Chapter 146: You and Im are both wastes [One more kneels for subscription].


With the sound of Luo Lei’s words, the scene was quiet except for Luffy’s increasingly rapid heartbeat;


Seeing that Luffy still had no reaction, Luo Lei snorted coldly, and was too lazy to talk nonsense, the terrifying aura mixed with violent spiritual power, swept out at a speed of lightning speed, and went towards Luffy to suppress!!

Isn’t it the sound of a “drum of liberation”? Isn’t it the awakening of Joey Boi, who has been dead for more than eight hundred years? What’s the big deal?

Pretend to be addicted? Whoops…………………………………… In the next moment, accompanied by a crisp sound, as if something was broken, the sound of the “Drum of Liberation” disappeared directly.

Metaphor!! It took time, and many people who were still immersed in the sound of the “drum of liberation” suddenly became agitated, their faces came back to their senses unnaturally, and even rubbed their stiff faces with some laughter.

Fortunately, the weak one didn’t know what was going on at all, and he only felt that he had a pleasant dream……… The faces of those with a little strength are changeable, among which Sauron, Sanji, Uta, Robin, Kidd, Luo and others are of course excited, thinking that Luffy has been abolished, they are all ready to attack together, fight against the water, save Luffy, but did not expect that at the critical moment, Luffy finally exploded again, through the sound of heartbeats can affect countless people, do not need to think about it, just like when defeating the hundred beast Kaido awakened the human fruit phantom beast species Nika form, the strength will definitely have another transformation

“Is Joey Boi really awake?”

Sakaski took a deep breath, his eyes were sure, and muttered, “Lord Im, if you don’t show up again, I can’t hold on.” ”

“Has it stopped?”

“Worthy of the legendary Joey Boi…”

“This time Luffy should enter the state of ultimate awakening, but I don’t know if I can defeat the Sea Ancestors.”

“There are definitely opportunities, but… It doesn’t feel big…”

Locks, Roger, Whitebeard, Shiji, Zefa and others couldn’t help but feel a word after slowing down, and they also knew very well that this……… Maybe it’s Luffy’s last hole card, if you still lose, in the absence of Im, then the big picture is decided.

The ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, will have the last laugh

“Desperate situations can be transformed.”

Sengoku couldn’t help but show a look of expectation, and said, “Karp, this grandson of yours is really powerful, and he can be called a child of destiny.” ”

“Let’s hope to win!”

Karp nodded, took a deep breath, and looked straight into the center of the ring.

Although the sound of the “Drum of Liberation” has stopped,… The aura on Luffy’s body is constantly skyrocketing and increasing, which means that they have not lost yet, and they still have a chance.

“You’re going to win.”

Hearing this, the red-haired Shanks said expectantly: “Is that the legendary Joey Boi?” A free god who makes people smile wherever they go. ”

“Looks like Luffy is still unwilling?”

“Even if Joey Boi appears, he will only be crushed by Lord Rolei.”

“Pretend to be a ghost, Joey Boi, since you have awakened, don’t waste Lord Lorey’s time.”


And Hundred Beast Kaido, Charlotte Lingling, Blackbeard, Ember, Quinn and others, as well as those who stood in line with the ancestors of the sea, did not have any worried and fearful expressions.

In their opinion, no matter how Luffy awakens and explodes, even if Joey Boi, who has been dead for more than eight hundred years, is of no use for eggs, and will only be crushed by Lord Lorrey with the force of destruction and decay.

Therefore, after the sound of the “drum of liberation” disappeared, in addition to the people in the ring, even the countless people watching the live broadcast on the sea all looked at the monchi · D Luffy.

“Why, don’t you dare to show your face yet?”

At this time, Luo Lei stretched his waist, and said lightly: “If I don’t show up, I will move the real thing.” ”


“I really didn’t expect that such an unscrupulous figure as you would appear in the sea today.”

“If it weren’t for the fact that you didn’t have the breath of the Devil Fruit on your body, I would have thought that you were fusing the trunk of some Devil Fruit to cultivate Mu Duan to such a terrifying realm.”

“But… I can’t see through the state you are in now……..”


Before the words fell, accompanied by a sigh of slight exhaustion and amazement, in front of everyone’s eyes, Luffy, who had lost his right arm, slowly climbed up from the ground, picking up his cheeks to reveal a trace of age-inappropriate vicissitudes and helplessness.

“Sun god Joy Boi?”

Looking at Luffy who stood up, many people couldn’t help but have a name in their minds, no way, it is really the state Luffy is in now, as long as his eyes are not blind, he can see that it is a different person.


Looking at the “Luffy” Luo Lei in front of him, the corners of his mouth were slightly upturned, and said, “You finally appeared…”


Joy Boi nodded and said with emotion: “Times have really changed, and there is actually such a variable as you.” ”


Luo Lei showed a disdainful expression and said sarcastically: “You and Im, aren’t you variable?” One by one, they all hide behind the scenes, secretly arrange, and think they have everything under control. ”

“Treat everyone as pawns, but you don’t know that you yourself are actually not good.”

Speaking of this, Lorley also added: “In fact, you are just two self-righteous trash…”

“Uh… What did you say? ”

Joey Boyrang paused, the calm heart was suddenly unhappy, and his face was even more gloomy 0.2 down, as a figure of more than eight hundred years ago, an old-timer, he has awakened now, I thought that Luo Lei would respect him to some extent, but now it seems that he thinks too much, Luo Lei seems to not look at him from beginning to end.

“I said you guys are trash!!”

A ray of crimson light flashed in Luo Lei’s eyes, and he said violently: “Without the strength to hide behind the scenes as a chess player, you and Im are both iron wastes… This time, I set off such a big movement, and also carried out a live broadcast of the whole sea, just to manipulate you all at once to eliminate future troubles. ”

“From now on, the sea will completely enter the era of the ancestors of the sea.”

[PS: kneel for tips, collections, flowers and evaluations, cute new, tears kneeling to beg….. Kneel down and beg you to read the boss, kneel and beg you to read the boss. 】。

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