Chapter 134: Murderous Heart? [One more kneel for subscription].

That’s right, let Wang Luffy feel the pain first,


Luffy, who was still in a daze, subconsciously looked at Luo Lei, only to feel that his sweat and hair were up, and a wisp of cold sweat could not help but appear on his forehead, and his heart was involuntarily panicked.

Terrible! It’s terrible!!

Facing Luo Lei’s plain eyes, at this moment, Luffy seemed to feel that the cells in his body were frantically transmitting danger signals to him, especially the energy in the form of Human Fruit, Phantom Beast, and Nika began to surge uncontrollably.

“Calm down! I must calm down…..”

Luffy’s pupils contracted violently a few times, took a deep breath, barely suppressed the trembling in his heart, and then looked at his grandfather Yikapu.

However, to Luffy’s disappointment, Karp still seems to be in shock, his eyes dull, and he can’t give him encouragement of love.

Luffy, who was very unwilling, looked at his father Munchi again. D. Dragon, similar to Karp, the dragon’s expression is also in a stiff state, as if it has not yet slowed down from the scene where the five old stars are killed.

So, facing Luffy’s gaze, Munch · D. Dragon didn’t have any reaction.

And Lu 623, who was not encouraged, showed a lost soul expression, and turned his head to look at Sauron, Sanji, Nami, Robin, Usopp and others, but found that his companions were all blind and in a state of shock.

Then Luffy looked at Beckman, Hawkeye Mihawk, Klokdal, Bucky and others, and found that these people also ignored his eyes.


So, under such circumstances, for the first time in history, Luffy felt a sense of despair, this sea ancestor Luo Lei, has not really made a move against the Straw Hat Grand Alliance, and has already made everyone lose the confidence to continue fighting? This…… Is this really necessary to fight?

Of course, not only the Straw Hat Grand Alliance, but also the navy’s black horse, the green bull, the six CPO commanders, and the cadres of the revolutionary army were in a state of shock.


Seeing this scene, Kaido the Beast, Charlotte Lingling, Ember, Quinn, Hancock and others were all confused, what is the situation, how the Straw Hat Grand League, the top of the navy, the chief of the CPO, the cadres of the revolutionary army, the mood is a little wrong!

Even the countless people watching the live broadcast on the sea have some doubts?

What exactly happened? Even if the five old stars are crushed to death, it is impossible to make the Straw Hat Grand Alliance, the top level of the navy, the chief of the CPO, and the cadres of the revolutionary army shocked until now?

“What’s wrong?”

Perhaps the eyes can’t see, Fuji Hu, one of the three major admirals of the navy, is not frowned, and there is a sense of foreboding in his heart, because now the atmosphere of the battlefield has become a little abnormal, everyone seems to be in a very strange state, and there is a problem with the five senses.

“Don’t worry, the energy on the five old stars has disappeared, it should be Lord Im.”

Suddenly, Fuji Hu, who noticed that something was wrong, clenched the staff knife in his hand and said loudly with a serious expression: “Don’t be shocked, everyone, cheer up, as long as we unite and cooperate, we will definitely win the final victory, after all, the final boss of our world government-Im has not yet made a move.” ”

After saying these words, a sharp sword intent erupted from Fuji Hu’s body, sweeping out in all directions,


“What just happened?”

“How do I feel like I’m in a state of sleep?”



In the next moment, everyone who was affected by this sword intent showed a blank expression, and immediately glanced at each other, and they couldn’t help but feel their scalps tingle for a while.

Because, just after the five old stars were killed, they actually fell into a very strange state in a state of shock, and there was nothing else in their minds except shock, fear, and shock, as if their bodies were not under their control.

“Luo Lei, it must be your ghost.”

Marshal Sakasky of the Navy gritted his teeth, clenched his magmaized fist, and roared with a cold face: “What exactly did you just do to us?” ”


Sakaski is extremely angry!!

Just now, he actually fell into a state of loss of consciousness, if it wasn’t for Fujihu to wake everyone up, I was afraid that everything would not be finished, Rao was so, and Sakasky was also afraid for a while.

Swish! Swish!!

Before the words fell, all eyes looked at the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, and… In addition to the horror in these eyes, there was a burst of fear and horror, which unconsciously affected so many people, and this sea ancestor was really terrifying.

“I just felt bored and cast an illusion.”

In the face of many eyes, Luo Lei smiled and said with some regret: “I didn’t expect that except for one blind man, you were actually affected.” ”

All right!!

Taking advantage of the killing of the five old stars to shock everyone, Luo Lei secretly cast an illusion, even if these people did not have Chakra in their bodies, but… After affecting the five senses, the effect is still very good, but I didn’t expect that the outlier of the vine tiger was born.

“So you cast an illusion?”

Luffy’s eyes widened and he said angrily, “You… Are you me? ”

As soon as he thought that he almost lost his self-confidence and began to doubt his grandfather, father, and friends and friends, Luffy’s heart was afraid for a while, and a wisp of coldness appeared on his forehead!!

As it turned out, everything was a ghost made by Luo Lei.

The next moment, Luffy looked at Karp, Dragon, Sauron, Sanji, Robin and others, but saw encouragement and guilt in everyone’s eyes, obviously, they all knew what had just happened.

This sea ancestor Luo Lei wanted to use illusion to kill Luffy and shatter Luffy’s spiritual will, but fortunately everyone woke up at the last moment…

[PS: Kneeling for tips, collections, flowers and reviews, cute new, tears kneeling to beg… Kneel down and beg you to read the boss, kneel and beg you to read the boss. 】。

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