Chapter 128: The Five Old Stars Get Out, and the Six Dao Ancestors [Three More Kneel and Beg for Subscription].

“I did not expect that the world government and the revolutionary army would also enter the war.”

At this time, the high-end combat power of the Straw Hat major leagues such as Beckman, Couzin, Hawkeye Mihawk, Bucky, Sauron, Sanji, Marko and other straw hats also reacted, and it was incredible that I couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief in my heart.

Judging from the fact that Renly was killed in seconds without any resistance, their Straw Hat Grand Alliance still had great pressure to deal with the sea ancestor Luo Lei, as well as those resurrected legendary-level powerhouses, and now… Once the world government and the revolutionary army enter the war, the pressure of the Straw Hat Grand Alliance will undoubtedly be much less.

And when they think that the world government and the revolutionary army still want to hide behind and watch the fire, Beckman and others have some want to laugh, or come out together to deal with the ancestors of the sea!!

“The revolutionary army wants to enter the war?”

At this time, Luffy, who paused the outbreak, suppressed the pain in his heart, frowned, and couldn’t help muttering: “Doesn’t that mean that my father is also going to fight?” ”

Luffy has very little memory of his father, more precisely, almost none, and Grandpa Karp rarely mentions this man who hardly returns home, he only knows that the man is the leader of the revolutionary army, defined by the world government as “the most vicious criminal in the world”.

Thinking of this, Luffy turned his eyes and couldn’t help but look at Karp,


Seemingly understanding Luffy’s doubts, Cap nodded slightly helplessly, still having some bitterness in his heart.

Since Long founded the revolutionary army, the three of their grandfathers, children and grandchildren, almost never had a reunion dinner, but they met at a reunion on the battlefield, and there is still some inexplicable sadness when you think about it.

However, the thought of the dragon being able to stand up for his grandson, his son, at a critical moment; While Karp was sad, there was still some relief, fighting the tiger brothers, the father and son soldiers, at the critical moment, they were still reliable by their own people.

“The revolutionary army and the world government are also going to do it?”

Next to him, a ray of essence flashed in the eyes of the Warring States, he was a little confused about what the world government was thinking? In order to deal with the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, break his own bottom limit and the Straw Hat Grand Alliance, is it really worth the revolutionary army to join forces?

Is this a ploy, or a passive compromise?

Or is it Lord Im’s order?

“The real Armageddon is about to begin.”

“It is also reasonable for three super-top forces to work together against the ancestors of the sea.”

“Didn’t we also join forces with the navy to deal with the Sea Ancestors more than forty years ago? It would be wise for the world government to do so now. ”

“This should be unexpected, reasonable!!”


Locks, Roger, Whitebeard, Golden Lion Shiji and others also became relieved after the initial astonishment, in their opinion, the current scene is just a copy of more than forty years, and the sea ancestor Luo Lei’s style of doing whatever he wants, making himself passively the target of the sea.

Only this time, I don’t know who will lose and who will win, and which will have the last laugh!

“The world government and the revolutionary army are also here to join in the fun, so wouldn’t it kill three birds with one stone?”

“This should be Sanxi Linmen!!”

“Hahaha, Lord Luo Lei will definitely come to a wonderful string of threes.”

Ember, Quinn, Jack, Perospero, Katakuri and the others standing at the back didn’t care so much, and after glancing at each other, they could see the excitement in their eyes.

In their opinion, Lord Lorrey is an invincible existence, the Straw Hat Grand Alliance is coming, the world government is coming, and the revolutionary army is also coming, which is all here to deliver food, and the special one is finished. So, in such a situation, the battlefield once again fell into silence, whether it was the pirates of the Straw Hat Grand Alliance, or the hundred beasts Kaido, Charlotte Lingling, Han Cook, Ember, White Star and others, as well as countless people watching the live broadcast, began to wait silently.

For a second….. Three minutes….. Five minutes………

With the passage of time, about two and a half hours later, some people saw and heard domineering and perceived the top warship of the navy and a pirate ship of the revolutionary army.

Another ten minutes or so, oh! Swish!!

The sound of breaking the air resounded one after another, and the yellow ape, one of the three major admirals of the Navy, who was the first to reach the center of the ring, followed by the navy’s marshal Sakaski, as well as Fuji Tiger, Green Bull, Black Horse, and the six CPO commanders.

When these people stood expressionless in the center of the ring, boom!!

The entire sea exploded in an instant, countless people looked at the naval high-level and the chief of the CPO on the live broadcast screen, they all showed a dumbfounded expression, if you don’t make a move, the world government is a king bomb?

The strongest combat power of the navy and the strongest combat power of the CPO were sent, even if only eleven people stood there, but the oppressive force that made people palpitate invisibly broke out.

However, this is just the beginning, crackling!!

With a crisp roar, a large number of dark clouds unconsciously appeared above the ring, mixed with fierce winds and thunderbolts, making the weather in this sea area gloomy.

Immediately after, black shadows came from a distance, and after approaching, it was impressively Munchi · The revolutionary army headed by D. Long.

