Chapter Sixty-Six: The Redhead Wants the Ancestors to Give Him a Face; From Admiral to Four Emperors [One More Kneeling Asking for Subscription].

At the same time, in the second half of the Great Passage, the red-haired pirate group, which was resupplying and resting on a commercial island, was holding a banquet, and many people gathered to eat meat and drink wine to vent their depression and depression from the heart.

From the resurrection of the ancestors of the sea who have been dead for more than forty years, to the hidden boss of the world government – Im to destroy a country in one move, this thing has made many pirates in the red-haired pirate group very stressed and panicked.

Now that you’ve landed on a business island, of course, you have to have fun in time. However, just as the red-haired pirates were having a banquet, a news bird with a package hanging from its neck and the World News Agency’s mark flew over.

“News Bird of the News of the World?”

“Could it be… What big thing happened on the sea? ”

The red-haired Shanks, who had been drinking, frowned, and without any hesitation, he picked up the coin on the table and threw it to the news bird in flight.


The news bird paused slightly, dropped a newspaper, and flew to the next place.

“Wait a minute….. How is this possible? ”

After receiving the newspaper, the red-haired Shanks, who originally just wanted to take a look, had an expression that instantly froze, and his eyes suddenly became sharp, it was really the headline on the newspaper, so that he could not relax at all.

[There is a picture and a truth, the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, is mighty, and one of the four emperors, Blackbeard, is removed!] Looking at this title, and then looking at the picture of the huge Guanyin statue that occupies most of the page, Shanks is stupid? What’s going on here?

Marshall S. Thompson, who possesses the ability of double fruit, How could this guy D. Titch have died, or at the hands of Rollley?

Something was wrong, the redhead Shanks quickly shook his head, took a deep breath, pulled open the newspaper, and carefully read it.


Don’t look don’t know, a look is a big shock….

It turned out that Blackbeard wanted to get the sweet fruit of the female emperor, but he bumped into the muzzle of the gun, met the ancestor Luo Lei, and was simply and neatly crushed, and had to say that the return of the Heavenly Dao Wheel should not be happy.

“Boss, what’s wrong with you, is there something big going on again?”

Seeing the red-haired Shanks’s strange appearance, a red-haired pirate group of pirates inquired with some curiosity.


The red-haired Shanks sighed, threw the newspaper in his hand on the table, and sighed: “Big things have happened again in the sea, and the new world will be turbulent again…”


Hearing this, the pirates of the red-haired pirate group, who were still drinking wine and eating meat, looked at the newspaper one after another, and as a result, they saw the very conspicuous headline.


The atmosphere of the scene has solidified a little!!


“Stupid boss, what’s going on here?”

“Blackbeard was actually killed, this… Is this the Emperor of the Sea on King’s Landing’s great voyage? ”

“What? Blackbeard, who possessed the Shock Fruit, the Dark Fruit, was actually killed? ”

“In the next instant, accompanied by an incredible uproar, the pirates of the red-haired pirate group flocked to the newspaper and began to read the contents of the newspaper carefully.”

As a result, after watching it, the pirates of the red-haired pirate group realized that they were really too young, Marshall D. Titch is not a two-fruit ability, but after becoming an unprecedented three-fruit ability, he was mercilessly killed by the sea ancestor Luo Lei, which is a little scary….

So that the pirates of the red-haired pirate group had a rare sense of joy after seeing Blackbeard killed, and some only had fear and fear of the ancestors and sorrow for Blackbeard’s rabbit death.

“Blackbeard was killed, and I don’t know if it’s good or bad?”

At this time, Beckman, the deputy captain of the red-haired pirate regiment, spat out a few mouthfuls of white smoke and said, “The ancestors of the sea are becoming more and more unscrupulous, killing the navy and pirates, and they are not soft.” ”

“Blackbeard’s death may just be the beginning…”

At this point, it is obvious that Beckman’s tone is extremely heavy.


Red-haired Shanks took a sip of wine from his glass and said, “Blackbeard has no need to kill, it has great use value, but… Luo Lei, the ancestor of the sea, completely disregarded anything, said that he would do it with his hands, and did not worry about the consequences at all. ”

And when he thought that he had said the other day that the resurrection of his ancestors was not a bad thing, the redhead felt that his face was swollen.

“By the way, hasn’t Luffy been in touch yet?”

The next moment, the redhead Shanks frowned and glanced at Beckman.


Beckman took a cigarette and said, “It seems to be lost, if I am not mistaken, the Straw Hat Pirates have long left the country of peace, and now it should be the head of the future island.” ”

“Have you entered the territory of Bergapunk?”

The red-haired Shanks thought for a moment, a glint of essence flashed in his eyes, and said in a deep voice: “The country of peace, Luffy definitely can’t go back, I decided to go to the country of peace again.” ”

“The red-haired boss…”

“The current country of peace is too dangerous!”

