Chapter 140: Wang Luffy’s Despair, No, No!! [One more kneel for subscription].

However, because the wooden ring is extremely hard, Wang Luffy smashed on the ring and did not make any holes,

But… The powerful power still made him enter the fifth gear state, he couldn’t help but spew out a mouthful of blood, of course, compared with the physical pain and vomiting blood, the mental blow and injury was the most desperate and powerless for Luffy, you know, now he has entered the peak state of the fifth gear, more powerful and terrifying than when he defeated the hundred beast Kaido, not only has “tough vitality” and “super recovery power” but also has extremely strong strength and attack power.

The result?

Just began to erupt, there was no power to resist was slapped by the sea ancestor Luo Lei flew out, it was really too shocking, originally, in Luffy’s imagination, as long as he can burst out the strongest power, there should be a chance to defeat the sea ancestor, the ideal is very full, but the reality is very skinny, even if he breaks out, it seems to have no effect.

And looking at this scene, the faces of Sauron, Sanji, Luo, Kidd, Robin and others suddenly froze, and a lot of cold sweat overflowed from their foreheads, revealing a very incredible look.

What’s the situation?

Luffy burst out with such a powerful momentum, even the ring was about to be rubberized, but he was so easily slapped away? Impossible, right?

Although he knew that the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, was very strong, but… How can it be so powerful that it is so inexplicable? Armed color domineering, seeing and smelling domineering, overlord color domineering, the power of the devil fruit, etc., seem to have no effect, except to be crushed by jade.

I’m afraid it’s not a monster, no… An undead demon, right?

“Sure enough…”

Sakaski showed an expression that he had expected and involuntarily took a few steps back. That’s right, he is waiting for Lord Im to make a strong appearance, and now the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, Monchi · D. Luffy has appeared, Lord Im will definitely not let go of such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and the commander of the whole army, Steel Bone Kong, who does not know what to do, has not appeared, and all signs show that the world government has a back hand to wipe out these “evils” in front of them.

Once Lord Im strikes, it will be time for him to punch a traitor,

“The gap in strength is too big!!”

“Luffy was already strong after the outbreak, but he met an even more perverted sea ancestor.”

“Shi Ye fate, maybe the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, is really Tianke Mengqi · D. Luffy!! ”


Seeing this scene, Roger, Rocks, Whitebeard, Golden Lion Shiji, Zefa and others all involuntarily made a sighing sound, and their eyes looking at Luffy were filled with regretful expressions.

Especially One Piece Roger, a wisp of gloom passed on his cheeks….. In all fairness, in the case of Munch S. D. Luffy’s ability and style of acting are really likely to become the new One Piece and lead the change of the entire sea; Pity….. I met a sea ancestor who had been dead for more than forty years and resurrected, and now all his luck was plundered by Luo Lei, and it can only be said that Luffy was born in the wrong era.

“This… Isn’t it okay? ”

Karp’s expression sank, and he couldn’t help but shake his fist.

“Don’t worry, Luffy is not dead yet, there should still be a chance to break out.”

Sengoku hesitated for a moment before saying in a deep voice: “As long as Luffy can burst out the true power of the sun god Nika, even if he can’t defeat Luo Lei, he can retreat with his whole body.” ”


Karp suppressed his tormented heart and could only be forced to pretend to be calm. Now he, like a marionette, can only stand here powerlessly watching everything happen,

“Hahaha, Straw Hat Luffy, are you here?”

At this time, after slowing down, Hundred Beast Kaido couldn’t help but let out a proud laugh, and said violently: “At the beginning, I let you learn to flow cherry blossoms with one stick, let you comprehend the overlord color domineering entanglement with the second stick, and let you awaken the rubber fruit to the form of the human fruit, phantom beast species, and nika. ”

When he said this, Hundred Beast Kaido couldn’t help but show a playful expression, and said, “Now that Lord Luo Lei slapped him, have you understood anything?” Fast……. Tell us about it. ”

“Luffy, stand up and continue to erupt?”

Hearing these words, Charlotte Lingling grinned, and also responded very comfortably,

“Please show the courage and confidence that fought us in Wano Country.”

“In the face of absolute power, no matter how it breaks out, it will have no effect.”

“This Luffy is really laughing to death, obviously a pirate, but self-proclaimed as an impostor?”

“He didn’t pursue wealth and kill, but he released countless sea thieves in the advancing city, and he really wanted to set up a torii when he became a…”

“The most ridiculous thing is that Luffy the Straw Hat also stands on the moral high ground and accuses Lord Rolei, saying that Lord Luo Lei can do whatever he wants if he has the strength”

“Isn’t he the same himself? Without strength, background, and some aura, I am afraid that I will not die long ago. ”


With the beginning of Kaido and Charlotte Lingling, Ember, Quinn, Jack, Perospero, and some pirates of the Straw Hat Grand Alliance who chose the team of the sea ancestor Rolei, they all let out a sneering uproar.

There is nothing to say, the sea is the weak and the strong, and strength is king.

