Chapter Ninety-Nine: Let the Whole Sea Storm [Three More Kneels and Asks for Subscriptions].


“The property is also growing too fast, it seems to have directly doubled several times!!”

Luo Lei scanned the attribute panel that only he could see, even if he had been mentally prepared, he couldn’t help but make a shocked sound, no way, it was really the data of the attribute panel that was getting more and more luxurious, the physique reached more than thirteen thousand times that of ordinary people, the spiritual power was also broken, a punch could hit 39,690 tons of strength, plus a speed of almost ten times the speed of sound, and a hot line of sight that broke a million degrees Celsius, even if it was a look, Luo Lei had some excitement. There is nothing to say, the stronger his strength, the more he can do whatever he wants;

Moreover, it is only now that the peak motherland template unlocking fusion has reached seventy-eight percent, and then, as long as the fusion is constantly unlocked, he will only become stronger and stronger, more and more perverted.

What’s more, after the fusion of this peak motherland template, he can still extract new templates, which is simply a bright future?

“Han Cook, are you here?”

Soon, Luo Lei put away the attribute panel on the 810, looked at Han Cook, who was standing not far away, and said a word.


Han Cook screamed, she did not see the figure of Luo Lei after waking up, but when she went out, she found Lord Luo Lei standing there with a happy face, and then she was surprised to feel that the breath on Lord Luo Lei’s body was gradually increasing, which was already very strong, and seemed to become more unfathomable.

Can it still be like this… Can you get stronger while standing there?


However, the female emperor was the female emperor, and soon returned to his senses, folded his arms on his chest, and said with a cold face: “I woke up, come out and walk casually.” ”


Luo Lei raised an eyebrow, didn’t say anything more, and his body flashed as he carried her into the room amid Han Cook’s screams. Just getting stronger, he wants to do a good job. Three hours later, inside a conference room of the palace;

Lore was sitting in the Lord’s seat, and Embers, Quinn, Jack, Morgons, Foz Firth, Black Mary, and others were all together.

“Lord Rowley, the Straw Hat Pirates have left the fury of Eggtip Island in the Land of the Future.”

Holding a copy of the latest intelligence document, Morgonz said in a dismissive tone, “It is said that it has come to our country and the country of peace, and Luffy the Straw Hat has even released harsh words, even if it is death, it will make you pay the price.” ”

“Oh huh… If the Straw Hat Pirates come, I will let Wang Luffy know why the flowers are so red. ”

Hearing this, Luo Lei shrugged his shoulders indifferently and said in a calm tone, “I’m afraid that the Straw Hat Pirates don’t dare to come.” ”


Morgoons laughed loudly and added: “Now the major forces in the sea are paying attention to the movements of the Straw Hat Pirates, and seem to want to participate in it, after all, Lord Lore, you are too strong, so that too many forces feel threatened, and now the most widely spread on the sea is the threat theory of the ancestors.” ”

“This theory of the threat of the ancestors of the sea should have been created by the world government.”

Ember frowned and added in a low voice, “Let Lord Luo Lei become the target of everyone, this should be the ultimate goal of the world government.” ”

“I have this hunch too…”

Morgonz narrowed his smile and said in a deep voice, “If I remember correctly, it was because Lord Luo Lei became the target of public criticism more than forty years ago that he was besieged by the thirteen top combat forces on the sea, and now the world government should be trying to repeat the trick.” ”

Bang!! Upon hearing these words, Drought Jack, who had already become a fan of the ancestors of the sea, got up and patted the table, and said violently: “World government, really damn, the five old stars are not a thing, and that Im will only make small moves behind his back.” ”


Seeing this scene, Ember shook his head with some headache and said helplessly,

“Jack, calm down, now we’re in a meeting….”


Drought Jack touched his head, smiled awkwardly, and sat down again.

“Rest assured, it’s not the same now…”

Looking at Jack, Luo Lei was not angry, but a curvature appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he said confidently: “This time, no matter what conspiracy and trickery Im has, it will not have any effect.” ”

Of course, Luo Lei still has a word not said, that is, as the ancestor of the sea, he will not care so much, in the case of more and more powerful, he will not pay attention to the conspiracies and tricks of the world government, who dares to do it, then do whom, do whatever you want, kill and finish.

Anyway, in a word, if the whole sea is on the opposite side, then why should he, as an ancestor, be the enemy of the whole sea?

“That’s right….”

Suddenly, Quinn’s fat cheeks moved and he said, “Lord Lore, the BIGMOM Pirates have entered our country of peace and said they came to find you.” ”

“BIGMOM Pirates?”

Luo Lei nodded and said casually, “It looks like it’s time to put the resurrection of Kaido and Charlotte Lingling on the agenda.” ”

All right!

After returning to the Land of Peace, Luo Lei had a good sense of it, but found that the underground magma in this area did not have the breath of Kaido and Charlotte Lingling at all, so he also infiltrated the underground magma of the Kingdom of Peace to look for a good look, but he did not even find a hair, and finally, he gave up, planning to use the dirt rebirth to resurrect Kaido and Charlotte Lingling.

It’s just… Whether the rebirth of the dirt in the pirate world can be successful, Luo Lei’s heart has no bottom…


“Are you going to resurrect Boss Kaido and Lingling Charlotte?”

“Lord Lore, this… Is this true? Did we hear you correctly? ”



This sentence is like a thunderclap on the ground, so that Embers, Quinn, Jack and others can not keep calm, can’t help but stand up with excitement, isn’t it easy? They were hoping for the stars and the moon, and they were finally waiting for this sentence.

“If I could, I wouldn’t just resurrect Kaido and Charlotte Lingling.”

Luo Lei narrowed his eyes slightly, revealed a cold smile, and said arrogantly, “I want to let the whole sea go completely away!” ”

[PS: kneeling for tips, collections, flowers and evaluations, cuteness, tears kneeling for tips, collections, flowers and evaluations.] Kneel and beg you to read the boss, kneel and beg you to read the boss. 】。

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