Chapter Seventy-Nine The Buddha on the Top Shattered the Elephant Lord, and the Blood and Rain of the Kingdom of Peace [One More Kneeling Asking for Subscription].

Who are you to provoke, to provoke the ancestors of the sea, now is it okay? Self-inflicted… As soon as they thought of it, Ember and Morgons’ gaze at the elephant master was like looking at a dead elephant, unable to distinguish the situation, living for thousands of years was like living on a dog’s body, without any egg use, and should have been single for thousands of years.

“I’ll send you ashore first…”

At this time, Luo Lei on the deck stretched his waist, and Yun said lightly, “Since the Elephant Lord wants to die, then I will fulfill him and return to the Kingdom of Peace, starting from the explosion of the Elephant Lord!” ”

Rumble!! Before the words could be heard, one of the giant arms of the True Thousand Hands twisted a little, and then under the unbelievable gaze of the embers, Morguns, and Han Cook, the giant wooden palm that was several times larger than the top warships of the Navy descended from the sky and easily grasped the Pirate Ship of the World News Agency in his hand, and then lifted it from the surface of the sea and moved towards the inland sea of the Wano Kingdom.

Although Wano no coast is surrounded by cliffs and waterfalls, it is… In front of the true thousands of hands more than three thousand meters high, the cliff waterfall was like a small groove, and the embers and others were placed on the surface of the sea in the Wano Inner Sea, and the whole action was completed in one go, without dragging mud and water… Bang!!

The pirate ship of the World News Agency smashed into the inland sea of Wano Country, making a dull collision sound,

“This… This is the country of peace? ”

Sensing the violent shaking of the pirate ship, the embers, Morguns, and Han Cook reacted, and the whole person was still in a state of confusion, and as soon as his eyes were closed, they arrived in the country of peace? It’s really fast.

At the same moment.

A huge statue of Kannon with a height of more than 3,000 meters suddenly appeared near the coast of the country of Wanokoku, so that many places in the territory of the country of Wanokuni could be seen at a glance with a telescope, and the thousands of giant arms of the giant Kannon statue could be seen at a distance, and a black shadow towering over the sea and straight into the sky could be seen from a distance.

As a result, people in many parts of the country of peace were also stunned, what was the situation?

What is this thing? How did it suddenly pop up?

Some of the frightened bodies of those who were a little closer shook a little, and they fell directly to the ground, full of cold sweat, and their eyes were filled with fear and fear of the unknown.

After a few seconds of sluggishness, a ninja from the Nine Mile Area of Wano Kingdom seemed to recall the newspaper he had seen, and his eyes showed excitement, and he shouted, “Lord Lore, the ninja god of the Harmony Kingdom, has come, this… This should be the huge statue of Senju Kannon that the legend said that suppressed the thirteen top powerful people of the sea more than forty years ago. ”


“This… This seems to be really the signature move of Lord Lore, the god of the ninja world. ”

“It’s just that this height is also too high, right?”

And this was like a fuse, which quickly detonated the entire Nine Mile Region, and immediately swept the entire Wano Kingdom with the momentum of wildfire. Suddenly, the entire Wano Kingdom, except for the Flower Capital, suddenly boiled over, and many ninjas, civilians, samurai, merchants, bounty hunters, pirates, etc. all stared at their eyes with a telescope in the direction where the giant Kannon statue was located, and shouted with excitement and excitement.

The real emperors of Wano Kingdom are coming back, they are going to be liberated, the thieves Mitsuki will be punished, and the Wano Kingdom general Momonosuke will be overthrown. Among them, above the open space of the rabbit bowl, the remnants of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment had been helped up and sat up by the people of the Great Snake Imperial Court, and they who had always been in tears, including Quinn and Jack, were all crying at this moment. Finally, the god of the ninja world of Kaido’s boss has come, and the sky of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Group has come…

If it weren’t for the physical inconvenience, they all wanted to greet them, and now they could only take the telescope here with more than enough and insufficient strength to perform the eye-catching ceremony, quietly waiting for Lord Luo Lei to enter the country of peace.

On the other hand, after giving the order to fight, Momonosuke vaguely felt that there was something restless, as if something bad was going to happen, as a result, before he could react, a huge black shadow rose up near the coast of Wano Country, and at first because of the distance, even if he picked up the telescope, he didn’t know what it was, but… Soon Sajiro came to report that it was the giant Kannon statue of Luo Lei, the god of the ninja world, who was performing the signature big move, and what he was doing, he did not know. Clang!!

Hearing this news, Momonosuke took a few steps backwards with a pale face, and sat on the chair weakly, others did not know, but he knew, if it was really the ancestor of the sea who was mighty and mighty, then the elephant lord might be in danger…….

“The God of Ninja is coming!!”

