“What’s going on?”

West Sea,

C-2 Naval Branch,

Looking at the hanging up phone bug, the yellow ape’s lewd face pulled very long

This Sakarsky only spoke half of his words, even if Malin Fando was destroyed and the Warring States were killed, he would have to tell me about the specific situation?

Now it’s not up and down, what should I do?


After inspecting the carcasses of the tea dolphins, the yellow ape planned to rest in the West Sea for a few days.

Okay now

The rest plan was again in vain, and I had to rush back to the naval headquarters.

“It’s terrible…”


The thought of Marin Fando being destroyed

Sengoku was killed

The yellow ape’s expression still became solemn

Maybe something really big is going on with the Navy

Once true,

The consequences are severe.

Laugh at!!

A flash of yellow light,

The body of the yellow ape disappeared into the C-2 naval branch.


At the same time,

Holy Land Mary Joyce;

The world government is within a mighty and domineering castle

The five old stars either stood or sat, looking ugly at each document in their hands

At this world conference, such a thing actually happened, especially that Yandi Saab actually made trouble, and also saw the real body of Lord Im and some unbelievable things in Pancheng City, which was undoubtedly unbearable for the Five Old Stars.


Saab of Dog Day

They all rarely go to Pangu City

It turned out that he not only went to Pangu City, but also entered the Flower Realm and saw some incredible things on the Void Throne.


To see is to see,

But it annoyed Lord Im, and now Lord Im has let go of the harsh words

That is, as long as Saab is found, he will launch a great move that destroyed the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, and destroy the country where Saab is located.

Revolutionary Army,

It’s all rubbish,

And those countries that collude with the revolutionary army must die!!

When I think about it,

The faces of the five old stars gradually improved

More than forty years have passed, and even now the Five Old Stars are shocked to think of Lord Im’s great move like the annihilation of the world.

As for Lore?

A loser of an era

The only thing that was a little stronger than Roger, perhaps, was that he had attracted the attention of Lord Im, who had killed it himself.

Now, the world government has erased almost all traces and information about Lore’s existence

This is what will happen to anger the world government.


After you finish processing the files in your hand

The bald five old stars said in an indifferent tone, “After blaming the death of Kobra on Saab’s body, Saab has now become a hero of the sea, and his prestige has vaguely surpassed that of the leader of the revolutionary army, the dragon.” ”


The blonde five old stars said disapprovingly, “If you provoke Lord Im, Saba’s death is very tragic.” ”

“Yes, this time Saab is definitely dead.”

The eight characters Hu Wulaoxing said without thinking: “Let the navy monitor the telephone worm of the revolutionary army, once the specific whereabouts of Saab are found, then today next year will be Saab’s sacrifice day.” ”

Purr, Purr…


It was at this time that

The phone bug placed in the middle of the desk suddenly rang

“This is the world government, and I am the five old stars…”

The five-old star with the highest status did not hesitate much, while picking up the telephone worm, he picked up the tea cup and prepared to drink a sip of hot tea.

“Mr. Five Old Stars, I’m Sakarsky.”

The end of the phone bug,

The heavy voice of the red dog was heard.


The fifth-aged star with the highest status took a sip of hot tea and said, “Is there anything wrong?” ”


Since the decision had been made, the red dog did not hide and pinch, and said crisply: “The lieutenant general of the naval headquarters, the tea dolphin, has been killed, the Sengoku Daimoto has also been killed, and the Marin Fando has been destroyed, and the culprit is the ancestor of the sea who has been dead for more than forty years, Luo Lei.” ”


Cough cough… Cough cough……

Listen to this sentence

The five-old star with the highest status suddenly choked on the drink and coughed violently.

What’s the situation?

What did he hear?

Is this red dog here to be funny?

What tea dolphin was killed, Sengoku Daimefu was killed, he could accept it, but… The resurrection of the sea ancestor Luo Lei, who had been dead for more than forty years, could not accept it at once.

Lying can’t be so outrageous, right?

If man could be resurrected, wouldn’t the world government have died so many high-end combat powers, and the king who founded the world government eight hundred years ago?

Still getting a little Lorelei resurrected?

“Mr. Five Old Stars, everything is true, and I will pass on to you the video of Lore’s destruction of Marin Fando in a moment.”

On the other side of the telephone bug, the red dog seemed to have anticipated the reaction of the five old stars, and said in an urgent tone: “Rollley was resurrected more than forty years ago, and has begun to retaliate against our navy, and the world government must be prepared.” ”

“You… You wouldn’t say it’s true, right? ”

Hearing the Red Dog say such a plain and eye-catching, the five-old star with the best status and status took a moment before he said slowly, “Luo Lei, who has been dead for more than forty years, has really been resurrected, and he has also killed the tea dolphin and the Warring States, and destroyed Malin Fando?” ”

“Are you sure you didn’t make a mistake?”


Red Dog added in a serious tone, “Cap has already determined that it is indeed the Sea Ancestor – Lore, if I am not mistaken, it should be the Hundred Beast Kaido who ordered the embers to resurrect Lore by some means…”

“Bring the video over…”

The five-old star with the highest status was already a little confused, and subconsciously gave a command.


The end of the phone bug,

The red dog didn’t want to say anything more, so he hung up the phone worm.



(PS: kneeling for tips, collecting, flowers and evaluations, cute, tears kneeling and begging… Kneel down and beg the big readers. )

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