Chapter 138: Killing the Dragon in a Second, Wang Luffy, who couldn’t bear it [Yi more kneels and begs for a subscription].


With Monchi S. D. Long’s move, the ring suddenly became turbulent, perhaps knowing that those black balls were very terrible, the white shock wave formed by the hurricane, after accumulating and compressing a lot of energy, Monchi · D. Long also deliberately controlled and avoided those black balls, and finally, in front of everyone’s eyes, it bombarded Luo Lei’s body fiercely.

There was no imaginary sound of explosion, because, at the moment of attacking Luo Lei, a new seeker jade appeared in front of Luo Lei, turned into a protective shield, and blocked there.

When the white shock wave bombarded the protective shield, even if it was mixed with armed color domineering, overlord color domineering, and the power of hurricane fruits, it was instantly fused by the power of the five elements of yin and yang, and it could easily exert the seeker jade that surpassed the blood succession limit and the power of blood succession elimination, and collapsed, turning into a breeze without any lethality.

“How is that possible?”

Seeing this scene, although he had already prepared for it, Monchi · D. Long’s expression changed suddenly, and he couldn’t help but let out an exclamation, you know, this time the attack was a blow he tried his best, but it still had no effect. What kind of energy is that black ball?

“No… No way? ”

Ivankov, Lightning and other cadres of the revolutionary army, who were about to start, saw that the attack of the dragon leader did not even set off the slightest splash, his body instantly became stiff, his eyes stood in place without a god, his expression was extremely desperate and helpless, too strong, how could there be such a perverted person in the sea?

“Dare to do it, then you will die!!”


As if moving instantly, Luo Lei’s body appeared in Monchi · In front of D. Long, a crazy and violent smile flashed on his cheeks, and as soon as his right fist clenched, the liquid-like Dao Jade was wrapped around his fist, and he blasted out with a punch without hesitation.

There is nothing to say, for these guys who don’t give faces, he will not show mercy to his subordinates. Dare to take the initiative, isn’t it proper to find death?

“So fast!!”

“Not good… There is simply no way to hide. ”

Monchi S. D. Long’s pupils contracted violently a few times, subconsciously urging the armed color domineering and overlord color domineering to an extreme, trying to resist this blow.

However, how terrifying the current Liudao Ancestor is, his so-called resistance is meaningless. Click… Click…..

This is the sound of a crack in the space, which makes Munch · D. Long was dumbfounded that the fist had not yet acted on him, and the armed domineering and overlord-colored domineering energy condensed in his body had begun to disintegrate, and under helplessness, he entered elementalization.

A crisp sound sounded, almost like destruction and decay, and entered the elementalized Monchi · D. Long’s chest disappeared directly, perhaps because the aftermath was too strong, and even the only remaining revolutionary army cadres standing behind him were all blasted alive and turned into several blood mist bangs!!


“After all, the gap in strength is still too big!!”

“Luffy, it’s up to you, dad will go first.”


And in the last second of his life, Monchi J. D. Long rarely showed any panic, but showed an expression of relief and relief, he was worthy of anyone in his life, except for his son Luffy and Ivankov behind him, Lightning and other revolutionary army cadres who have always supported him.

Now dead, it can be regarded as the final redemption…

As for the revolutionary army, in fact, there has been no need for its existence for a long time, because the emergence of the ancestors of the sea has already made the rule of the world government precarious, and judging from the current situation, it is only a matter of time before the world government is overthrown.


After the one-punch group destroyed the revolutionary army, time and space seemed to freeze at such a moment, whether it was the people in the ring or the countless people watching the live broadcast in the sea, all of them were dull and godless.

No way, from Monchi · D. Long moved, and then Luo Lei’s one-punch group destroyed the revolutionary army, less than five seconds before and after, many people did not react, and saw the revolutionary army destroyed by one blow.


It’s really terrifying.

That’s right, the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, is very strong, and after crushing the five old stars, everyone is mentally prepared, but… Killing the revolutionary army in the blink of an eye still makes people’s scalps tingle for a while, and their hearts are blank.

“Gollum, Gollum….”


A few seconds later, those revolutionary army cadres who had just chosen to stand in line with the ancestors of the sea swallowed their saliva with hindsight, and couldn’t help but wipe a wisp of cold sweat that overflowed from their foreheads.

If they had just chosen to continue to stand in the revolutionary army, wouldn’t they all be dead now? Sure enough, they made a wise choice, in addition to them, such as Hawkeye Mihawk, Bucky, Klokdal, Yellow Ape, Kuzan, Green Bull, Dark Horse and other people who chose to stand in line with Rolei, also involuntarily showed a lingering expression, and they guessed similarly, now Rolei, has reached an unknown realm, as the leader of the revolutionary army, Monchi · D. Long’s strength is undoubted, but it was crushed by no resistance, which is enough to show that this gap in strength is already a gap between heaven and earth


Karp looked a little gloomy, opened his mouth, but sighed.

His son, Munchi S. D. Dragon is dead, and now he can only expect his grandson to erupt and avenge them.

“It’s so invincible!!”

Sengoku, Locks, Roger, Golden Lion Shiji, Zefa and others, in addition to the horror in their hearts, it was a bitter smile, in the face of such a terrible sea ancestor, is there really anyone who can stop him?

They all expressed doubts…


Ro, Kidd, Sauron, Sanji, Robin and the others lost their minds for a moment, before gradually slowing down, and then looked at Luffy with their eyes brushed, from the moment Sabo was killed, Luffy fell into a shocked to shocked sluggishness, and has not yet come to his senses. As everyone knows, now Luffy is already on the verge of a collapse and outbreak, grandpa Karp is dead, Saab is dead, the Straw Hat major league is also falling apart, and his father Monchi · D. Dragon was killed in seconds, and countless painful emotions surged wildly in Luffy’s heart, at the same time,


Seeing that the revolutionary army was destroyed by the second killing regiment, Sakaski, who was originally still imposing, was suddenly startled, just as Luo Lei looked at him again, which directly made Sakaski feel like he was being targeted by the desolate beast, and the cells in his body were trembling madly.


Extremely dangerous!!

Sakaski clenched his fists, a trace of cold sweat overflowed from his forehead, and he wanted to fight back and say a cruel word, but he found that he couldn’t open his mouth at all.

However, at such a moment that made Sakaski desperate, boom!!

Luffy, who had been in a state of soullessness without any move, suddenly erupted into a violent momentum like destroying the world, and then, under the attention of countless lights, Luffy’s hair and clothes turned white, his hair became like flames, and the “steam streamer” wrapped around his neck and armpits like a fourth gear.

There is no doubt that after experiencing Saab and his father, Munch J. After the blow of D. Long’s tragic death, the Four Emperors Luffy couldn’t bear it anymore, and directly entered the fifth awakening state, this sea ancestor Luo Lei must not die, since he dares to let me feel the pain, then I also want him to feel the pain.

[PS: Kneeling for tips, collections, flowers and reviews, cute new, tears kneeling to beg… Kneel down and beg you to read the boss, kneel and beg you to read the boss. 】。

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