Chapter 148: Or Let’s Go Together! [One more kneeling for subscription]].


After Im appeared, an aura that seemed to make heaven and earth surrender permeated at a lightning speed, perhaps too powerful, causing cracks in the air…….

Then, before many people could react, this breath continued to spread, first covering the ring, and then spreading to the new world… Quiet!!

In an instant, time and space fell into silence, bang! Bang! Bang!!

The next moment, accompanied by the sound of falling to the ground, I saw that many civilians in the new world and some weaker people had not yet reacted, and their bodies froze in place, and then their minds buzzed, and they lost consciousness and fell to the ground one after another.

On the ring, almost everyone was affected by Im’s powerful breath, facing this majestic breath, many people involuntarily had a feeling of trembling, and unconsciously a wisp of cold sweat appeared on their foreheads, and some of them stumbled slightly in shock.

“This… Is this overlord domineering? ”

“Im… Im’s overlord domineering feeling is comparable to the overlord domineering of the ancestors of the sea! ”

“This… This is also too strong, too overbearing!! ”


A few seconds later, Sauron, Sanji, Uta, Beckman, Kidd, Robin, Luo and others looked at the final boss of the world government – Im, who suddenly appeared in mid-air, carefully wiped the cold sweat on their foreheads, and made a terrifying sound in no particular order. Nima’s, is there any mistake?

They were still pity that they did not hear the history of the blank hundred years, but now well, the history of the blank hundred years has not been heard, but the final boss of the world government – Im appeared on the battlefield, this is the rhythm of the final showdown?

“Hahahaha, Lord Im is here!”

Sakaski laughed loudly, clenched his magmaized fists excitedly, waited for so long, finally waited for Lord Im, next, he will personally teach those traitors a lesson, let them know that the navy and the world government are not for them to come and leave whenever they want!!


“It is worthy of being a person who has lived for more than 800 years, and this overlord color domineering has reached another level.”

“yes, it’s really terrifying…”

“Even the domineering spirit of the red-haired Shanks cannot be compared to Im.”


Locks, Roger, Whitebeard, Shiji, Zefa and others sensed Im’s powerful overlord domineering, and they couldn’t help but show their amazing expressions, as a strong man who once shook the sea, of course they knew that Im could burst out such a terrifying overlord domineering at will, which means that the real strength is absolutely terrifying.

Coupled with the awakened Joey Boi and the sea ancestor Luo Lei, it means that the three strongest people in the sea have all gathered together.

This…… You don’t have to think about it, the battle that will really determine the course of history is about to begin.


Karp, Sengoku, and red-haired Shanks also showed solemn eyes, there was nothing to say, the ultimate battle related to the future of the sea was about to break out, and Luffy’s real test was about to begin.

“Im is finally here!!”

“The battle of the most Dai Feng in the sea is about to begin………….”

“Joey Boi, Im, Lorey, the Triwizard Battle, I hope the Sea Ancestors can win.”

Kuzan, Yellow Ape, Green Bull, Vine Tiger, and other people who chose to stand in line with the ancestors of the sea also showed a solemn expression, and they also knew very well that since they chose to stand in line with the ancestors of the sea, there was no way back.

If Lorrey had the last laugh, everyone would be happy, but……… If they lose, then they will most likely be liquidated…………

“Did Im show up too?”

On the other side, Hundred Beast Kaido, Charlotte Lingling, Ember, Quinn and others also paused, and immediately ignored the tsunami-like aura coercion, revealing an excited expression.

Really come whatever you want, Joey Boi awakened, and the final boss of the world government-Im also appeared, this is the rhythm of making Lord Lorrey kill two birds with one stone?

Needless to say, it’s definitely a double happiness… As for the countless people watching the live broadcast in the sea, except for those who were stunned in the new world, almost all of them showed expressions of horror to the extreme, and even more so they were already frightened to the ground.

Im, the final boss of the world government – Im has appeared, this is the rhythm that is going to destroy the world? To know that the world government can rule the sea for more than 800 years, this god-like Im is indispensable?

Now, the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, forced Im out abruptly, plus a Joey Boi, and you don’t need to think about it to know that a battle that affects the entire sea is about to break out.

Of course, at such a moment, the entire sea, only the awakened Joy Boi and the sea ancestor Luo Lei were not affected in any way.

“Im, is it interesting?”

Joy Boi sensed the shocked people and said, “More than eight hundred years have passed, and you haven’t changed at all?” ”

“Aren’t you the same?”

Im, who was suspended in mid-air and opposite Luo Lei, said expressionlessly: “You have finally awakened and appeared, and the grievances and grievances more than eight hundred years ago should draw a perfect end.” ”


Joy Boi showed a disapproving expression, pointed at Luo Lei, and said without any concern: “With this sea ancestor here, are you sure you can draw a sentence?” ”


Hearing the sarcastic look in Joy Boi’s tone, Im snorted coldly and said, “I already strangled him once more than forty years ago, and this time should still be okay.” ”

Speaking of this, Im also paused, gritted his teeth, and said with a little regret: “If it weren’t for waiting for you to appear, I would have strangled him when he was resurrected.” ”

That’s right, when Luo Lei was resurrected, Im actually didn’t pay much attention to Luo Lei, after all, if he could kill him once more than forty years ago, he would definitely be able to kill a second time after the resurrection.

But she didn’t expect that after the resurrection, Luo Lei was more and more perverted and terrifying, so that she didn’t have any confidence to win. Now, Joy Boi has appeared, then she can only choose to give it a go and take the initiative to appear.

“Hahaha, it seems that you also miscalculated?”

Hearing this, Joey Boi laughed loudly, and when he wanted to say something, he was interrupted by Luo Lei crisply,

“You two trash!”

“Is it one by one, or… On together? ”

[PS: Kneeling for tips, collections, flowers and reviews, cute new, tears kneeling to beg… Kneel down and beg you to read the boss, kneel and beg you to read the boss. 】。

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