Chapter Sixty-Eight: Give Face No Face, Explode Karp [Three More Kneeling Asking for Subscription]].


Seems to be afraid that he has seen it wrong, and Ember can’t help but rub his eyes, but… No matter how you look at it, the only difference between the old man who seems to be the legendary “Iron Fist Cap” is that Karp is not wearing the Navy Justice Banner, nor is he wearing the uniform of a vice admiral, but only a black tight combat suit.

“What is this for?”

Ember has some confusion, this Kapu can’t be a brain problem, right? A man standing there, waiting for Lord Lore?

“That’s right!!”

Morgoons picked up the telescope and looked at it, and a look of sudden enlightenment passed through his eyes, before he said in a deep voice, “Lord Lore, this Cap should have come to you to avenge the snow and hatred.” ”

“Looking for me to avenge Snow Hate?”

Luo Lei frowned, felt a little, found that there was no ambush, and then disdainfully said: “Just by him?” ”

“It should be him…..”

Morgoons pondered for a moment before explaining: “In the past two days, two big things have happened in the sea, the first thing is that the former admiral of the navy, the pheasant, took over the Blackbeard Pirate Regiment and became the new four emperors, with a reward of 4.1 billion Bailey; The second news is that the Navy’s hero Cat resigned and returned home to retire. ”

“Now it seems that Karp’s resignation for retirement is false, and it is true that he has left a relationship with the Navy to seek revenge on Lord Rollley.”

At this point, Morguns’s tone was clearly a little incredulous.

At the peak of Kapu, he had already been suppressed by Lord Roley, and now that he was in his twilight state, Kapu was still coming? Am I mistaken?

“Got it…..”

Luo Lei smiled lightly and shook his head somewhat dismissively.

In the past two days, he has not deliberately rushed to the road, and he has enjoyed a very moist and moist female emperor Han Cook in the cabin, but he did not expect that such two things would happen in the sea.

And Cap comes to avenge Snow Hate?

Just kidding, it’s not that he looks down on Karp, it’s that Kapu is too weak these days. Now take the initiative to send death, it is really the first time to see, just his strength has metamorphosed, let this Kapu try it.

As for the mercy of the subordinates? Then it is even more absolutely impossible, others have come to avenge, but also the mercy of their subordinates? At the same time, the sea in front of the Chambord Islands, Kapu, who was originally closing his eyes and recuperating, seemed to sense something, opened his eyes suddenly, his cheeks were filled with a fierce sense of war, and looked at a pirate ship that was getting closer and closer in the distance.

“Whew… It’s finally here!! ”

Kapu took a deep breath of air and muttered, “Sengoku, I’m coming to you, this may be my last battle; ”

Even if you know you’re going to die,… He is still undaunted, and he stands here with determination; Because, he is an iron-fisted Kapu, a naval hero who will never be afraid, and today he is fighting for himself, fighting for the Warring States, fighting for Luffy, and has nothing to do with the Navy.

When he thought of his obedient grandson Luffy, Kapu’s face showed an undisguised doting color, since he knew that the ancestors of the sea had been resurrected, he was worried about Luffy, who had defeated the Hundred Beasts Kaido.

Especially after the unveiling of the hidden boss of the world government, Im, he is even more worried!

Now is the time to play their last bit of residual heat, take the lead to give the good grandson Luffy a test of water, to see if he can grasp it quickly, about ten minutes later, the World News Agency’s ship docked on the sea more than three hundred meters away from Kapp, on the deck, Cap and Lore looked at each other in the air, neither of them spoke, but invisibly made this sea area become solemn, and there was a faint sense of depression in the air.

Seeing this scene, the embers on the deck held their breath, Morgoons took out the video camera bug to find the best shooting angle, and on the Chambord Islands, some civilians, pirates, merchants, navy, etc. were gradually gathered, as for the world nobles Draco, they panicked and withdrew to the holy place of Mary Joya after learning of the resurrection of the ancestors of the sea.

In fact, a few days ago, someone found that Kapu was staying alone on the deck of the naval warship, it seemed to be waiting for someone, now it is good, everyone knows who is waiting, it is the blackbeard of the sea ancestor Luo Lei, who has just killed one of the four emperors, in association with Kapu’s sudden departure from the naval headquarters, as long as he is not a fool, he can think of the cause and effect.

Among them, the injured Pluto Reilly and Shaqi also came…

“Is Karp fighting?”

Wrapped in white gauze, the solid Pluto King Reilly, said in a deep voice, “If Luffy knew that his grandfather died at the hands of Luo Lei, he would definitely explode madly again.” ”

“You mean to say that Karp did it on purpose?”

Xia Qi took a cigarette, spat out a mouthful of white smoke, and added: “It was deliberately sent to death.” ”


Reilly nodded, meaning to say, “Karp may be trying to use his last bit of residual heat.” ”

After saying this, Reilly looked at the World News ship in the distance, and said somewhat wordlessly: “This is all playing, not in a hurry, isn’t he afraid of the beast Kaido dying in the underground magma?” ”

All right!

