Chapter Sixty-Three This is the true ancestor, the terrifying true thousands of hands [Yi Geng Tears Kneeling for Subscription].


This sea is full of silence!! At some point, the clouds in the sky have been completely scattered and disappeared, and a ray of warm and bright sunlight shines down from the sky and sprinkles on the huge Guanyin statue that is more than 800 meters high and has a thousand giant arms, with the brilliance emitted by the huge Guanyin statue itself, invisibly making the true thousands of hands like a “shrine” that only exists in the legend, making people palpitate and can’t help but be afraid.

And the sudden scene, but also made the expression of countless people on the scene into a sluggish state, looking around, Blackbeard’s body stiffened, Dauberman’s look was frozen, many of the Blackbeard Pirate Regiment’s pirates and navy were also completely stupid, of course, in fact, not only the enemy, even the embers, Morguns, Han Cook, Grandma and other people, were also shocked by the shock of the heart, the mind soon fell into a blank, no way, in fact, they themselves did not think, Lord Loree will say that the opponent is too strong, It also used this huge Guanyin statue that had suppressed the thirteen top combat powers of the sea such as Locks, Cap, Roger, and Steel Bone Air more than forty years ago.

This is a complete cannon to hit the mosquito, this is a superfluous move…

One second…. Eight seconds….. One minute……

As time passes,





Until the momentum of thousands of hands like substance swept out in all directions, shaking this sea area several times, countless talents at the scene woke up like a dream, followed by countless screams that resounded throughout this piece of the sea.

“Ahhh!! The huge Kannon statue at the Battle of the Valley of the Gods? ”

Along with the fluctuations of the power of the Dark Fruit and the power of the Shock Fruit, Blackbeard’s frightened subconscious entered a state of battle, and his eyes were filled with a look of horror and disbelief.

Nima’s, this sea ancestor person, completely out of common sense ah, a second ago also said that they are too powerful, for this, Blackbeard’s heart still has a sense of recognition, as the four emperors with the natural dark fruit and the superhuman system shock fruit, can get the attention of the sea ancestor, it is still a sense of achievement. The result?

After a second, it is a direct amplification move that does not agree with a word, and the pretense is not so pretty? Where is this recognition, it is simply a hypnotist, this… Let Blackbeard’s heart be as uncomfortable as eating,


“This… Isn’t this the huge legendary statue of Guanyin that was exposed in the newspaper? ”

Catherine Diemi, San Juan Evil Wolf, as a cadre of the Blackbeard Pirates, also stared out in horror, this one thing in front of them, they had only seen in the World News newspaper the other day, it was said that in the Battle of the Valley of the Gods, the thirteen powerful people of that era were suppressed.

Now it’s all right, again… It appeared again, towering before them. I already knew that this was the case, and killing them would not follow the Blackbeard Boss to Hydra Island, now is it okay?

As for the remaining pirates of the Blackbeard Pirate Regiment, after being horrified to the extreme, they all sat on the ground with trembling bodies, breathing in the air in a big mouthful.

At the same moment, on the deck of five of the Navy’s top warships, bells! Clang!!

This was the sound of weapons falling on the deck, and then, after gritting their teeth and insisting for a while, some naval soldiers found that they could not hold on at all, and as soon as their bodies shook, they directly fell to the deck, full of cold sweat, and their cheeks were full of fear and fear.

“The legendary giant statue of Kannon!!”

“This Luo Lei didn’t even think about his subordinates…”

Dauberman’s body trembled, forced to endure the fear in his heart, revealing a tragic smile, this mission, he came with the belief that he would become a benevolent without success, he thought of a female emperor, who could easily grasp it, where would he think of a hidden big boss – the Sea Ancestor.

He kind of understood, all the time, this sea ancestor Luo Lei was playing with them, or saying that they were too strong?

This… This feeling is really too depressed and uncomfortable, could it be that this is the bad taste of the strong? Nine Tails: Am I familiar with this? Already cooked ·

“Great, Lord Loree has shown another hand.”

And in such a depressing moment, to say that the happiest and most excited is undoubtedly the big news Morgons, holding the video camera bug, has stood in a place with an open perspective, and began to shoot thousands of hands in all directions without dead ends.

Because he had a premonition, this time the sea was going to shake violently again, and as for the headline of the newspaper, the first half had already been thought out, and it was called the legend again.

“Lord Luo Lei, you also attach too much importance to your opponent, don’t you?”

Ember suppressed the shock in his heart, looked up at the eight-hundred-meter-high statue of Thousand Hands Guanyin, and murmured, “This is a treatment that even the former marshal of the navy, the Warring States, has not enjoyed, Blackbeard I will collect the corpse for you, but it is a pity that the dark fruit and the shock fruit are a pity.” ”

All right!