“The sea ancestor Luo Lei is definitely on his way to the country of peace, and if he goes back, maybe….”


Hearing that they were going to the Land of Peace, the pirates of the red-haired pirate group all raised their heads and showed a hesitant expression.

If Blackbeard hadn’t died before they had some self-confidence, they would… Blackbeard’s death dealt them a heavy mental blow, which made the pirates of the red-haired pirates a little afraid.

“Hahaha, there are some things that have to be done.”

Sensing everyone’s fear, the red-haired Shanks laughed loudly and said proudly, “One of the three admirals of the Navy, the Wild Pastora, has been scared away by my overlord color domineering, and I think the ancestor Luo Lei will give me a face.” ”

“After all, I am the most domineering man among the Four Emperors.”

Before the words could be heard, the breath on the redhead Shanks’s body suddenly changed, and he instantly became the emperor of King’s Landing, looking at everything! The emperor is fearless and unstoppable…….


In the face of the red-haired boss who had already made up his mind, the pirates of the red-haired pirate group opened their mouths to refute something, but in the end they did not say anything.

Can the Green Bull be compared to the ancestors?

The green cow can give you a face, but the ancestors will not necessarily give you a face? And then there’s the red-haired boss, don’t you mean everyone has their own way to go? How did it change again?

Or do you want to participate in the muddy waters of the country of peace?

But… They are also very aware of the character of the red-haired boss, and they have made up their minds that no one can change it, so they can’t say anything to dissuade them.

“Rest assured, I’m just going to the country of peace and divert some of the people who are important to Luffy.”

Feeling that the atmosphere was a little heavy, the red-haired Shanks raised an eyebrow, smiled and said, “I don’t have to fight with the ancestors.” ”

Before the voice could be heard, just as the redhead was still trying to say something, the phone bug rang. Purr… Purr:

“Redhead, things are a little more serious, this Luo Lei is more violent and terrible than more than forty years ago, and he is more and more ruthless in doing things.”

“Han Cook has been conquered by Lore, and now he is on his ship, by the way, Roley seems to have a great hostility towards Luffy, and asked me to tell Luffy how far he can hide, and once he touches it, he will Luffy once.”

Soon, after the redhead answered the phone bug, Reilly’s urgent voice came from the other side.

“I had already guessed some through the newspaper, and I didn’t expect things to be so serious.”

The red-haired Shanks smiled helplessly for a moment, “Even Luffy has been remembered by him, it seems that he already knows something.” ”

“I also think he should have known something about Joy Poey’s Missin.”

At the end of the phone worm, Reilly should have said a word,

“After the exposure of the ultimate boss of the world government, Im, she may also be waiting for the opportunity.”

“The sea is completely chaotic, and I can’t see the road ahead, so I can only take one step and look at one step.”

Redhead Shanks shook his head, took the initiative to change the subject, and quipped: “I read the newspaper that you were slapped by Lore?” How’s it going? ”

“What else can I do?”

The head of the telephone worm, Reilly, said angrily: “This Luo Lei’s hand is really cruel, there is no intention of sparing his subordinates, and it is impossible to recover in half a year.” ”

“All right!”

The red-haired Shanks nodded before casually saying, “I may be going to the Land of Wano….”


“Alas, take care.”

On the other end of the phone worm, Reilly was obviously silent for ten seconds, and finally hung up the worm with a sigh.


New World, the Cross Guild, one of the Four Kings; Bucky, one of the four emperors, looked at the newspapers in his hand, especially after seeing that Blackbeard, who was also one of the four emperors, had been killed by the ancestors of the sea, his body trembled, and he cried and mourned again.

The real four emperors were all mercilessly crushed by the ancestors of the sea, so wouldn’t he, the false four emperors, be even more dangerous? If it weren’t for Klockdale and Hawkeye Mihawk, Bucky really wanted to carry the bucket and run, no way, it was really as one of the four emperors, after the resurrection of the sea ancestors more than forty years ago, there was always a kind of cold silence in the heights, not to mention, with the suppression of Klockdahl and Hawkeye Mihawk, he was really depressed and uncomfortable as a four emperors.

On the surface, the scenery is beautiful, the king is in the sea, but in the dark it is a handful of bitter tears, miserable and incomparable:

“No… Neither Hawkeye nor Klockdale could be trusted, and I managed to find a way to leave myself a way back. ”

I don’t know how long it took for Bucky to grin uncontrollably, and a wisp of determination flashed in his eyes. At the same moment, the country of Wano, as an area that was taken care of by the World News Agency, received the latest newspaper at the first time, and there is no doubt that the country of Wano has once again been turbulent, especially in the folk, and the call to greet the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, is getting higher and higher, which also led to the difficulties of the Mitsuki family in the country of peace, invisibly making the newly ascended general Momonosuke of the country of Wano fall into a depression, and even the daily work has fallen into stagnation…

Therefore, under such circumstances, whether it was Hikari Hitomi, Yamato, or the courtiers of the Mitsuki Family, or even the Lord of the Elephant, they were all persuading Momotonosuke to abandon the Kingdom of Wanosuke, but Momotosuke refused without hesitation, in his words, that is, he believed that Straw Hat Luffy would return, just like when he defeated the invincible Hundred Beasts Kaido, defeating the current sea ancestor Luo Lei.

