The first half of the Great Voyage,

Marin Fando,

After the destruction of Marin Fando and the killing of Sengoku Daimebo

The remnants of the navy and civilians organized and began to protect the battlefield, and some of the navy soldiers began to patrol the surrounding waters, and if they found pirates, they would either be expelled, arrested, or killed.

It’s about the face and dignity of the Navy

Anyway, before the high-end combat power of the Navy Headquarters came

What happened to Marin Fando must not be passed on

This also led to the sea around Malin Fando, where no pirates dared to stay, and some pirates would have liked to see why there was a tsunami and roar in the sea where Marin Fando was located

Can…… In the face of the menacing patrolling navy, he still suppressed his inner curiosity and left.

After all

This is the former Naval Headquarters

Not these little pirates in the first half of the great voyage could provoke.


After a day,

Sakarsky, Kapu, Crane, Arama, and Dark Horse hurried to Malin Fando.

As a result,

I was scared silly by the scene in front of me

In addition to Sakarski’s psychological preparation, Kapu, Crane, Aramaki, and Dark Horse all subconsciously rubbed their eyes, afraid that they had seen it wrong.

What’s the situation?

How did Malin Fando become a forest

All kinds of buildings have become ruins, and when you look around, none of them are intact.


Kapu, the crane, the wild shepherd, the black horse are all stunned and can no longer remain calm

At this time, they finally knew why Marshal Sakarsky was so manic and out of control, and anyone who encountered this situation would not be out of control, right?

It is simply punching the Navy in the face, punching them in the face of these high-end naval combat forces, and stepping on the dignity and glory of the Navy under their feet…


“What the hell is going on?”

“How did Malin Fando become like this?”

“Not good, Sengoku… The breath of the Sengoku seems to …”



The next instant,

Kapu, the crane, the wild shepherd, and the black horse also erupted into extremely terrifying breath fluctuations, obviously stimulated by the encounter of Marin Fando.

Among them, Cap and Crane,

Even more panicked, he sped up his speed and soon reached the place where the Warring States were killed.

It seemed to sense that Kapu and Staff Officer Crane were coming, and the headless corpse of the Warring States, which was still standing on the ground, fell to the ground without any warning.


Kapu looked up at the sky and roared angrily, and his body flashed and hugged the body of the Warring States Blood Linlin, looking extremely sad

He hadn’t thought of it at all

Marin Fando was destroyed, and the Warring States actually died, or they were killed by headshots


Seems too angry,

The hideous-looking Karp simply lost control

A terrifying momentum overwhelmed and swept out of Kapu’s body

Perhaps it was too strong, shattering the clouds in mid-air, making many navies in this area of the sea breathless, and could only stand in the same place with a shocked face, and some of the slightly weaker ones began to roll their eyes and faint.

No doubt

This is the domineering color domineering….

“Why… Why is that? Staff Sergeant Crane also lost his former wisdom, and his body trembled and he took a few steps back, and stood in the same place in such a lost spirit.

Sengoku is dead

How could he possibly die?

Can…… The facts are in front of us, and the crane does not believe and must believe

That former admiral, his good friend, died in Malin Fando….

“Karp, calm down!”

Seeing Kapu gradually losing control, the black horse clenched his fist, took a deep breath, and said, “Now is not the time to grieve, the first task is to identify the murderer, we can take action.” ”

“Yes, now is the time to find the murderer.”

Listen to this sentence

Kapu suddenly woke up from his sadness, hugged the corpse of the Warring States, and said with a murderous intent: “Whoever it is, he will pay a bloody price.” ”

“This… Wouldn’t that be? ”


It was at this time that

But it was the unbelievable voice of the Aramaki that came out

Because, after using the power of the Sensen Fruit, he actually couldn’t control the towering tree that Malin Fando had grown, and there seemed to be a vigorous force repelling the power of the Sensen Fruit.

“Wait a minute…”

“The power contained in these towering trees seems to be exactly the same as the forest of the country of peace.”

“Wouldn’t you!!!”

In the next instant,

As if thinking of something, Aramaki widened his eyes, and a look of uncertainty flashed on his cheeks

If he guessed correctly, it was the power of the legendary Sea Ancestor – Lore, but… Hasn’t he been dead for more than forty years? How could it be alive? He also attacked Malin Fando and killed Sengoku Daimefu.

When I think about it,

Araki frowned and looked at Marshal Sakarsky

“If I’m not mistaken, Lore, who died more than forty years ago, should have been resurrected by embers, I wasn’t sure, but now I’m completely sure.”

Sensing Aramaku’s gaze, the Red Dog took a deep breath after glancing around before he said in a startling tone, “According to the information gathered, that Luo Lei killed the tea dolphin in the West Sea before arriving at Malin Fando.” ”

“What, am there any mistakes?”

“The legendary ancestor of the sea, Lore, has been resurrected?”

The voice has not fallen

Black Horse and Staff Officer Crane let out an exclamation in no particular order

Obviously, they did not expect that the person who attacked Malin Fando this time and killed the Warring States was actually a person who had died for more than forty years, which was simply incredible.

“It’s him, it’s him, the common enemy of the Navy and the pirates, Lore!!”

At this time, Kapu slowly placed the corpse of the Warring States on the ground, and said in a lost spirit: “In fact, the moment I saw these towering trees, I knew who moved the hand, and with the residual breath, it was more certain.” ”

“I just didn’t expect that the man was actually resurrected and had some other means of attack…”

At this point,

Karp showed a rare expression of bitterness and weakness, and sat down on the ground, living for so many years, it was the first time he had encountered such a powerless thing.

He was just angry, lost his mind, and confidently said that he wanted to make Luo Lei’s blood debt pay for it

Can…… After slowing down, he found that he seemed to have some whimsy, at his peak, he couldn’t beat Luo Lei, now that he was old, could he still fight?

More importantly,

Judging from the wounds of the Warring States and the traces of the battlefield, the Warring States seemed to have been blown into the ground by people, and their heads were also exploded by some terrible laser-like thing.

No doubt

That Raleigh was not only resurrected, but also became more perverted….



(PS: kneeling for tips, collecting, flowers and evaluations, cute, tears kneeling and begging… Kneel down and beg the big readers. )

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