Luo Lei left Hydra Island before all of them, and the result was good, he returned to the Chambord Islands to recuperate, and Luo Lei was late to come? What is this? Really when the sea is a playground?

“Lorelei can be resurrected, maybe Kaido and Charlotte Lingling can also be resurrected.”

Nearby, Xia Qi seemed to think of something, and subconsciously said a word.

Airplanes!! Upon hearing these words, Reilly’s heart was shocked, and he reacted unexpectedly, it must be Xia Qi who said this, this Luo Lei may have mastered the method of resurrecting people, and only in this way can he explain why he did not return to the Kingdom of Peace at the first time of resurrection.

“It’s a pity to stand on the opposite side, otherwise….”

Reilly showed a gloomy expression, and he didn’t want to think so much, the ancestor’s mind he couldn’t guess, he thought too much, and it was easy to increase his troubles in vain.

“Lore, you’re finally here!!”

Suddenly, at this moment, the gray-haired Karp made a somewhat rough voice, “I lost to you more than forty years ago, and now I want to challenge you again to see how strong you really are.” ”

“I’m sorry, you’re too weak.”

Hearing this, Luo Leiyun said lightly, “I have no interest in fighting at all.” ”

“What do you say?”

Kapu did not get angry, but slowly raised his right hand, and the huge hand became a fist, “Whether you are interested or not, I will challenge you!” ”



A piercing cracking sound sounded, just like an instantaneous movement, Luo Lei’s body appeared in mid-air a thousand meters away, and he also made a hook gesture towards Kapu without expression.

“Instantaneous, no, is pure speed….”

Kapu’s look changed, more than forty years ago, he knew that Luo Lei’s instantaneous technique was very powerful, but he did not expect to resurrect more than forty years later, relying on the speed of his body to be so fast, it seemed that he could be comparable to the yellow ape of one of the three generals, but… The yellow ape ate the natural “shining fruit” Luo Lei, but did not eat the demon fruit?

“But I’m not afraid.”


Kapu grinned, a touch of turbulent and violent battle intent appeared in his eyes, and with a shake of his right fist, the inky black armed color domineering qi was frantically intertwined on the fist, perhaps the armed color domineering was too strong, and the air emitted a crisp cracking sound.

“Armed color iron fist!!”


As soon as Kapu’s body stepped on the moon step, he swung his fist towards Luo Lei’s violent attack, clicking…

It was the sound of the air exploding, and looking around, the fist had not yet hit Luo Lei’s body, and the terrifying power had already made this sea shake violently, and it seemed to be able to explode everything.

However, in the face of Kapu’s bullish attack, Luo Lei was so suspended in mid-air, not only did he have no defensive posture, but he did not even use his armed color domineering, and it seemed that he did not pay attention to Kapu’s attack at all.

So, in full view of everyone, Karp’s earth-shattering punch was so violent that it slammed into Luo Lei’s chest!

Suddenly, a deafening roar rang out, and a terrifying bombardment shock wave, centered on Lore’s chest, swept out in all directions, causing a crack like a spider’s web in the air for several kilometers, and the sea surface set off terrifying waves, like a tsunami, making the Chambord Islands tremble violently…

However, as a target of attack,

Luo Lei’s face did not change at all the time, and he was so hard to withstand Karp’s violent blow.

【】What? ”

“No… Impossible, right? ”

“The armed color domineering is useless, relying on the body to resist the full force of the Iron Fist Kapu’s blow?”


Seeing this scene, many people watching the battle issued a series of exclamations in addition to being shocked, obviously did not expect that in the face of the iron fist of the naval hero Kapu, Luo Lei actually resisted in this way, which is not a level of confrontation, it is completely contempt and contempt.

What is even more frightening is that the aftermath of the war alone seems to destroy the heavens and the earth, and the scalps of people who see it are numb,


“Can a human body be so terrifying?”

At this time, the most collapsed was Kapu, who claimed to have exploded all the iron fists, hit Luo Lei’s body, almost no reaction, invisibly let him have a sense of frustration.

“Is this your attack?”

Luo Lei’s eyes flashed with a crimson glow, “Old thing, if you don’t have a face for your face, then give Lao Tzu death.” ”

Nima’s, he’s already said no interest in fighting, and this Kapu still has to challenge him? It’s really a light in the toilet looking for death. Dangerous!!

Extreme danger!!

Facing the sea ancestor Luo Lei at a close distance, Kapu only felt that his whole body was sweaty, as if facing an angry beast, and every cell in his body was trembling madly.

Laugh at!! In the next instant, almost no real crimson light flashed from Luo Lei’s eyes.

“This is?”

Kapu’s pupils contracted violently, subconsciously stimulating the armed color domineering qi to the limit, trying to resist the hot line of sight attack of Luo Lei.

Unfortunately, now Luo Lei’s hot sight was quite terrifying, and the seemingly highly defensive armed color domineering spirit did not hold on for even a second before it was broken, and then Kapu’s chest was pierced by the hot sight alive, leaving a blood hole the size of a human head that was burned.

[PS: kneeling for tips, collections, flowers and evaluations, cuteness, tears kneeling for tips…….. Kneel and beg you to read the boss, kneel and beg you to read the boss. 】。

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