However, Momonosuke is doomed to disappointment, and the current Straw Hat Pirates are already trapped in the future island egghead, and for a time they will not be able to return to the country of peace.

Moreover, even if you come back, you only buy one and get one free, and you have to die.


New World, Pirate Island “Hive”; As the base camp of the Blackbeard Pirates, this place has always been the paradise of the Blackbeard Pirates. Yes… When the news of Blackbeard’s death came out, boom!!

The entire Blackbeard Pirate Regiment exploded in an instant, and no one thought that the Blackbeard Boss went to Nine Snake Island to seize the sweet fruit of the Female Emperor, and actually threw his life there, and after seeing that even after becoming a three-fruit ability, the Blackbeard Boss was still crushed and killed by the Sea Ancestors, and the pirates of the Blackbeard Pirate Regiment were shocked and shaken, just like falling apart, and began to make jokes about escaping madly in all directions?

One of the four emperors, Blackbeard, was killed by the sea ancestor Luo Lei, what are they still doing in the Blackbeard Pirate Regiment? It is still important to run away early.

Fortunately, at the crucial moment, the captain of the No. 2 ship of the Blackbeard Pirate Regiment, known as the “Rain of Hiryu”, took the initiative to stand up, and only after killing dozens of pirates of the Blackbeard Pirate Regiment who wanted to escape did he barely stabilize the situation.

At this time, in the central area of the “Hive”, above that open-air square, the cadres of the Blackbeard Pirate Regiment, Gizas Bajas, Hiryu, Van Oka, Abaro Pizarro, Basque Jotte, Poison Q and others were gathering.

As for the reason, of course, he wants to re-elect a boss, as for avenging the Blackbeard boss?

No kidding, everyone is a fierce sea thief, will only protect their own interests, join the Blackbeard Pirate group just to warm up the group, form a community of interests, now that Blackbeard is dead, then Blackbeard has no value, revenge?

Non-existent ·

Moreover, although they are pirates who must be repaid for their flaws, they are not brain problems, even the black beard has been crushed, and they go to the ancestors of the sea to avenge themselves.

“Okay, the Blackbeard boss is dead, and now it’s time to elect a new lead big brother out.”

Seeing that everyone was almost here, Hiryu took a cigar and said in a cold voice, “My strength is the strongest, when you are the boss, you should have no opinion, right?” ”

“No problem.”

Hearing this, Gizas Badgers, the helmsman of the Blackbeard Pirate Regiment and the captain of the No. 1 ship, known as the “Champion of Fighting”, said violently: “Boss Hiryu has done the most for the Blackbeard Pirate Regiment, and he has also shed blood for the Blackbeard Pirate Regiment, and I raised my hands in approval.” ”


“No problem….”


“I don’t have any opinions either.”

Van Oka, Abaro Pizarro, Basque Jotte, Poison Q and others hesitated, hindered by Hiryu’s strong strength, and nodded their heads, which was also agreed.

In the past two days, Hiryu has blatantly purged some of the pirates of the Blackbeard Pirate Regiment who want to escape, and they have not seen it? Now the opposite tone, I am afraid that I will not be killed cleanly.


Hiryu let out a puff of white smoke and nodded with satisfaction.

Ambition? He also has it, there was Blackbeard before, he could only suppress it, now Blackbeard fell, he could finally eat, as long as he took over the Blackbeard Pirate Regiment, he Xiliu could also have the opportunity to become the Four Emperors.

Click… Click… However, just as Hiryu wanted to say something, a series of frozen sounds came from the sea,

“How did he get here?”

Hiryu’s face changed slightly, and he looked into the sea in the distance, only to see a tall, dark green coat and a brown backpack behind him riding a bicycle towards the island, followed by a large penguin.


“How did he get here?”

“The Blackbeard boss is dead, and the cooperation is null and void, what else is he here to do?”

Seeing the pheasant that froze the sea into ice, Van Oka, Abaro Pizarro, Basque Jotte, Poison Q and others all looked at each other, and they could see the color of doubt in each other’s eyes.

Ten minutes later, bells! Clang!

Stepping on the prosthetic formed by ice, Kuzan slowly parked his bicycle in the square, glanced around with a cold face, and said: “I want to be the boss of the Blackbeard Pirate Group, who agrees and who opposes?” ”

[PS: kneeling for tips, collections, flowers and evaluations, cuteness, tears kneeling for tips… Kneel and beg you to read the boss, kneel and beg you to read the boss. 】。

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