For a second,

The two secret weapons of the Navy, the Blazing Angel, became parts and were scattered in the square of Marin Fando.

Simple, direct, violent

This is the most intuitive feeling of many navies, seemingly powerful blazing angels, as if they are two toys, being arbitrarily pinched and exploded, and there is no egg at all.

For a time,

The whole of Marin Fando fell into a moment of sluggishness

The naval soldiers, who had been retreating in panic, saw the appearance of the Navy’s secret weapon, the Blazing Angel, and there was a glimmer of hope in their eyes, and even the pace of retreat slowed down.


They finally knew what Sengoku Daimefu wanted to do

It turned out to be to hide the eyes and ears of the people and calculate Luo Lei, hoping to let the blazing angel attack.

As a result,

Reality gave them a slap

That Roley first dismantled a blazing angel with his bare hands, and then smashed a blazing angel with his body?

The secret weapon of the co-operative navy is so vulnerable.


“Something is wrong, speed up the evacuation.”


The next moment,

Aware that there was something wrong with the situation, the Navy

After slowing down, he didn’t dare to hesitate at all, and began to evacuate in a panic.


“Didn’t use the armed color domineering spirit and the overlord color domineering spirit, and directly hit the blazing angel with his body?”

The Warring States that entered the form of the giant Buddha looked at the countless parts and fragments that fell on the ground, a trace of cold sweat overflowed from his forehead, and looked at Luo Lei’s gaze suspended in mid-air, revealing a bit of shock and incredulity.

What’s the situation?

What the hell is going on with Lorre now?

Lorelei was strong, he knew it, he knew it more than forty years ago

Can…… At that time, Luo Lei, relying on the wooden escape under the blessing of the three-color domineering, played his own era, and the top powerful people who suppressed the contemporaries were breathless.


He had thought of many possibilities

Just did not think that Luo Leimu is useless, armed color domineering, overlord color domineering is useless, just rely on speed and strength, dismantle a blazing angel with bare hands, and then crash into a blazing angel?

What is this?

When did Lore’s speed, strength, and physical fitness all become so perverted

That’s right

There is also defense, which is also very perverted.

Be aware

The attack power and defense power of the Blazing Angel Sengoku itself is known

Can…… The result?

Just like that, three times five divided by two is abolished.

Can’t figure it out

The Warring States really has some unthinkable, this Luo Lei seems to be resurrected, but it has become some strangers, the only thing that has not changed, perhaps it is the character of doing whatever you want.

“What, do you still have the heart to wander?”


It was at this time that

Lore’s cold voice rang out

“Not good…”

“It’s too fast to keep up.”

The giant Buddha of the Warring States incarnation seemed to be a conditioned reflex, fiercely blocking the arms covered by the armed color domineering.

In the next instant,

Luo Lei’s fist, covered with armed color domineering, bombarded the giant Buddha’s arms fiercely with the blessing of three times the speed of sound.

All right!

This was done deliberately by Lore

He just wanted to see how much strength he would have with the blessing of speed.


A deafening roar rang out

“What a powerful force?”

Feel the monstrous power coming from your arm

The Warring States looked changed and changed, revealing a look of shock, gritting his teeth, and the incarnated giant Buddha’s golden light flashed for a moment, wanting to resist.

But I found that there were still some cups of water

Maybe it’s too strong

The ground where the Sengoku stood instantly cracked

Immediately after that, the entire huge body was suddenly bombarded to the ground by the living body, and countless cracks like spider webs, centered on the giant Buddha of the Warring States incarnation, filled the entire Malin Fando at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And that powerful aftermath made the sea also set off a terrifying tsunami…


“Just one blow from the Warring States was bombed underground?”

“How can that be?”


A sudden scene,

The naval soldiers who had already evacuated in a panic were frightened and some of them were helpless, cold sweat was constantly coming out of their foreheads, and even worse, their legs were already paralyzed on the ground.

“Who the hell is this?”

A rear admiral of the Navy headquarters ran very quickly, had already withdrawn to the surface of the sea in a warship, saw this scene with a telescope, and could not help but swallow, only to feel that his soul was trembling, and his mind was blank.

Just kidding

As strong as the Sengoku Daimefu, they were all bombarded with one punch into the ground

Can the naval soldiers who have not yet escaped from Malin Fando still escape?

By this time,

They also understood why Sengoku Daimebu wanted to let them escape and evacuate

It turned out to be that the person who came was too strong

Even the Warring States could only bow their proud heads.

At the same time,

“It was ok!!”

Luo Lei saw the Warring States that had been beaten into the ground, nodded with great satisfaction, and immediately did not bother to talk nonsense, and his whole body chakra surged and his hands slammed together.

“Wood Escape Secret Art Tree Realm Birth!!”

Bang! Bang! Bang!!

Along with the constant diffuse of Cha Tonra

Malin Fando began to tremble violently, and then there was as if something was about to emerge from the ground, and the sound of trees rubbing against the earth was constantly heard.


After a few seconds

Under the unbelievable gaze of countless naval soldiers

Countless intertwined towering trees burst out of the ground madly, and in the blink of an eye, they filled the entire Marin Fando.

“What are you kidding?”

“What a terrible ability to have the whole of Malin Fando covered in forests!”

“How is that possible? Isn’t this the ability of the Aragami General? ”


Looking at the countless towering trees, the naval soldiers who had not yet had time to escape from Marin Fando were already desperate, and their hearts were filled with an endless sense of powerlessness, which was really a scene in front of them, which had subverted their inherent cognition.



A scream sounded

Only to see a naval soldier killed alive by a towering tree

And this trance is like a fuse

Countless towering trees began to attack indiscriminately


, “ah…”, “ah…”, “…”

The next instant,

Screams rang out one after another

The whole of Malin Fando seemed to have turned into a purgatory on earth, and the naval soldiers who had not yet had time to escape were crushed one by one by the towering trees before they could react.



(PS: kneeling for tips, collecting, flowers and evaluations, cute, tears kneeling and begging… Kneel down and beg the big readers. )

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