After the Warring States were killed, Ember had some speculations, and now when he saw this huge statue of Guanyin, his inner speculation was basically determined.

More than forty years ago, Lord Luo Lei shocked the entire sea, and the monsters of the same generation were breathless, seemingly unscrupulous, but did not kill the killer, which eventually led to the siege of the island of Kamiya.

And after the resurrection of Lord Lore, his heart has become even colder, completely releasing himself, doing whatever he wants, so these guys in front of him are dead, and it is not easy for anyone to come.

“Snake Ji, do you know why I did this?”

On the dock, Grandma Zhao looked up at Zhen Qian’s hands with god-like eyes, carefully swallowed her saliva, and said, “In the face of absolute strength, nothing has any effect, including your proud beauty…”

“Without Lord Lore, Hydra Island might have been erased from the map today.”

At this point, Grandma Gritting her teeth and making a sarcastic voice, “Blackbeard and Dauberman must regret it now, but… It’s too late. ”


Listening to this sentence, the female emperor Han Cook clenched her silver teeth and opened her mouth, wanting to refute it, but she could not open her mouth.

In the past, she would only say that the mourning family was really too beautiful, but just now she dared to say to the Navy and Blackbeard domineeringly, the Navy has eaten me, Blackbeard has also come to join in the fun, then fight, such a domineering word, and… It was all brought by the man.

“Think about it!”

Grandma Yi sighed and sighed: “Such a man, even if you are the world’s number one beauty, may not be worthy of it.” ”


Han Cook stomped his feet in disbelief, and as soon as his eyes turned, he looked at the figure standing on the head of the huge Guanyin statue, which was unattainable, as if he really couldn’t match it??

At the same moment, Luo Lei, who was standing on the head of the True Thousand Hands, sensed the True Thousand Hands, with no expression on the surface, but deep inside he was extremely surprised.

As for the reason, of course, it was because after fusing the template of the peak motherland, the true thousands of hands he cast seemed to be able to burst out into a more terrifying power, and there was also the immortal Cha Tonla in his body, which seemed to be mixed with some of the unique energy of the motherland, becoming more terrifying and strange.

A more obvious change is that true thousands of hands can also open their eyes and shoot out hot sight….

“Sure enough, one plus one doesn’t necessarily equal two, but equals three…”

The next moment, Luo Lei shook his fist, his eyes turned, and he looked down at the Blackbeard Pirate Regiment and Navy directly in front of him, and said loudly: “You are too strong, and you have my approval, so I will fight you with thousands of hands!” ”

“The voice has not fallen.”

Blackbeard, who was already holding back and about to vomit blood, Dauberman really wanted to break his mouth and scold, what, we got your approval? Do we deserve your approval? Not worthy, really not worthy!! And using thousands of hands to play tricks with us, is it really too worthy of us?

“Lore, you are so arrogant and arrogant, do you really want to be killed again by Lord Im of the World Government?”

After taking a deep breath, Dauberman reluctantly calmed down and yelled, “As long as you let us go, today’s events, our navy can act as if nothing happened.” ”

“After all, Lord Im can destroy a country in one move, and you don’t want Hydra Island to suffer such treatment, right?”

At this point, it seems that Im has given courage, and Dauberman has raised his head high.


“Good, good, really good?”

“Tell you the truth, Im is a fart?” If she dares to do something to her, do you think I’ll be done if I don’t do her? [Serious Ha] 92. ”

Luo Lei laughed loudly, a crimson light flashed in his eyes, and said violently: “Lao Tzu can do whatever he wants, and whoever comes to Lao Tzu will kill whom!” Today I will let you see what a true sea ancestor is. ”

“Crown Buddha…”

With a violent sound falling, the Thousand Hands Guanyin Statue, which had been motionless, suddenly moved, and the circle of giant arms like a fan all clenched their fists, and then one hundred of the giant fists were entangled with armed color domineering and overlord color domineering, just like a fierce wind and rain, mercilessly bombarding the five top naval warships.

“Blazing Angel Attack with Full Force!!”

“Withdraw!! Speed retreat…..”

In the instant that Luo Lei’s voice did not fall, Dauberman knew that something was wrong and hurriedly shouted.

He hadn’t even figured out why the Sea Ancestor Luo Lei had already died at the hands of Lord Im once, but he wasn’t afraid of Lord Im, and he said that he would do it with his hands, so he wasn’t afraid of Lord Im to destroy the Nine Snakes Island again?

Swish!! Swish!! Two cracking sounds sounded, and the two blazing angels who received the order did not seem to have any fear or fear, and without hesitation, they launched several attacks at a hundred giant fists, hitting dozens of sword rays and dozens of white lasers.


