Chapter Ninety-Four: Wang Lufei, who has gone berserk, has entered the state of five-level awakening [three more kneeling for subscription].

However, to Sauron’s surprise, the Bergaponk doppelganger named Lilith did not ask for any small moves, nor did he have any intrigue, and led them smoothly into a town full of sci-fi futuristic styles, and also encountered Bonnie and others who climbed in from the sewers.

And when the group entered the town, looking at the equipment and machine creatures that had never been seen before, the pirates of the Straw Hat Pirates showed a stunned expression as if they had never seen anything in the world.

“Good… What a big steel dragon? ”

Suddenly, a scream sounded, Luffy seemed to see something of interest, an excitement, he extended his arms, and flew towards the mighty dragon.

“Wait, Luffy…”

Seeing that Luffy was about to start doing things, Nami hurriedly opened her mouth to stop her, but realized that it was too late.


The Iron Dragon also found this group of uninvited guests of the Straw Hat Pirate Regiment, and without hesitation, they opened their mouths to try to bite Luffy. However, a magical scene occurred, Luffy went straight through the head of the steel dragon and crashed into a wall.


“What a real shadow.”

“No, it won’t! Is this all fake? ”


Seeing this magical scene, Yamaji, Sauron, Usopp and the others couldn’t help but let out a cry of surprise,

“Wow, so much food…..”

After Luffy smashed against the wall, he rubbed his head, and before he could think about it, he saw a large pot of food that looked fragrant, and his eyes widened as he pounced on it.


“A lot of food?”

Bonnie and Joba saw the situation and did not hesitate to pounce on it, bell! Clang!!

The sound of three consecutive crashes on the ground sounded, Luffy, Bonnie, Joba’s head all slammed into the ground,

“What the hell is going on, 773”

Luffy rubbed his head with a confused look on his face and said incredulously, “How come it’s all fake?” ”

“It should be some virtual projection.”

Robin walked past the body of a giant robot and said, “There’s really something weird about this town, so let’s be careful.” ”


Luffy clenched his fist and shouted angrily,

“If it’s all fake, then don’t you even have something to eat?”

“Luffy, what do you see here?”

However, at this time, Joba saw a very strange machine and said, “There are a lot of pictures of food on it, why don’t we choose what we want to eat?” ”


As soon as he heard this, Luffy’s anger disappeared at once, and he hurried to the side of the machine, and as a result, the saliva almost flowed out at a glance.

“What’s wrong?”

At this time, after checking around, Shi Ping said curiously, “The temperature here seems to be different from that in the nearby sea.” ”

“Of course not…”

Before the words could be heard, a voice rang out, only to see a robot, in the form of a girl, appear not far away, saying: “This used to be a frozen island, and the temperature here was changed by Bergapunk.” ”

“Less pretending to be a ghost is definitely another projection.”


A cracking sound sounded, and Luffy, who had not eaten anything, punched the robot, who looked like a girl. Bang!!

Immediately after, a figure flew out backwards, Luffy slammed the machine just now, as if touching some button, the huge machine was still running, and soon there was a luxurious package of fried chicken, hamburgers, fries, coke, and chicken steaks.


The sudden appearance of the food made both Bonnie and Joba wince, rubbing their eyes, as if some suspicion was true or false.

“It’s delicious… It was so delicious. ”

They were still hesitating, but Luffy didn’t care about three seven twenty-one, they all began to eat in large mouthfuls.



Bonnie and Joba no longer hesitated, and soon joined the ranks of the cooks and began to order frantically on the machine, and in this case, the three of them ate there without anyone there.


Watching Luffy three people eating and drinking there, Sauron, Shiping, Robin, Usop, Nami and others couldn’t help but frown, things seemed to be getting more and more weird, what was this female robot doing when she suddenly appeared?

“I represent the violent Bergapunk!”

A ray of electricity flashed on the mechanical arm of the girl robot, and a punch flew the virtual mechanical dragon just now, and said with a smile: “If you don’t eat something, you may not have the desire to eat for the next few days.” ”

“No one, no one can stop me from cooking.”

Luffy said a word in disbelief, and then had a drink with Bonnie, without taking this sentence to heart at all.


“What do you mean?”

“What is this Bergapunk trying to do?”

As for Sauron, Shipin, Robin, Usop, Nami and the others were slightly stunned, somehow, their inner uneasiness was more and more obvious and urgent,

“Violence, don’t play, tell them…..”

