffocation and oppression.” ”

As one of the three plagues,

Ember is not unseen in the world

But…… In the face of the super fortress of the navy such as Malin Fando, there is still a sense of awe and fear.

After all

This is the former Naval Headquarters

There were also super-events like the War on the Top, which affected the entire sea.

“Is it really nostalgic?”

Luo Lei took a look at the magnificent naval fortress, stretched his loins, and said lightly: “I actually destroyed Malin Fando, but I didn’t expect that after so many years, the navy has repaired it again, and it has been repaired higher, bigger, and more powerful!” ”

“Is it?”

The corners of the ember twitched slightly, and suddenly he didn’t feel anything

People are more popular than dead

Marin Fando is full of fear for any pirate

Even the current Four Emperors will not come here easily, but… For Lord Rollley, it is like going home, not only is there no sense of fear, but there is even some nostalgia.

“Stop, what do you want to do?”

“Embers, do you still dare to come to Marin Fando?”

“Speed is tight, otherwise don’t blame us for being polite.”


At this time, the navies above the fortress also found Luo Lei and Embers suspended in mid-air, and all aimed their fire bolts and countless black and dark cannons at Luo Lei and Embers.

Quite a kind,

If you dare to take another step, you will shoot you down.


Luo Lei glanced indifferently at the naval headquarters, and his body flew forward tens of meters in a flash.

“Attack! Attack!! Knock him down from heaven…”

See this scene

A navy lieutenant seemed to be impatient and said loudly

“Wait a minute…”

The words have not yet spoken

Then came the urgent voice of the Warring States


It’s too late

The young man’s words had just fallen

Hundreds of naval soldiers on the fort brushed the trigger in unison

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Accompanied by a burst of empty sounds

Countless bullets, like a fierce wind and rain, flew towards Luo Lei, trying to beat him into a sieve.

Clang! Clang!!

What could fool the countless naval soldiers in the fortress was that when these bullets hit Luo Lei’s body, it was like hitting some steel, making a metal collision sound, and all fell from the air to the ground.

“Warring States, you saw it, but you did it first?”

As soon as Luo Lei’s eyes turned, he looked at the warring states that were hurrying to the scene, and his eyes flashed with a crimson glow, and he said indifferently: “Now I have to fight back.” ”

“Wait a minute…”

“If you have something to say, don’t do it.”

Listen to this sentence

The Warring States that had just arrived did not have time to think so much, and they shouted in panic


Luo Lei put his hands on his chest and nodded, “That… This time I won’t clap. ”


Sengoku breathed a sigh of relief

As long as Luo Lei doesn’t clap his hands and perform ninjutsu, then everything is easy to say.


Only happy for less than a few seconds

The Warring States saw a scene that they would never forget


Only to see a cracking sound sounded

Luo Lei’s eyes shot out a fiery crimson gaze

With lightning speed, it came down from top to bottom and bombarded the fortress of Malin Fando.

Laugh at! Laugh at!!

The next instant,

Accompanied by a series of burning sounds


Under the stunned gaze of countless people

The incomparably strong naval fortress, like paper paste, was cut in half by the hot line of sight from top to bottom

Maybe it’s too powerful

Even the towns behind Marin Fando were separated, completely divided in two.



(PS: kneeling for tips, collecting, flowers and evaluations, cute, tears kneeling and begging… Kneel down and beg the big readers. )

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