This straw hat Luffy, really thought that the whole sea would revolve around him? It’s really a habitual problem, or feel the beating from society!

“Why bother?”

Han Cook, White Star, Guangyue Rihe all showed an expression of emotion, this Luffy, is really too bad, don’t pretend to force your head if you don’t have the strength, now it’s okay, you were slapped and flew, right?

Don’t you know, without Karp, Monchi · The protection of D. Dragon, red-haired Shanks and others, no one will give you face, and will not be used to you.

Maybe you are very strong in strength and talent, and you have also developed the rubber fruit to the form of the human fruit, phantom beast species, and nika, but… What is the use of facing Lord Lorey? Can only be crushed.

As for the countless people watching the live broadcast on the sea, they also showed very speechless expressions, Nima’s, after this straw hat Luffy entered the fifth gear, he burst out with a monstrous breath, how powerful did he think it would be? The result? Is that all? It’s so unsatisfactory!!

At the same moment,

“I barely exerted myself just now, you should still be standing, right?”

Luo Lei’s body was suspended in mid-air, looking down at Luffy on the ground, and said flatly: “If your strength is this, then I don’t even have the mood to kill you, it’s really too vulnerable.” ”

“What did you say?”

Hearing these words, Luffy, who was in a fifth-gear state, suppressed the depression in his heart, and stood up from the ring with gritted teeth, staring at Luo Lei in mid-air with his eyes deadly, his eyes full of solemnity and murderous color, okay!

Even if he is very resilient, he can actually see Luffy’s already red and swollen face… This is also what Luffy did not understand, after he awakened, his body became rubber, with excellent elasticity and ductility, it is reasonable to say that it will not be red and swollen and vomit blood, but… The black energy on Luo Leiba’s palm seemed to ignore this.

This………… It’s just uncomfortable!! However, as the hope of “the whole village”, even if he is slapped in the face, he will not give up if he already has a despair in his heart, one outbreak is not enough, then twice, two times is not enough, then three times, anyway, he will not give up.


In the next moment, the white light on Luffy, who was in the state of Nika, shook up, and burst out with a terrifying momentum, sweeping out with lightning speed, making the air in this sea area tremble frantically, and faintly even this space began to rubberize, and Luffy was the absolute king of this space.

“Me! Luffy, you will never throw in the towel…”

“Rubber, Ba Great Ape King Gun!!”


A sound of breaking the air sounded, and Luffy, who was in a five-speed super peak collapse state, expanded his fist hundreds of times in size, even if it was entangled by armed color domineering and overlord color domineering, emitting a pitch-black metallic luster, it had not yet attacked Luo Lei’s body, and the oak space had begun to ban Luo Lei’s body.


Luffy’s blow was absolutely powerful, and the next moment, the Overlord Ape King Spear bombarded Luo Lei with a destructive force, because the fist was too large, and it gave people the illusion of grinding jade.


Sensing the gradually rubberized space, Luo Lei showed an interested expression, glanced at the Overlord Ape King Spear that was coming at him, and did not dodge, so lightly suspended in mid-air.


With a deafening roar, the Overlord Ape King Spear with majestic power bombarded Luo Lei’s body fiercely, erupting into an earth-shattering energy shock wave that may be too strong, causing wisps of black cracks visible to the naked eye to appear in the space.

However, the destructive power caused was terrifying, and as the target of the attack, Luo Lei’s body was not injured at all, more precisely, he did not even frown, and he was suspended under the huge overlord ape king gun.


Seeing this scene, Luffy made an incredulous sound, he had thought of many possibilities, but he did not expect that the ancestor of the sea would levitate in mid-air and let him attack, more… What made him dare not believe was that his proud attack did not break even the slightest defense of Luo Lei, let alone make him take a step back.

This… Is there some blow in particular?

“Rubber, Big, Ape King Gun!!”

“Rubber Cannon Ball!!”

“Rubber, Boss, King Ape Gun”

“Rubber King Ape Boomerang”

Soon, accompanied by unwilling roars, Luffy, who was in the fifth super peak state, launched a dazzling and scalp numbing attack, whether it was the people on the scene or the countless people watching the live broadcast, they were in a state of stunned.

No way, it was Luffy’s various attacks, too terrifying, as if they were going to destroy the heavens and the earth, causing a large-scale rift in the space where the Sea Ancestor was located, and instantly swallowed all the Sea Ancestor Luo Lei. For a second…..

Ten seconds….. Thirty seconds…. With the passage of time, it wasn’t until three minutes later that Luffy, who was in his fifth super peak state, stopped, still!

The audience was silent! No one spoke, and they all looked at Luo Lei, who had been covered by spatial rifts, and… As the spatial rifts repaired and disappeared by themselves, about twenty seconds later, the sea ancestor Luo Lei was suspended in place intact.


Faced with such a scene, Luffy, who was in the fifth super peak state, let out a desperate roar, [PS: kneeling for tips, collections, flowers and evaluations, cute new, kneeling in tears and begging… Kneel down and beg you to read the boss, kneel and beg you to read the boss. Great].

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