In the face of Momonosuke’s gaffe, the people who had already gathered to report the group for warmth, Raiden, Inuyasha, Kawamatsu, Ashina and others did not care at all, because their hearts had already been shaken, and there was a bitter smile and helplessness on their cheeks.

After all, we have to face the reality…….

“Is that man coming?”

Hikari Sukiyaki took a deep breath and muttered to himself, “There must be a cause and a result, when I stole the position of the general of the Wano Kingdom, now I have to pay the price after all.” ”

“Is the infamous Hundred Beasts Pirate Regiment coming back again?”

Yamato looked uncertain, she didn’t know if her identity as Kaido’s daughter still had any effect, if she did, she would definitely find a way to admonish the ninja ancestor Luo Lei, you are so unscrupulous, you can do whatever you want, crazy killing is not OK, it is not right, it is not popular at all, far less than Mitsuki Mita, Straw Hat Luffy..

At the same time, when the whole country of peace was boiling, the super giant elephant elephant lord, looking at the real thousands of hands in front of him who were much taller than himself, had some speechlessness, really the elephant was not threatening, you and I were sick cats?

Are you kidding? Than the height, will I be afraid of you?

Now I am just creeping on the surface of the sea, pretending to be a small island, and you make a huge statue of Guanyin that is more than 3,000 meters high.

Thinking of this, the elephant lord was no longer low-key, and the four legs under the sea surface stood up violently, and the huge body rose more than 9,000 meters, reaching a staggering more than 10,000 meters.

In short, from the surface of the sea to the back of the elephant lord is more than 10,000 meters.


With the tens of thousands of meters high elephant lord no longer low-key, not only this piece of sea, even countless people in the country of peace fell into a dumb chicken, originally thought that Lord Luolei’s huge Guanyin statue is big enough, good guys a giant elephant tens of thousands of meters high appeared in the coastal waters of the country of peace, maybe it is too high, almost can’t see the head, this is the rhythm of destroying the world and the earth?

At this time, as long as no fool knows that the sea ancestor Luo Lei should have been blocked by the legendary elephant lord.

For a time, the entire country of peace fell into a depressing atmosphere, on the one hand was the ancestor Luo Lei, who had just been resurrected and constantly shaking the sea, and on the other side was the unfathomable elephant lord who had lived for almost a thousand years.

“Lore, if you leave, I can act as if nothing happened.”

With his body size advantage, as soon as the Lord’s head was thrown, he scattered the countless clouds around his head, looked down at Luo Lei, who was already standing on the head of Zhen Qian’s hands, and made a dull voice, “From now on, our well water will not violate the river water.” ”

“Do you think you’re tall?”

Listening to this sentence, Luo Lei did not answer, but calmly looked up and said softly: “Tens of thousands of meters high, I can also?” ”

In fact, at the beginning, Luo Lei’s clairvoyant eyes saw the elephant lord’s thighs curled up under the sea, but he did not think that the elephant lord was actually higher than the height. With Luo Lei’s current strength, it is easy to grow thousands of hands to tens of thousands of meters, Cha Ton La supply.

More importantly, the higher and larger the true thousands of hands, the more terrifying the power of the explosion became, and this elephant lord was purely to increase the difficulty for himself.


Along with the sweep of the Immortal Cha Tonla, the true thousands of hands, which were already more than three thousand meters high, began to shake violently again, and under the countless shocked eyes, the height began to gradually reach a staggering height of more than ten thousand meters, standing opposite the elephant master.

Of course, the height is the same, but… The elephant master’s body is much thinner than the real thousands of hands, and from a distance, one of the giant arms of the giant Guanyin statue is already comparable to the elephant trunk of the elephant lord, so that the height is obviously comparable, but the size of the giant Guanyin statue is crushing the elephant lord.


In the face of the thousands of hands that were the same height as he wanted to be, the elephant lord was completely dumbfounded, and the green eyes were filled with disbelief, and he only felt that his elephant face was swollen.

However, at such a moment, Luo Lei did not say anything nonsense, and his right hand made a slight punch posture.

“On top… Buddha!! ”

Along with this action, the true thousands of hands that had not originally made any action, thousands of giant arms suddenly clenched their fists, only to see the armed color domineering, the overlord color domineering, and the immortal cha ton pulled on the fist, and finally it was like a wild storm, heading towards the elephant lord directly opposite.

“Hit me hard!!”

In the face of this attack, the elephant lord gritted his teeth slightly, and the armed color domineering spirit wrapped around his huge body, and the elephant trunk that was almost seven thousand meters long was directly thrown towards those giant arms.

Perhaps the force is too great, the air not only explodes in an instant, but even the space begins to tremble slightly, rumbling!!

A few seconds later, more than 7,000 meters of elephant trunks collided with dozens of giant wooden fists with thousands of hands, emitting an earth-shattering roar, rolling up a series of terrifying energy shock waves that swept across the sea.

“Not broken?”

