Chapter 177: Vegapunk Appears [Subscription Requested].

“You guys…”

Looking at Solon, Yamaji, Uta, Nami and the others standing beside him, Luffy’s eyes involuntarily overflowed with a wisp of tears, and the depression and bitterness in his heart were swept away, but instead a feeling of relief and excitement emerged.

It’s not easy, it’s really not easy, at such a critical moment when Luo Lei, the ancestor of the sea, was publicly executed,

His own friends and partners, regardless of the risk of life, can take the initiative to stand up and support him, not abandoning or giving up, which makes Luffy’s heart warm.

Sure enough, the friends and partners I made,

All are reliable, all stand the test of life and death.

With these friends and partners as their solid backing, even if they are publicly executed by the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, even if they are not favored by countless people…

There is no doubt that in the face of the support of his friends and partners, Luffy has a sense of resurrection with blood, 04 despair? Helpless? Holding back? And so on…

It doesn’t exist anymore, Luffy’s heart is full of confidence and expectation, and full of confidence in the future, he firmly believes that with the support of Solon, Yamaji, Uta, Nami and others, he will definitely create a great miracle and fight back with a Jedi.

All right!!

Even at this time, Luffy’s heart was still hopeful, thinking that he still had a chance, brothers together, and his profit was broken. As long as the Straw Hat Pirates are still working hard and haven’t given up, there is still a chance.


Looking at the straw hat pirate group that still has to resist, countless people at the scene, and countless people watching the live broadcast on the sea, the corners of their mouths twitched slightly, and in addition to being speechless, their hearts were painful,

At such a moment when the overall situation has been decided, Straw Hat Luffy is still confident, don’t you know that in the face of absolute power, any resistance is useless? Can friendship be eaten?

Even Karp, red-haired Shanks, and Sengoku’s expressions became a little stiff, obviously, they didn’t expect it,

Will Solon, Yamaji, Uta, Nami and others stand up and make Luffy hopeful again? This… There was some unbearability, from hope at the beginning, to despair, to hope, to despair, and now there is hope again,

The higher you stand, the worse you fall, they can imagine what kind of blow Luffy will receive when this time his hopes are shattered, I am afraid that he will die without blindness, even his soul will be desperate and painful!!!

Among them, Karp also wants to open his mouth to say,

But he found that he couldn’t open his mouth, he knew Luffy’s character, not hitting the south wall and not looking back. That’s it!

Just let you try it!!

In the end, Karp also shook his head helplessly, and said nothing more, whether it was a blessing or a curse, it was a disaster that could not be avoided, just watch Luffy’s performance.


And seeing this scene, Im showed a disdainful expression, so he began to watch the play, anyway, the defeat has been decided,

Let’s see how the Straw Hat Pirates were overwhelmed by the ancestor of the sea!!!


“Good, good, very good…”

“Since you took the initiative to stand up, then I will torture and kill you one by one in front of Luffy.”


At this time, watching Solon, Yamaji, Uta, Nami and others take the initiative to stand behind Luffy, Luo Lei couldn’t help but laugh, revealing the unique smile of the motherland, really stepping on the iron shoes without finding a place, it didn’t take any effort, he was still worried about how to clean up Solon, Sanji, Kidd, Lore, Usopp and others? It’s good now

They took the initiative to stand up, then I’m sorry, go and die with Luffy!!

As for Nami, Robin, Uta, and some usefulness, he will not kill, just to let them know the real trick of the motherland; Airplanes!!

With the sound of violent laughter, the cold sweat on the foreheads of Solon, Sanji, Uta, Nami, Kidd and others broke out again, and they couldn’t help but shiver, and their hearts couldn’t help but panic,

Because, at this time, the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, seems to be a madman and pervert, especially Nami, Robin, and Uta, they always feel that Luo Lei’s gaze at them is a little strange, making them have a feeling that they are prey.


However, at such a moment,

As if he felt something, Luo Lei in the ring frowned involuntarily, someone came, flying at a very fast speed from a distance,


The sudden change made many people stunned, obviously not understanding why the ancestor of the sea Luo Lei was muted at a critical moment, however,

A minute later, Im, Roger, Lokes, Whitebeard, Karp, Sengoku, Luffy and others also sensed that someone was coming,

“Vegapunk, this guy who is afraid of death, actually came?”

The next moment, Im made a surprised voice and muttered: “It only appeared at this time, it seems that Vegapunk also wants to participate in 657 and this war that is about to end.” ”

All right!

Others don’t know the basic information of Vegapunk, as the hidden boss of the world government-Im, but it is very clear, the brain fruit ability,

“A man with the world’s first brain”

After working for the World Government, he also became a leader of naval scientists and director of the Banks Exclusion Zone Institute, completing a number of scientific achievements.

Originally, after the successful research and development of the Blazing Angel, she hinted at the five old stars, Vegapunk had no use value to destroy, but she did not expect to meet the ancestor of the sea Luo Lei, such an anomaly, disrupted all her deployments.

“Vegapunk is coming?”

“Here comes Vegapunk, who has scientists who are said to be unmatched even in another 500 years?”

“What is this guy doing?”

Although Im’s words were very quiet,… The second scene is some masters, and they immediately know who is coming, it turns out that Vegapunk, who has always seen the dragon without seeing the end, has the world’s first brain.

[PS: Kneeling for tips, collections, flowers and evaluations, cute new, tearful kneeling begging… Kneel and beg you to read the boss, kneel and beg you to read the boss. 】。

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