Ultimately, seemingly deliberately, Munchi S. D. Long led Saab and others to stand next to Sakarski and others,


Sakaski glanced at the dragon with a gloomy look, and then at the straw hat Luffy, clenched his fists, suppressed the impulse in his heart, snorted coldly, and said, “Dragon, you and your son will be caught by the navy one day.” ”

“If you have the ability, come on!”

Monchi in a dark green coat D. Dragon shrugged his shoulders disapprovingly, then looked at Luffy standing directly in front of the Straw Hat League, opened his mouth, wanted to say something, but said nothing.

He owes too much to this son of his.

I don’t know if it’s because of guilt or because of what, Monchi · D. Long looked apologetically at Karp again, but he was greeted by Karp’s expressionless cheeks.

Eventually, Monchi S. D. Long sneered for a moment before his serious gaze fell on Luo Lei.

“Saab, father…”

And perceived Monchi · The gazes of D. Dragon and Saab and others, Luffy trembled in his heart, but he still resisted the impulse, did not dare to look directly at them, and could only look directly at the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei.

Only by defeating the man in front of you can you go to reunite with your father, talk freely with your brother, and take risks with your partner!!

Of course, with Monchi D. Dragon and Straw Hat Luffy’s actions, no one present said any nonsense, strong enemies in front, even if there are many grudges between each other, they have to endure.

Invisibly, the atmosphere of the scene became suffocated….

“Luo Lei, you are really too arrogant.”

The next moment, Munch · D. Long took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: “The revolutionary army has no intention of being an enemy of you, but….. But you are looking for death yourself! ”

“Just grab it!!”

Sakaski shook his fist and said sharply: “In the face of so many high-end combat power, you are unable to fly today.” ”

“This time, we’re going to be full of fire.”

Straw Hat Luffy gritted his teeth and said unwillingly: “No matter how strong you are, we will strangle you, so as not to let you harm the entire sea.” ”


With the opening of the dragon, Sakaski, and Luffy, there was almost no warning, the high-end combat power of the Straw Hat Alliance, the three major admirals and dark horses of the navy, the six chief CPOs, and some cadres of the revolutionary army, all burst out with their own breath, and when these breaths broke out at the same time, some of the overlord domineering spirit mixed in there, there was actually a faint sign of fusion, boom!!

An earth-shaking sound sounded, perhaps the breath energy was too powerful, causing the air to explode, and the countless dark clouds in the sky were directly dispersed, and after spreading out in all directions, this sea area was trembling slightly.

“It’s time for us to do it…”

Sensing this terrifying to the extreme and mixed with some overlord-colored domineering aura, Locks, Roger, Whitebeard, Golden Lion Shiji and others all showed helpless expressions, in their opinion, Luo Lei should control them to burst out of overlord-colored domineering aura to counter these aura.

Unfortunately, they were disappointed, in fact, from beginning to end, Rolei did not think of letting these dead people take action, he reincarnated and resurrected Roger, Whitebeard and others, just to let them know what the real ancestors are and witness the new history of the sea; You have besieged me for more than forty years, causing me to be attacked and lost, and now, it is impossible for him to lose.


A sound of breaking the air sounded, and Luo Lei’s body flashed and appeared in mid-air, revealing a wisp of “Azu” smile,

“Good… If you want to fight, Lao Tzu will fight!! ”

In the next moment, a domineering voice mixed with overlord-colored domineering, like a thunderbolt in the clear sky, sounded in mid-air, swept straight ahead, and collided directly with the erupting breath of Luffy, Dragon, Sakasky and others.

Click… Click·

This is the sound of the air exploding, and countless spiderweb-like air spread all over this sea area in the blink of an eye, as if the space was about to be shattered, which invisibly made the new world tremble violently.

Then, after holding on for less than ten seconds, the aura of Luffy, Dragon, Sakasky and others was crushed by Luo Lei’s overlord domineering energy with the force of destruction and decay, and some strong ones were fine, but… Some of the weaker pirates of the Straw Hat Grand Alliance had not yet reacted, and they felt a roar in their minds, and they were shocked and passed out.


“Such a powerful overlord color domineering!”

After the aura coercion that the three major forces collectively broke out was defeated, Luffy, Dragon, Sakasky and others changed their expressions abruptly, obviously did not expect that Luo Lei’s overlord color domineering would be so strong, giving people a feeling of being high and invincible.

“Overlord killing is completely integrated into the overlord color domineering, coupled with the spiritual power mixed in, creating such an unsolvable overlord color domineering.”

Faced with this scene, the red-haired Shanks showed a stunned expression.

Because, Luo Lei’s overlord domineering spirit seems to have increased several times compared to when he fought him, and he is completely unreasonable?

“Five old stars, don’t get out of here yet!”

And yet… At this time, Luo Lei ignored everyone’s shock, and drank sharply, “I have long sensed your breath, again and again, Lao Tzu’s patience is limited, since you don’t come out, don’t blame me for being unkind.” ”

Before the words fell, Luo Lei’s heart moved and urged the almost endless Cha Ton Lali in his body, yes, since everyone is almost in line, he will also break through to the six realms level in front of countless people, and become a six-path ancestor who can do whatever he wants!!!

[PS: Kneeling for tips, collections, flowers and reviews, cute new, tears kneeling to beg… Kneel down and beg you to read the boss, kneel and beg you to read the boss. 】。

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