Chapter 168: The Age of the Ancestors [Subscription].

That’s right

It’s that the sky of the sea has changed, and all the time, for many people,

The world government that has ruled the sea for more than eight hundred years is an invincible behemoth, what the era of Lokes, the era of the ancestors of the sea, the era of Roger, the era of the sea thief, are just a complete joke, now well, the ancestor of the sea who has been dead for more than thirty years, Roley, after the resurrection, explosive.

The world government has become a joke,

Even Im is going to be sanctioned by the ancestor of the sea Luo Lei, and there are still some things that people can’t believe when you think about it. Can…… The facts are in front of us, if you do not believe it, you have to believe, there is nothing to doubt at all, the myth of the invincibility of the world government is coming to an end, and from now on, it will be the era of the ancestors of the sea.


“The ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, has become a great trend.”

“From now on, the ancestors of the sea can really do whatever they want.”

“Hahaha, I am still very happy to be able to overthrow the world government, and I really want to see the face of the world nobleman Draco.”

Soon, after coming to his senses,

Countless people watching the live broadcast in the sea suppressed the throbbing and horror in their hearts, and they all emitted one after another uproar, especially many commoners, slaves, and people who had been oppressed by the world’s nobles for a day, and they couldn’t help but show excited expressions.

The world aristocracy Draco of Dog Day also has a day of losing power?

From now on, in the face of the ancestor of the sea Luo Lei, the world government Draco will definitely have a hard time, and there is still some excitement when you think about it!!!

And in the headquarters of the navy, countless naval soldiers have lost their souls on the ground,

After several twists and turns, the last bit of battle intent in the hearts of these navies has disappeared, especially after the Devil Fruit Tree was absorbed by the Chakra Divine Tree, these naval soldiers have no support.

It’s not that they don’t want to insist, but the ancestor of the sea Luo Lei is really too perverted, even if they watch the live broadcast, they don’t have the courage to resist.

“Why one?”

“It’s all over.”

“Is the Navy going to change its flag too?”

In the conference room on the top floor of the Navy headquarters, Staff Officer Crane, Peach Rabbit and other high-ranking officials who remained at the Navy Headquarters looked at each other, and they could see the slump and powerlessness in their eyes.

They all know very well that with the defeat of Im and Joyboy, the entire sea will be reshuffled, and the navy will be affected,

You don’t need to think about it to know that Kuzan, Yellow Ape, Green Bull, Black Horse and others who chose to betray the world government may retake over the navy and achieve the perfect alternation and excess of naval power.

As soon as they thought of this, Staff Officer Crane, Peach Rabbit and others felt that the future was dark, and after all, the navy still had to bear everything……… At the same moment, Holy Land Marijoa,

At the moment when the Devil Fruit Art was sucked up by the Chakra Divine Tree, the entire world government boiled, no, the entire Red Earth Continent boiled, and many officials of the world government, kneeling on the ground, their faces were extremely pale, as if they had realized the fate of the world government, in addition to shock, it was endless despair.

Compared with these desperate world government officials, the Draco people of the Holy Land have all fallen into a state of dazed chickens, and it seems that they have not recovered from the picture of the Devil Fruit Tree being sucked up!!

What’s the situation?

The Devil Fruit Tree, which had almost recovered most of its strength, was sanctioned by the Chakra Divine Tree? Did I make a mistake? It’s so vulnerable!!

Especially after seeing Im and Joey Boi, like bereaved dogs, smashed on the ground, the Draco finally came to their senses, and the faces in the bubble hood were already a little distorted and crazy because of fear and shock.

For more than eight hundred years, their world noble Draco has enjoyed the privileges of more than eight hundred years?

Now the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, has already overthrown the rule of the world government, which they cannot tolerate and accept, you know, they are the world’s nobles and dragons?


“Lord Im, hurry up……… Stand up quickly. ”

“Im, you are really useless, after living for so many years, have you lived to the body of a dog?”

“Transformation……… How so, Im is also too wasteful. ”

A few seconds later, accompanied by a series of angry and corrupt sounds,

The Draco people of the Holy Land showed extremely frightened expressions, and even more began to insult Im, thinking that Im’s waste had not fulfilled its responsibility to protect them.

Of course, world government officials and Draco were afraid to the extreme,

The eyes of the countless slaves in the Holy Land were bright, although they did not show it, but……… They have already remembered the ancestor of the sea, Luo and Lei.

This god-like man overthrew the rule of the world government and invisibly rescued them, there is nothing to say, even if Lorey is not their ancestor, it is better than their ancestor.

At the same time, above the ring over the country of Wano,

After absorbing the power of the Devil Fruit Art, the breath of the Chakra Divine Tree skyrocketed at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if the absorption of jokes was over, and countless strange-shaped demon fruits grew on countless branches.

Brush! Brush! Brush!! In the next instant, the sound of the Dao breaking through the air sounded, and countless devil fruits flew out in all directions, scattered all over the world.

“It’s almost the same……… It’s all time to end. ”

Seeing this scene, Luo Lei, who was suspended in mid-air, did not look at Im squarely, Joey Boi glanced at it, but instead took a deep breath and said in a surprising voice: “From now on, anyone who eats the Devil Fruit can not only have the magical power of the Devil Fruit, but also be able to cultivate Chakra and perform ninjutsu!” ”

Speaking of this, the corners of Luo Lei’s mouth turned up slightly, and he added lightly, 9898 From today, the sea will completely enter the ancestors [PS: kneel for tips, collections, flowers and evaluations, cute new, tears kneeling for beging… Kneel and beg you to read the boss, kneel to you, read the boss. 】。

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