Seeing those giant wooden fists colliding with his own elephant trunk just paused, exploded some wood chips, and did not explode as expected, the elephant lord revealed a shocked and unbelievable glare, and wanted to withdraw his elephant trunk and use the invincible ivory to launch a second round of attacks.

Unfortunately, at the moment when the elephant trunk was about to be withdrawn, a giant wooden fist opened violently, and the palm that covered the sky squeezed the elephant trunk in its hand, no matter how hard it tried, it had no effect, the giant Guanyin statue did not move, followed by two giant wooden fists opened, pinching its two ivory tusks of more than 4,000 meters long at a speed that could not cover its ears.

“Like Lord, I have you three hands….”

After holding the ancestor and ivory of the elephant master, Luo Lei’s eyes flickered and he said coldly, “Since you want to find death.” ”

“Then Lao Tzu will fulfill you, and use your flesh and blood to open the light to the kingdom of peace!!”

Swish! Swish!! After these words, the remaining nine hundred and ninety-seven giant wooden fists were like meteorites outside the sky towards the elephant lord’s huge body.

“No… Don’t you? ”

The elephant lord could not take back his elephant trunk, and the ivory was also tightly imprisoned, and he was directly stupid, and could only watch the nine hundred and ninety-seven giant wooden fist attacks fall.




Just like the meteorite swarm smashed on the earth, a series of earth-shaking roars continued to resound, the sound was resounding for hundreds of miles around, perhaps the strength was too strong, with the elephant lord’s huge body as the center, this sea began to tremble violently, the sea surface set off terrifying waves, even the country of peace was trembling madly, there was a crack like a spider’s web, and it continued to spread to all parts of the country of peace.

Shock! Extremely shocking!!

In the face of such a terrifying scene, countless people who can see clearly are shocked, only to feel a cool breath straight into the soul, after all, can you imagine a giant Thousand Hands Guanyin statue waving a fist about the size of a meteorite, punching a giant elephant with one punch?

As an attacked elephant master, despite cultivating for thousands of years, he also had an armed color domineering protective body. In the face of the real thousands of hands that were almost full of firepower, after holding out for less than a minute, one by one depressions appeared on the huge body.

“Why is that?”


It really hurts!!

The elephant lord cried out in pain, it wanted to retreat, but found that its nose and ivory were tightly grasped, and it could not retreat at all, and could only let a meteorite-sized fist smash on its body.

More importantly, the power of this giant Senju Kannon statue is too strong, especially under the blessing of the armed color domineering, the overlord color domineering, and the ninja’s unique chakra, which makes it a little untenable.

“Elephant Lord!!”

The capital of flowers, watching the elephant lord being bombarded by madness, Momonosuke holding the telescope, Inuyasha, and the cat pit viper were all terrified, but “I was drowned out by the roar that came from it.” ”

How could they not have imagined that the elephant lord who had lived for thousands of years would be beaten so badly by the sea ancestor Luo Lei, and that he would have no strength to fight back at all?

“Go and die!!”

Poof!! Suddenly, at this moment, a giant wooden fist with thousands of hands bombarded the elephant lord’s back, and the powerful force finally exploded a piece of skin, turning into countless pieces of flesh and blood scattered in the sky.


Seeing that he was broken, like the main pupil contracted violently, he screamed bitterly, and wanted to struggle, poof… Poof.

In the next instant, a series of explosions sounded, only to see that the elephant lord’s body was constantly exploded by the giant wooden fist, turning into countless pieces of flesh and blood, scattered in the country of peace, invisibly making the country of peace raining like a scoop of blood, and the air began to smell pungent blood.

“Hahaha, Joey Poy will come back one day to avenge me.”

Feeling powerless to return to the heavens, the elephant broke the jar and broke the scream,

“Ancestor of the sea Lore, I…..”


Before he could finish speaking, a meteorite-like fist was shoved into the elephant lord’s mouth, bursting out his teeth as much as possible, and then pulling his tongue out violently, and countless blood spat out of the elephant lord’s mouth as if he didn’t want money.

It wanted to say something, but found itself unable to say anything, because its tongue had been torn off alive.

“Are you going to die?”

The powerless and speechless elephant lord sensed the rapid flow of life force and gradually gave up resistance, and the beautiful picture of it and Joy Boy was in his mind, and now it is finally going to die, perhaps a kind of liberation and freedom! Bang!! Bang!!

A deafening roar sounded, for a second…

Three seconds… One minute……………..

With the passage of time, finally after three minutes, the tens of thousands of meters tall elephant lord completely lost his breath, the dead could not die anymore, and its body had been blasted by the fists of the real thousands of hands one by one, leaving only a skeleton of tens of thousands of meters high, standing on the surface of the sea, proving that the elephant lord had ever existed.

[PS: kneeling for tips, collections, flowers and evaluations, cuteness, tears kneeling for tips… Kneel and beg you to read the boss, kneel and beg you to read the boss. 】。

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