Chapter Seventy-Six – Momotosuke: I believe there will be a miracle [Three more kneeling to subscribe].

The country of peace, the capital of flowers, the once prosperous city of flowers are now almost all empty, looking around, the street is a door to the sparrow, the depression to the extreme, not to mention people, even dogs can not see a few. At this point,

within the central area of the palace;

“Damn, these civilians are really ungrateful, we overthrew the rule of the Hundred Beasts Kaido, they are the beneficiaries, and now seeing that the ancestors of the sea are going to return, they bite us back, saying that we collude with the Straw Hat Pirates, the Kidd Pirates, and the Heart Pirates are their reprehensible actions.”

“White-eyed wolves are all a bunch of white-eyed wolves, and without our efforts, the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment would have turned the country of peace into an anarchic pirate empire long ago.”

“General Momotosuke, let’s go!!”

“That’s right, leave the Land of Peace, leave this group of white-eyed wolves who don’t recognize people!!”

“It’s really a murderous curse, and the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, must want to see our jokes, how happy we were at the beginning, how angry and powerless we are now.”


Accompanied by a series of voices of resignation and anger, only to see that Denjiro, Lei Zang, Inuyasha, Kawamatsu, Ah Nin and others all showed indignant expressions, eager to kill all those wall-headed civilians, and had already dissipated the hatred in their hearts.


Hearing these words, Hikari Shoukiki smiled bitterly, and there was no problem with the practice of these civilians in the country of Kazuno to seek advantage and avoid harm, the sea was after all the king of strength, speaking by fist, so after defeating the hundred beasts Kaido, the civilians of the country of Wano could gleefully support Momonosuke to ascend to the throne and become the general of the country of peace; Now there is a more powerful sea ancestor Luo Lei, and they will definitely take sides with the stronger Luo Lei, rather than the Momoto Help.

Especially after seeing the Sea Ancestors unscrupulously killing the Tea Dolphin, Sengoku, Kapu, Blackbeard and others, it was even more impossible to take sides with General Momonosuke.

After all, fools all know that with the violent personality of the sea ancestor Luo Lei, who can do whatever he wants, once he returns to the country of peace and finds that someone has sided with General Momonosuke, he will absolutely die a very miserable death; The wall was pushed down by everyone, which led to almost no one in the country of Wano supporting the Hikari clan, Hikari Momosuke.

“Why is that?”

At this time, Momonosuke, who was sitting on the throne of the Lord, did not seem to hear it, his eyes were blank, and some of them lost their souls.

His mother Guangyue used the fruit ability to send him to the future with Jinweimen, Leizang, Kanjuro and others 20 years ago, and now he has worked hard to defeat Kaido the Hundred Beasts with the help of the Straw Hat Pirate Regiment, the Kidd Pirate Regiment, and the Heart Pirate Regiment, and ascended to the throne of the General of the Wano Kingdom, who should have made great plans to realize his ideals and ambitions and not let Luffy, father, mother and others be disappointed.

Now, the ideals and ambitions have not yet begun, they have already ended, the ancestors of the sea, Luo Lei, have not yet arrived in the country of peace, and public opinion alone has made himself a street rat and everyone shouts and beats.

Emotions such as resignation, unhappiness, sadness, powerlessness, and pain kept passing through Momo’s heart, and finally, helpless tears appeared in Momotosuke’s eyes, and he just wanted to be a general of the country of peace, to defend the country of peace, how could it be so difficult? That sea ancestor Luo Lei, was simply deceiving people too much.

Seeing this scene, Hikari and Yamato, who had never spoken all along, lowered their heads, among which the expression on Hikazuki and his face was lost and decadent, but as for Daikoko Yamato, he clenched his fists, and his eyes flashed with unhappiness and anger.

This sea ancestor Luo Lei, is it really too much, Kaido’s father is dead when he dies? What are you still doing when you return to the Land of Peace?

Facts aside, shouldn’t Daddy Kaido deserve to die?

“Luffy, still can’t be contacted.”

It seemed that the more he thought about it, the more angry he became, Yamato’s eyes must have been and he gritted his teeth, “Or we will leave the country of peace first, and then fight back when the time is ripe, just like when we defeated Kaido.” ”

“Can’t get in touch yet?”

Hikari Riwa widened his eyes and said in disbelief, “Now that so many things have happened in the sea, doesn’t the Straw Hat Pirates have no reaction?” ”


Yamato also had a helpless look on his face, “The Straw Hat Pirate Regiment should have arrived at a place where the outside signal was cut off, causing the telephone bugs to be unable to get through.” ”


Hikari Moon Sun and suddenly their hearts were like ashes, the Straw Hat Pirate Regiment could not be contacted, facing the menacing Sea Ancestor Luo Lei, then they seemed to have no second choice except to leave the Land of Peace…

“No! I’m not going to go…”

However, at this very moment, the general of the Wano Kingdom, Mitsuki Momosuke, tightened his grip on the imperial flag that Luffy had given him, and said with a frantic face: “No matter who it is, I can’t let me leave the country of peace, I want to coexist and die with the country of peace.” ”

“I believe that at the crucial moment, there will be miracles.”

After saying these words, Momonosuke’s eyes flashed with determination.

Over the years, he has experienced too many mortal situations, and he has experienced too many things, and now that he has succeeded, he will no longer be weak and give in; Even Arama, one of the three admirals of the Navy, had been forced to retreat to the country of peace, and he wanted to see how strong this sea ancestor really was.


Looking at the regrouped Momonosuke, Mitsuki Shoukiyaki was first stunned, and then shouted excitedly: “Momonosuke, since you have decided, then do your best, Grandpa will accompany you, even if it is death, Grandpa will not regret it…”


Rujiro, Rakuzo, Inuyasha, Kawamatsu, Ashina and the others looked at the spirited Momonosuke and immediately lowered their heads in shame, it seemed that they were frightened by the power of the ancestors of the Sea Thief, and they all began to fear death?

0.8 Even Momotosuke understands it, but they don’t see through it, there is really something ridiculous.

“We’ll accompany you.”

The next moment, Rujiro, Rayzo, Inuyasha, Kawamatsu, Ashin, and the others all showed a determined expression, and even Hikari Hinata and Yamato were also infected, and they all shook their fists.

Ancestor of the Sea, Luo Lei, no matter how strong you are, we will not be frightened by you.

“Let the horses come!!”

Momotosuke stood up, took a deep breath, and said with a murderous intent, “Ancestor of the Sea, Luo Lei, I will never be afraid of you, nor will I be frightened by you.” ”

[PS: kneeling for tips, collections, flowers and evaluations, cuteness, tears kneeling for tips… Kneel and beg you to read the boss, kneel and beg you to read the boss. 】。

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