Chapter 130: Im’s Horror, the Terrifying Six Dao Ancestors [Ermore Kneels and Begs for Subscription]].

A few seconds later, as Luo Lei entered the Six Dao Ancestral Man mode, the mighty Immortal Technique Chatonra on his body had disappeared, replaced by a seemingly unfathomable, but actually ordinary state.

But… That’s it, but it invisibly gives the high-end combat power of the Straw Hat Grand League, the high-end combat power of the navy, the chief of the CPO, the high-end combat power of the revolutionary army, and the temperament of Rocks, Roger, Whitebeard, Hundred Beast Kaido and others, as if above all things.

It seems that this is the real King’s Landing on the sea, and all things in heaven and earth surrender…

“This… It seems to have broken through. ”

I don’t know how long it took, Bucky was the first to come to his senses, and subconsciously made a shocked voice: “After the breakthrough, the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, is good… It seems to have become stronger!! ”

Crying, Bucky really wanted to cry, since he was forced to become the false Four Emperors, he was afraid all day long, and it was difficult to sleep, and now he is well, facing a monster like the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, who is still getting stronger, his heart is already a little desperate.

“Why have you become stronger!!”

Kuzan looked up at Luo Lei, who had entered the six realms mode in mid-air, and said with a solemn expression: “After absorbing a large amount of natural energy, I feel that an unknown transformation has taken place in my body and soul!” ”

“What is the black sphere behind the sea ancestor Luo Lei?”

Klokdal threw away the cigar in his hand, swallowed his spit, and stared at the nine seeker jades suspended behind Luo Lei with horror, only to feel a tingling of his scalp.

Because, under the domineering perception of seeing and smelling, the black sphere seemed to have the power to destroy the world, at this time, not only Klokdal, but everyone who had the domineering color of seeing and hearing on the scene sensed that the nine black spheres were very abnormal, and the aura of the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, also changed.

It was at this time that everyone understood why Luo Lei, the ancestor of the sea, let the world government and the revolutionary army join the battlefield, and it turned out that he still had a hidden hand


Seeing this scene, Sauron, Sanji, Uta, Robin, Marko, Badjes, Shiliu and others were a little dazed, because, in the face of the now god-like Luo Lei, their souls were invisibly suppressed and had lost the courage to attack.

What makes them a little weak is that the ancestors of the sea were already very perverted, and now they have become stronger again, how can this be fought? I feel like I can’t fight!!

“How scary?”

The yellow ape rubbed his somewhat stiff cheeks, not knowing what to say.


Fuji Hu held his staff and knife, and sighed inwardly, although he couldn’t see it, he clearly perceived that the strength of this sea ancestor had undergone a great transformation.

How did such a big monster appear in the sea…

“It’s so uncomfortable!!”

Green bull, black horse, the chief of the six CPOs, also secretly showed a bitter expression, this ancestor of the sea, since the resurrection, likes to be unscrupulous, what he does will frighten people at any time, shocking the entire sea; Now it’s good, and before it starts, it gives everyone a frightening as if it was revealed.

“Can it still be like this?”

Saab was already shocked and didn’t believe his perception, and couldn’t help but rub his eyes, afraid that he had seen it wrong, what was the situation?

As soon as their revolutionary army debuted, a super king bomb came?

The cadres of the revolutionary army next to them also looked similar, all of them entered a sluggish state, a buzzing sound sounded in their minds, and the monstrous waves set off in their hearts could not be calmed down at all.

“So we’re the real clowns.”

“Hahaha, we still underestimate the Sea Ancestors, everyone thinks that the Sea Ancestors are standing on the third layer, but in fact they are standing on the fifth layer…”

“I kind of understand, the ancestors of the sea have always planned to fight all of them, and they did not control our intentions, and in vain we were still amorous.”


At this time, the most hit were Locks, Roger, Whitebeard, Golden Lion Shiji, Zefa, Karp and others, it turned out that they thought they still had some value, but… After Luo Lei broke through, they understood that there was a hammer worth?

From beginning to end, Rolei wanted to take revenge on using them, and after the resurrection, they were only worthy of being a tool puppet to witness history.11 This invisible contrast made Locks, Roger, Whitebeard and others deeply hit, on the contrary, the happiest are the hundred beasts Kaido, Charlotte Lingling, Blackbeard, Ember, Quinn, Hancook, White Star, Guangyue Rihe and others, the stronger Lord Lore, the cooler it is!!

Especially Bai Xing, Han Cook, Guangyue Rihe, the gaze that looks at Luo Lei in addition to admiration, is from the soul worship, worthy of the man they chose, is awesome!!

Their choice was not wrong, and in it, Mitsuki and Mitsuki, who were already imagining the warm scene of Lord Lorrey resurrecting his mother, Mitsuki, after winning the Great War.

“Again… Stronger again? ”

At this time, countless people on the sea who were watching the live broadcast, looking at Luo Lei, the ancestor of the sea wearing the six imperial god robes, all fell into a state of shock, and their hearts were trembling in addition to shock.

Just kidding!!

It has come to the critical moment of the decisive battle, and the ancestors of the sea, who were already very strong, have transformed into general, which is completely without giving the Straw Hat Grand Alliance, the world government, and the revolutionary army any chance of victory?

Originally, after the world government and the revolutionary army entered the war, the three major forces joined forces, and everyone thought that victory or defeat was unpredictable, and they would experience an earth-shattering war before they could distinguish who lost and who won; But I didn’t expect that in the blink of an eye, there would be an earth-shattering reversal, and the ancestors of the sea came to a rock-shattering breakthrough in front of the entire sea.

