Chapter 121: A Historic Scene That Shocked the Sea for Hundreds of Years [Two More Kneeling for a Subscription]].


The whole world seemed to fall into silence, and in an instant, everyone who saw the live broadcast screen had expressions of disbelief and horror on their cheeks, and even couldn’t help but gasp.

The ancestors of the sea, they actually witnessed the ancestors of the sea, before, many people only saw the ancestors of the sea in the newspaper and learned about the deeds of the ancestors of the sea; Now, through this live broadcast screen, they witnessed Luo Lei with their own eyes, and said that they would let everyone witness a historic moment and know what the real ancestors of the sea are.

It’s really too shocking, originally, everyone thought that the Straw Hat Grand Alliance attacked the country of peace, as the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei should be thinking of a way to fight with all his heart, now it’s good, where is the appearance of the battle, but also to carry out the whole sea live broadcast, how is this the same as the original war navy live execution fire fist Ace?

“Could it be that the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, thinks that he has won, and he is ready to publicly execute the alliance leader of the Straw Hat Grand Alliance, Monchi.”

D. Luffy’s preparation?

For a time, the sea stirred up a thousand heavy waves, not only the people who saw the live broadcast screen, but even the naval headquarters that received the news, the Holy Land Marijoya, and the Straw Hat Grand Alliance were shocked,

“Too… It’s unbelievable, isn’t it? ”

“The ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, is really too confident!”

“What’s more than confidence, this is the rhythm of Luffy, the leader of the Straw Hat Alliance, who wants to publicly execute the Straw Hat Grand League?”

“The ancestors of the sea want to broadcast live, and now there is a good show to watch!!”

46 Soon, an uproar sounded everywhere in the sea, and many people involuntarily showed expressions of anticipation and shock on their cheeks after coming to their senses.

There is nothing to say, since there is a live broadcast, of course, you have to watch it well, you know… This is the top war on the sea? Whoever loses or wins will determine the final direction of the sea.

Holy Land Marijoya, among the flowers in the deepest part of Pangu City; On the mysterious Void Throne, Im suddenly opened his red eyes and looked at the live broadcast screen projected by the shadow phone worm not far away.

Unexpectedly, Im really did not expect that the ancestor of the sea Luo Lei would actually choose to broadcast live in front of the entire sea, originally he also planned to let the five old stars broadcast live, he could understand the latest battle situation on the battlefield in real time, now it’s good, no need, the ancestor of the sea Luo Lei is going to broadcast live, so, after receiving the report, Im immediately let his subordinates relay the picture.

“I really don’t know if you are confident or proud!!”

I don’t know how long it took, a trace of coldness flashed in Im’s expressionless eyes, and he muttered: “Since you want to broadcast live, then I will let you lift a stone and drop it on your own feet, this time I will let you see what the real divine power is.” ”

That’s right, this time Im intends to take matters into her own hands, and when the battle reaches a critical moment, she will strike with a king’s landing, thus shocking the entire sea. At that time, the whole sea will tremble under her god-like power. So, under the instructions of Lord Im, the Navy and CP also began to act, not only did not obstruct the live broadcast of the World News Agency, but also began to promote the situation, using their own intelligence network, began to broadcast on a large scale.

This time, many remote places have live broadcast pictures, and the whole sea is paying attention in a real sense. New World, the Navy’s G-2 headquarters, in a conference room on the top floor; Staff officers Tsuru who remained at the headquarters of the Navy, Peach Rabbit on vacation, and some Vice Admirals of the Navy were gathered here, looking at the live broadcast on the curtain in front of them with serious faces.

No one spoke, making the atmosphere extremely solemn……..

“That demonic man actually wants to broadcast live?”

Taotu hugged his chest with his hands, watched the live broadcast with an expressionless face, and involuntarily recalled some pictures in his mind, and the anger in his heart did not fight.

Eat dry and wipe clean, the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, really wears pants and does not recognize people, this time she wants to witness the man fall to the altar with her own eyes.

“I hope the world government can win!!”

Staff Officer Crane glanced at the frosty peach rabbit, and shook his head a little helplessly, in the face of that kind of thing, the peach rabbit will definitely not be able to come out in a short time, unless the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, is defeated, so, after the live broadcast screen, Staff Officer Crane called the peach rabbit over to watch the battle together.

Now everything is ready only to owe the east wind.


At the same moment, the Straw Hat Grand League, which was marching towards the country of Wano, got the news at the first time, and when the live broadcast was broadcast, they happened to hear what Lorrey said, and immediately the entire Straw Hat Grand League was angry……..

What’s the situation?

You haven’t started fighting yet, and you make a look like you’re sure we’re stunned?

Is it true when we Straw Hat Big League are soft persimmons? We know you’re strong, but… Too conceited, right? Look down on us?

The clay people also have three points of fire, not to mention a group of rebellious pirates, in an instant, the anger value of the Straw Hat Grand Alliance is full, and they have rubbed their palms and fists, quite a taste of wanting to teach the ancestors of the sea a lesson.

Half an hour later, the thirty-five pirate ships of the Straw Hat Grand Alliance appeared in the sea near Wano Country in a fierce manner, however, after arriving in this sea area, when the people of the Straw Hat Grand Alliance looked towards the country of Wano, they were all shocked, and looking around, a huge ring appeared above the country of Wano, enveloping the entire country of Wano, and the bones of the elephant lord tens of thousands of meters high were placed in the center of the ring.

Or the ring is too big, resulting in the elephant lord’s huge bones are set off by incomparably small.

Exactly… The live broadcast screen also rotated, directly giving a panoramic view to Wano Country, and I saw a super ring formed of wood supported by countless towering trees and covering the entire Wano Country in the sky.

On the left side of the ring, there stood Luo Lei, the ancestor of the sea, but when the live broadcast picture swept behind Luo Lei, the entire sea was silent for 0.2, and many people who were a little older couldn’t help but rub their eyes, as if they thought they were wrong.

But… No matter how you rub it, the live broadcast screen of Shanghai thief king Roger, Rocks, Golden Lion Shiji, Whitebeard and others seem to be standing there straight, but their faces are not very good-looking.

In short, the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, resurrected Roger the One Piece, Shiji the Golden Lion, Whitebeard and others.

In an instant, the whole sea fell into silence again, no one spoke, not even moving their eyes, afraid of missing this historic scene.

Because everyone knows very well that this sea… At least hundreds of years of shock by this god-level operation of the Sea Ancestors.

[PS: Kneeling for tips, collections, flowers and reviews, cute new, tears kneeling and begging… Kneel down and beg you to read the boss, kneel and beg you to read the boss. 】。

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