A series of roars rang out, and the sword and laser collided with a hundred fists, emitting a deafening roar, and then it was destroyed by a devastating blow, followed by an unabated bombardment on the two blazing angels.

Bang Bang Bang…

Two crisp voices sounded, and the blazing angel like two ants, despite having made a defensive posture, was still bombarded and scattered into the sea.

“Totally unstoppable…..”

Seeing this scene, Dauberman’s heart trembled a few times, and his heart was completely desperate, although he had long known that the huge Guanyin statue was very strong, but… The two blazing angels did not resist for even a second, but the last bit of confidence in his heart disappeared.

As for the naval soldiers on the five top naval ships, they were all frightened, and they collapsed on the deck looking at the hundred giant fists that fell from the sky to cover the sky, and they were desperate.

As for retreating, no kidding, it was too late and there were no Navy soldiers to carry out the order.


Until the last moment of death, Dauberman still did not understand why Luo Lei was so violent and manic, doing things seemed completely unreasonable, and did not talk about martial arts, just like a rational madman.

Maybe this is the real sea ancestor?

Marshal Sakarsky, what kind of enemy is our navy facing? I’m sorry.

Living up to your expectations… Rumble!


Rumble! 】! In the next instant, a hundred giant wooden fists poured out with terrifying might, bombarding the top warships of the five navies with a thunderous momentum, emitting an earth-shaking roar that resounded throughout the sea.

Under such a powerful attack, five top naval ships were smashed like toys, and hundreds of naval soldiers, including Dauberman, were killed before they could react, and their bones were gone, perhaps the strength was too strong, and a terrifying tsunami was set off on the sea.


“Blackbeard Boss, save us?”

“It’s terrible, it’s really terrible, we’re dead.”

“Why is this so?”


In the face of such a terrible scene, even the pirates of the Blackbeard Pirate Regiment who had not been directly attacked were shocked and made a panicked sound, and finally, they could only watch as the pirate ship they were riding on was wrapped in a huge tsunami, and they were shattered in an instant, and the pirates of countless Blackbeard Pirate Regiments were swept into the turbulent sea like ashes, and they knew that there was no place to die.

Perhaps the pirates of these Blackbeard Pirates did not expect that the fire at the city gate would affect the pond fish, even if the navy with thousands of hands only attacked, they were also affected by the aftermath.

“Not good…..”

In the face of the terrifying tsunami as if it were going to destroy the heavens and the earth, Han Cook, Grandma Zhao, and others on the dock, including the embers, all showed a shocked expression, because they did not know whether this red transparent light curtain could withstand so many tsunamis, not to mention that even if it resisted, the great Nine Snake Island would definitely be finished and would be destroyed

“Psychic Five-Fold Rashomon!!”

Standing on the head of the real thousands of hands, Luo Lei also took a look, and with a gentle pat of his hands, he performed a defensive ninjutsu, in fact, he did not expect that he had only used a hundred giant wooden fists, and he had exploded with such terrible power, it seemed that the true thousands of hands were much stronger than imagined under the blessing of the motherland’s ability, so after blowing up the navy’s warship, he stopped urgently, but… The aftermath is still so terrible. It can only be said that the armed set of the Great Buddha is too 3UG under the blessing of the ability of the ancestors.

Laugh at! Laugh at!! Suddenly, five giant grimace-faced iron gates hundreds of meters high came out of the sea, like five mountains, blocking the front of Hydra Island, accompanied by a dull collision sound, and then blocked out a tsunami one after another.

Shock!! Extremely shocking!!

The sudden arrival of the five grimace-faced iron gates made the female warriors on Hydra Island breathe a sigh of relief, and also let a stone in the hearts of Han Cook, Grandma Zhao, Embers, Morgoons and others fall to the ground.

Finally, after half an hour, the earth-destroying tsunami gradually subsided.

Looking around, Hydra Island was intact, with thousands of hands standing on sea level, the Navy’s five top warships had disappeared, and the Blackbeard Pirates had also disappeared, leaving only Blackbeard, who was trembling all over the corpse of San Juan Evil Wolf, and the already frightened cadre Catelyn Butterfly.

“There’s one left!!”

At this time, on the head of the real thousands of hands, Luo Lei’s eyes turned to look at Blackbeard, even now, he had not yet figured out, why did Blackbeard want to get the sweet fruit? As soon as he thought of the invincible beautiful girl Blackbeard blinking her eyes and discharging, he couldn’t help but shiver.

[PS: kneeling for tips, collections, flowers and evaluations, cuteness, tears kneeling for tips… Kneel and beg you to read the boss, kneel and beg you to read the boss. 】。

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