At the same moment, the Holy Land Marijoya, among the flowers in the deepest part of Pangu City; Rumble!!

At the moment when the ancestors of the sea broke through to the level of the six realms, Im, who was still watching the play, stood up from the Void Throne abruptly, his red eyes flashed with a look of uncertainty, and the heart of the unfazed rarely violently vibrate, perhaps there were some gaffes, a violent to the extreme breath swept out uncontrollably, enveloping the entire red earth continent, so that countless people in the world government, as well as the Tianlong people in the Holy Land, were frightened, and the people of the world government were all shocked and knelt on the ground, A wisp of cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

They are not fools and fools, this terrifying aura to the extreme must have been erupted by Lord Im, as for the Draco people in the Holy Land, they are high, invincible, but they are not an idiot, even if they are very unhappy in their hearts, but… Because of Im, the patron saint of the world government, they still chose to swallow their voices.


“What realm is this?”

“What exactly is the cultivation of the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei?”

“How many weird abilities does he have.”


With a panicked voice, Im’s red eyes were shocked in addition to shock, the layman looked at the liveliness, the insider watched the doorway, at the moment when Luo Lei broke through, she knew that something was wrong, this sea ancestor even through the live broadcast screen, gave her a feeling of facing the Devil Fruit Tree?

How can it be?

The Devil Fruit Tree had long been destroyed, turning into countless Devil Fruits and scattering into the sea. But… How could this Luo Lei give her this feeling, it was completely impossible?

However, Im didn’t know that Luo Lei entered the six levels and took the same path as the ten tails, relying on endless chakra; If combined with Liudao Mu Duan, he is really equivalent to the divine tree.

As long as Luo Lei is willing, the pirate world can also cultivate Chakra on a large scale from now on, and a variety of blood inheritance limits will appear, as well as a variety of ninjutsu and so on…

“No way!!”

“I have to get everything from Rorey…..”

“This time, I also want to play my cards and completely explode.”


However, after the shock, a wisp of irrepressible excitement and excitement appeared on Im’s expressionless cheeks,

··· Ask for flowers…

There must be a big secret on this Luo Lei, from the beginning of Mu Duan, to Luo Lei’s resurrection, his strength has skyrocketed, and some dead people have been resurrected, and now he has entered a very strange realm; Almost every one of them made Im greedy, to say something unpleasant, as long as she could get everything from Rolei, it would definitely rise to the sky. meanwhile

“Is this to the level of the six realms? It’s a qualitative improvement…..”

Ignoring the shock and horror of others, Luo Lei in mid-air held the six tin staff condensed by seeking jade in his hand, revealing a wisp of Azu’s smile, his heart moved, and the six tin staff in his hand were like liquid, turning into a long sword, and then into a shield, and finally turned into a black sphere, floating directly in front of Luo Lei.

Very strong!

After slightly perceiving his physical state, Luo Lei couldn’t help but sigh.

If there is no mistake in prediction, after entering the Six Dao Mode, with the ability of the people of the motherland, he is at the top level even in the Six Dao level.

What’s more, unlike the six paths Naruto, the six do-bans and others, he relied on his endless chakra, and under the blessing of the peak homeland template, the six realms he entered were not the same concept.

Maybe the only difference is that he doesn’t have the white eyes of the Otsugi clan, the Sharingan Eye, the Reincarnation Eye, the Reincarnation Eye, and can’t use some powerful ninjutsu that can only be performed with the Reincarnation Eye….

However, it doesn’t matter, the ancestors of the Six Dao seem to be not bad….

“Since the five old stars haven’t rolled out yet, let’s use them to try how strong the Six Dao Ancestors are!”

In the next moment, Luo Lei seemed to have thought of something, the corners of his mouth were slightly upturned, his body rose several hundred meters, and his indifferent eyes looked at the sea in the distance.

“This… How does it feel? ”

On that top warship of the navy, five five-old stars looked at the Luo Lei on the live broadcast screen looking in the direction they were in, and somehow, their hearts tightened, and a wisp of cold sweat overflowed their foreheads.

Because, now the feeling given to them by the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, is similar to the feeling given to them by Lord Im, no… It’s much scarier.

“Six Dao Vientiane Heavenly Introduction!!”

A cold drink sounded, even if there was no reincarnation eye, Luo Lei also used his powerful spiritual power to simulate the pupil power, and stretched out his right hand to face the direction where the five old stars were.

“Not good!!”

“Quick… Let’s evacuate. ”

“A little faster!!”

Through the live broadcast screen, seeing Luo Lei’s action, I don’t know how, the five five old stars only felt terrified, and they all had a feeling of being targeted by some desolate beast, and countless cells all over the body were constantly issuing crisis warnings.

Dangerous, extremely dangerous!!

You have to leave this top naval ship right away. Swish! Swish!!!

The sound of breaking the sky sounded, and in the situation of not knowing the specific situation, the five five old stars flew away in different directions without hesitation, however, it was too late, almost at the moment when they were about to leave, a terrifying suction force acted on the five of them,

“Not good!”

“Not good!”

“Not good!”

, The five five old stars looked shocked, and wanted to use their respective means, but found that it was too late, and they could only watch their bodies fly upside down towards the center area of the ring.

So, under the gaze of countless people, a very terrifying scene appeared, and I saw that the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, had just stretched out his right hand, and five old men in black combat uniforms flew upside down from a distance at a very fast speed.

Bang! Bang!!

A few crisp collision sounds sounded, and the five five old stars smashed fiercely on an open space in the center area of the ring, [PS: kneel for tips, collections, flowers and evaluations, Mengxin, tears and kneels to beg…. Kneel down and beg you to read the boss, kneel and beg you to read the boss. B].

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