Just when the girl robot wanted to say something, the voice of Bergapunk, representing the positive, came from the headphones,

“This time the Straw Hat Pirates will definitely enter the state of mad dogs, you yourself are careful, if you really can’t do it, let them leave.”

If you want to trap the Four Emperor-level Pirates in the state of rage, unless the bottom card is all out, it is simply impossible, so the Begapunk who represents the positive has already thought about it, and he will not be tough with the Straw Hat Pirate Group, nor is he going to invest in the Straw Hat Pirate Group, let alone go to the Straw Hat Pirate Group and become the tenth person.

“Got it…..”

The girl robot skimmed her lips, and some grumpy silent voice said, “You can rest assured, I have a measure.” ”


The next moment, the girl robot unhurriedly took out a stack of newspapers and said softly, “These are some newspapers issued on the sea in recent times, and they should be what you need.” ”



“I’m going to take a look….”

Without hesitation, Robin, who had long wanted to know the direction of the sea, suppressed his inner excitement, took the lead in taking a step forward, took the newspaper and quickly scanned.

Quiet!! A piece of dead silence!!

After scanning the newspaper, even Robin, who had experienced all kinds of things, was stunned, and his mind was buzzing, and it was simply blank.

“Robin, what’s wrong with you?”

Sauron was a little confused, wasn’t he just reading a newspaper? How can you still look sluggish? Reaching for the newspaper in Robin’s hand, he read it disapprovingly.

Unsurprisingly, Sauron also fell into a sluggish state,


Originally wanted to wait for Robin and Sauron to see, to tell you about it, now both of them are stunned, Yamaji shook his head, picked up a cigarette, and pulled the newspaper by the hand, he was a little confused about this green algae head, how to be the same as Robin, reading a newspaper can be frightened.

However, the smoke had burned out, and Sanji hadn’t even noticed it, so he looked at the newspaper in shock. So, in such a situation, Shi Ping, French, Usop, and Brooke all fell into a sluggish state in no particular order.

In stark contrast, Luffy, Bonnie, and Joba are taking a big bite out of their food, happily picking up a drink.


A few minutes later, Bonnie took a chicken leg, and Mizizi burped a full belch, ready to call Yamaji and the others to enjoy the meal, only to be surprised to find that Sauron and the others were standing motionless like lost souls.

“What’s wrong?”

Bonnie showed a puzzled expression, as if he realized something, and hurriedly said, “Lu Fei has something big, and they all seem to be in trouble.” ”


Hearing this, Luffy ate a big pig’s head in three bites and said disapprovingly: “I am here, what can I do?” ”

The voice has not fallen, bang! Bang! Bang!!

With the sound of falling to the ground, the bodies of Robin, Sauron, Nami, Usop, and even the same people collapsed on the ground.

“Wait a minute….”

“Like….. Something seems wrong? Sauron, Robin, Sanji what’s wrong with you? ”

Sensing this scene, Luffy immediately felt that something was wrong, the arm holding the drink froze, hurriedly stood up, made an urgent sound, but his eyes fell on the girl’s robot.

“This… How does it feel? ”

Luffy felt the same as Luffy, who had just judged the two of them, even if it was a robot, the girl robot felt extremely pressure, feeling as if he was facing a king who was about to run away.

“It’s none of my business…”

The girl robot hurriedly explained,

“They read the newspaper and became like this.”



A cracking sound sounded, Luffy walked to the sluggish Nami, picked up the newspaper that had fallen on the ground, looked at it with great doubt, he couldn’t figure it out, reading a newspaper can look at himself stupid, is there any mistake?

However, the information in the first newspaper made Straw Hat Luffy stunned, as if in disbelief, and rubbed his eyes, one of the four emperors, Blackbeard, died at the hands of the Sea Ancestor, the Nine Snakes Island surrendered to the Sea Ancestor, and the female emperor Han Cook also boarded the pirate ship of the Sea Ancestor Luo Lei.

Stunned, unconsciously, Luffy’s mind came up with the face of the female emperor, didn’t she say she liked me?

Luffy, who felt a faint pain in his heart, changed his face suddenly, and a violent momentum swept out of his body undisguisedly, and then Luffy’s hair and clothes turned white, his hair became like flames, and the “steam streamer” wrapped around his neck and armpits like four gears.

There is no doubt that the four emperors Luffy under the gaffe directly entered the five-gear awakening state, [PS: kneeling for tips, collections, flowers and evaluations, cuteness, tears kneeling to beg… ] Kneel and beg you to read the boss, kneel and beg you to read the boss. 】。

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