
With the crazy explosion of the Sengoku warring


Once again it was crushed like underground

The aftermath of the powerful force once again poured over Malin Fando, causing the already crumbling island to gradually begin to crumble, once again setting off a series of huge waves.

And in the face of such a horrible picture,

The remaining navies and civilians on the naval warships have fallen into absolute sunken and sluggishness

No one spoke

Because it has fallen into a trembling despair,

As strong as the Navy’s Dinghai God Needle, the former Marshal of the Navy’s – Sengoku Daimefu, after the full force of the outbreak, are not the opponents of this guy who suddenly appeared in front of him?

How terrible is that?

Be aware

This is a famous warring state in the whole sea?

Although old,

Strength has declined

Can…… Identity status in the sea absolutely no one dares to underestimate.

As a result,

Being bombarded into the ground without any ability to fight back, is this gap a little too big?

“It’s over?”

Ember suppressed his inner amazement, as if he had thought of something, and a look of anticipation appeared on his cheeks.

Nothing good to say

Even the mighty ones who were as strong as the Warring States were defeated by the destruction of the decay

Then as long as Lord Luo Lei returns to the Land of Peace, what bullshit Momonosuke, the courtiers of the Mitsuki family, the elephant lord, the straw hat pirate group, the Kidd pirate group, the heart pirate group, all have to give Lao Tzu to eat shit.

Especially that straw hat Luffy?

Also awakened to the Everybody Fruit, Esper Species, Nika Form?

Or wash it clean,

Wait to be blown up by Lord Lore!

Kaido Boss,

If you don’t die, just wait, once Lord Lorelei and I return to the Land of Peace, we will avenge you and rescue you from the underground magma;

If you die, Lord Lorell will resurrect you.

When I think about it,

Ember is full of expectations and confidence in the future, and madly shouts in his heart – Lord Lorell YYDS!!!

“Sengoku, Mr. Sengoku…”

“This… What should I do about this? What to do? ”

At the same time, a rear admiral of the Navy Headquarters, almost directly paralyzed, fell to the deck with his eyes blank, and had no thoughts in his mind, only fear and fear of Lore.

“Wait a minute…”


It was at this time that

A sluggish-looking naval soldier seemed to notice the sound and shouted excitedly: “We have not lost yet, and the Warring States Damu Fu stood up again.” ”

“The veterans do not die, but gradually wither away, and the Warring States have not yet conceded defeat and will continue to fight.”


“The Warring States must defeat the invading pirates and safeguard the justice and dignity of our navy.”


And that’s like a fuse

As a result, the already desperate navy and civilians on the deck were instantly excited and excited, and they all involuntarily emitted one excited sound after another, which gave the warring states a lot of encouragement in the air.

Nothing good to say

As long as Sengoku Daimefu can stand up, then there is no loss!

Veterans don’t die,

Maybe a miracle will be created.

And above the ruins of Marin Fando,

The Warring States that entered the state of the giant Buddha did not know whether they were not afraid of death

Already trembling, he crawled out of the pit and stood up with his head held high

Looking around, it seems to be full of momentum, but in fact, the golden Buddha’s body is full of blood, very miserable, as if the wind can blow down.



The Sengoku who had regained his feet laughed and spat out a few mouthfuls of blood


He lost miserably, very badly

This Luo Lei is even more powerful and perverted than he was more than forty years ago, and he is no longer at the peak;

Now after the resurrection

The first thing is to get revenge on the Navy

The Warring States can imagine the retaliation that the navy will face next.

Can…… But there was nothing he could do but stand up and maintain his last bit of dignity;

You don’t do whatever you want


It will not give in

Even death will not succumb to evil, even if it is, I will stand and die.

“I’m still alive.”

Luo Lei stared at the proud and immortal Warring States, revealed a faint smile, and said, “Worthy of being a former marshal of the Navy, the vitality is still quite tenacious.” ”

“Justice can never be absent!”

Listen to this sentence

Although the body is on the verge of collapse, but… Sengoku, who was transformed into a giant Buddha, reluctantly raised his arm and issued his own cry: “The navy will never give in to evil!” ”

“Lore, you will one day…”


The words are not finished

A cracking sound rang out

The huge Buddha body of the Warring States had already flown out and smashed into the ground hundreds of meters away, perhaps it was seriously damaged, the Warring States recovered its own body, and the blood was lying there.

“You’re talking too much nonsense…”

After a blow flew through the Warring States, Luo Lei waved his fist and said lightly.


The voice has not fallen

Sengoku vomited a mouthful of blood and stood up shaky again.

“Don’t you?”

“Sengoku Daimyō, admit it!!”

“Don’t stand up, that person is a madman and a demon.”

Seeing such a miserable Warring States, the remaining navies and civilians on the naval warships were like breaking a scoop of cold water, their hearts were tight, and even more so, their eyes had been closed.

What veteran doesn’t die?

Sengoku Daimufu was purely being beaten and crushed by a one-sided crush, so that they couldn’t bear to look at it.

“Lore, you…”

Laugh at!!!

A fiery crimson sight pierced the air

Before the Warring States could finish speaking, they flew towards the Warring States with a speed that could not cover their ears


Sengoku’s pupils contracted violently, trying to stimulate the armed color domineering, but found that his body was seriously injured, and it was too late.

Are you going to die?



Ancestors resurrected,

I am afraid that the sea will not set off terrifying waves again


That’s none of my business.


Old man,

I’ll go first.


A roar rang out

The head of the Warring States was exploded by the hot sight, and the red and white things flew wildly and scattered on the ground.

“Why doesn’t Lao Tzu dare to kill you?”

After killing the Warring States, Luo Lei revealed a disdainful smile, this Warring States, like to come to the void, you don’t want to be decent, then Lao Tzu will make you decent.



(PS: kneeling for tips, collecting, flowers and evaluations, cute, tears kneeling and begging… Kneel down and beg the big readers. )

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