Chapter 150: Rubber Fruit is a BUG [One More Kneels for Subscription].

“I’m not mistaken! One look makes Im scream, makes Joey Boi step back, this… That’s scary, isn’t it? ”

“How terrible?”

“The sea ancestor Luo Lei is really terrifying!!”

A few seconds later, accompanied by an extremely surprised uproar, many people in the ring and countless people watching the live broadcast in the sea couldn’t help but show shocked expressions after rubbing their eyes.

No way, no one expected that before the decisive battle began, Im and Joy Boi were fiercely suppressed by the eyes of the ancestors of the sea.

“Damn it!!”

Hearing everyone’s exclamations, Im’s heart cracked, his silver teeth clenched, there were words of suffering, and he could only scold incomparably: “Luo Lei, you are looking for death…”

Nima’s, for the first time in more than eight hundred years, she suffered a suffocating loss and did not dare to return her mouth, let alone make a loud noise; After all, she also didn’t want to let herself be taken advantage of by the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, spread throughout the sea, so if she could endure it, she couldn’t bear it, and she had to continue to endure and let Luo Lei eat her tofu!!!

On the other side, Joey Boi also had the same idea, the sinister and hateful old sixth of the ancestors of the sea, actually had clairvoyant eyes, and there was no misuse of any bottom limit, which could be said to have caught Joey Boi off guard.

“Wait a minute…”

Suddenly, Joey Boi seemed to think of something, looked at his body, and suddenly showed a puzzled expression, what was he worried about?

The current body is Luffy’s, even if it is seen, there is nothing, right? Look at it casually, but he will not suffer.

Thinking of this, Joey Boi took a few steps forward with his head held high, and glanced at Luo Lei with a bit of provocation, and the meaning expressed was very simple, you look at it casually, I will back off and count me as losing.


Seeing this scene, Luo Lei showed a speechless expression, and said coldly: “Joey Boi, you have been dead for more than eight hundred years, is there a problem with your brain, and you are really an idiot.” ”


Hearing these words, Joy Boi snorted coldly and said in a deep voice: “Luo Lei, you are really unscrupulous, there is no look like a strong person, you just actually…” ”


Before Joey Boi’s words were finished, Im forcibly endured the anger in his heart, interrupted his voice angrily, and scolded: “Joey Boi, what are you talking nonsense with him?” ”

Of course, deep in her heart, Im was relieved, almost, Joey Boi almost told her what happened to her, such a humiliating thing, once exposed, she can imagine the image she spent more than eight hundred years to create, afraid that it will not be overturned in an instant and become the object of ridicule of countless people.

“Joey Boi, let’s cooperate first.”

The next moment, Im took a deep breath, took the initiative to change the topic, and said in a firm tone: “Let’s solve the sea ancestor Luo Lei together, and then solve each other’s grievances, what do you think?” ”


Joy Boi, who was originally a little unhappy that Im interrupted him, subconsciously glanced at Im and showed a slightly surprised expression, she actually wanted to cooperate with him?

Could it be that the sun came out of the west?

However, when he thought of Luo Lei, the ancestor of the sea who wanted to do whatever he wanted, Joey Boi was relieved, there were no eternal enemies, and there were no eternal friends, all of them were at the mercy of interests.

The current sea ancestor Luo Lei obviously wants to fight one against two, do he and Im have any other choice but to put aside the hatred and cooperation more than 800 years ago?


Joey Boi hesitated for a few seconds, then nodded forcefully.


A smile swept across Im’s cheeks under the black mask, thanks to the unscrupulous Sea Ancestor, her first step plan was easily achieved, as long as the Sea Ancestor Luo Lei was cleaned up first, then Joey Boi was not worried, then she could still laugh to the end and become the ultimate winner.

“Let me recover my arm first…”

Now that you have decided to cooperate, ask for flowers.

Joey Boi is too lazy to say any nonsense, Im wants winner-take-all, why isn’t he? Now it’s up to who’s on top of who’s better.

Airplanes!!! Without any warning, Joy Boi’s body erupted with terrifying energy fluctuations, and then, under countless incredulous gazes, Luffy’s abolished, right arm, actually grew out again, recovering intact.

“Okay, no big deal!!”

Joy Boi shook his right hand and nodded very satisfied, in the rubber fruit, no… It is in the state of super awakened human fruit, phantom beast species and nika, in fact, he is also equivalent to an immortal existence, even if the arm is abolished, using the characteristics of rubber after awakening, it can grow again, which is very simple and convenient.


“The arm has recovered?”

“This… I’m afraid this is not a miracle!! ”

“It’s worthy of Joey Boi, after awakening, he directly let the deposed Luffy recover full of blood.”

Soon, after a few seconds of silence, many people couldn’t help but widen their eyes, among which the eyes of the yellow ape and the green pheasant showed an undisguised look of envy, one of their legs was abolished by Navy Marshal Sakaski, and one person’s leg was abolished by the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, and now seeing Luffy’s right arm restored as before, the hearts of the two were full of envy and jealousy…..

“The rubber fruit is really a bug……..”

Luo Lei did not show any unexpected expression, did not want to say anything, a rubber fruit [human fruit phantom beast species Nika form] has many attributes, such as: animal resistance, superhuman rubber, natural flame, now to a body recovery, there is no big deal.

Maybe it’s not the rubber fruit that is metamorphosed, but Joey Boi makes the rubber fruit buggy… Otherwise, why would Wang Luffy use rubber fruits to ascend to the position of the Four Emperors?

[PS: Kneeling for tips, collections, flowers and reviews, cute new, tears kneeling and begging… Kneel down and beg you to read the boss, kneel and beg you to read the boss. IX].

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