Chapter 180: Anti-Water? Resolutely [ask for subscription].

“What is the Straw Hat Pirates? From now on, I, Vegapunk, will serve the ancestors of the sea wholeheartedly. ”

Suddenly, just in the nick of time,

Vegapunk, who was still dead-mouthed, came back to his senses sharply and roared loudly a few times, as if to prove his sincerity, Vegapunk continued to add after taking a deep breath: “Lord Luoley, my research on the energy of the ancient kingdom is nearing the end, once it can be successfully studied, then the countries of the entire sea will not be worried about the energy problem. ”



From preferring to die unyielding to actively begging for mercy, it is only a few minutes, and Vegapunk is to show his desire to live to the fullest, and almost neatly shows his thoughts and names that he wants to live.

And the sudden commotion directly stunned Luffy, Sanji, Solon, Uta, Beckman, Kidd, Ro, Usopp and others of the Straw Hat Grand League, how did they not expect that Vegapunk would be so spineless, facing the ancestor of the sea Roley, there was no resistance – they simply raised the white flag and surrendered and admitted defeat, the speed was too fast, so that they had not reacted. In fact

After Vegapunk appeared, there was still some snickering hope in their hearts,

After all, Vegapunk is

“A man with the world’s first brain”

In case there are any hidden means and abilities, then they still have a chance to turn defeat into victory.

Well, now, the ideal is very happy, but the reality is extremely skinny,

In the face of the unscrupulous ancestor of the sea, Lore, Vegapunk still chose to live. At this time, the most confused is Robin, because, at this time, Vegapunk,

It’s like when she faced Luffy, and the picture of the sentence I want to live was exactly the same.

It is precisely because of this sentence that she became a member of the Straw Hat Pirates, and now Vegapunk said this, obviously intending to submit to the ancestor of the sea Loley.

Nima’s, that’s a little embarrassing….

“Vegapunk, you’re too unassertive and backboneless, aren’t you?”


“A man with the world’s first brain”

“Don’t you have a little self-esteem and face?”

“Since you want to choose to submit to the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, why come to participate in this trip to muddy waters? Isn’t watching the fire from the other side a beautiful thing? ”


A few seconds later, it was the unbearable Yamaji,

Solon, Uta, Ro, Kid and the others shouted angrily, their cheeks filled with angry expressions.

This Vegapunk, gave them a little hope, and suddenly broke a bucket of cold water for them, let them experience what is called despair, really treat them as public toilets, come when they want, go if they want, no,

It’s not putting them in mind at all.


Hearing these words, Vegapunk took a deep breath, glanced at Straw Hat Luffy, and said with a complicated expression: “The winner is the king, the defeated is the curse, your Straw Hat Pirate Group has been defeated, don’t be stubborn, the current era is already the era of Lord Luo Lei, the ancestor of the sea.” ”

All right!

Before coming, Vegapunk was confident and wanted to do the last thing for the dragon, at least save Luffy, but… In the face of the terrifying sea ancestor Luo Lei, he still chose to compromise and retreat, not daring to joke with his life, joking, he still has a lot of research has not been completed, can not die here.

Therefore, in desperation, Vegapunk can only abandon Straw Hat Luffy and others,

Ooh!! Is it really fragrant to be alive?


“Vegapunk is a bully who is afraid of the hard, you all talk a little less.”

The next moment, just as Solon, Sanji, Uta, Kidd and the others still wanted to say something, Luffy wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and roared loudly: “Starting from the East China Sea, our Straw Hat Pirates have overcome all the difficulties all the way to this day.” ”

“I will not admit defeat, I will never admit defeat, I will definitely not admit defeat!!”

“Because… I’m Monchi D. Luffy? ”


Saying that, Luffy’s body once again erupted with a breath, however, after losing the energy of Joey Boi’s Human Fruit, Phantom Beast Species, and Nika form, Luffy’s bursting breath was weakened by geometric multiples, resulting in the bursting breath, almost without any oppressive force, very funny.

Of course, even so, Luffy suppressed the bitterness in his heart after losing his mind for a moment, and still stared at the sea ancestor Luo Lei with a tough face. There’s nothing else to say,

He Monchi · D. Luffy will never compromise and throw in the towel.

“Don’t give up, don’t give up…”

Before the words fell, Solon, Sanji, Uta, Kidd and others also looked at each other, and each could see the resolute determination in their eyes, outsiders were unreliable, and at the critical moment, they still had to rely on themselves and unite against the ancestor of the sea, Rolei.

Thinking of this, Solon, Sanji, Robin, Uta, Nami, Kidd, Law and others all stood in front of Luffy in no particular order, and the meaning was very simple,

That is, it used to be Captain Luffy in front, and now it was time for them to shelter Captain Luffy.

“You guys…”

Seeing this scene, Luffy’s eyes couldn’t help but appear a ray of tears, opened his mouth, but found that he couldn’t say anything, there was nothing to say,

When he met such a group of like-minded partners and friends, even if he died at the hands of the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, he died without regrets.

“Why bother?”

Vegapunk shook his head indifferently, and was too lazy to say anything, and directly entered the state of watching the play, in his opinion, Straw Hat Luffy and others are stubbornly resisting, will only annoy the ancestor of the sea Luo Lei, next,

You don’t have to think about it to know that the Straw Hat League will feel the sense of oppression and despair from the ancestor of the sea, Roley.


[PS: Kneeling for tips, collections, flowers and evaluations, cute new, tearful kneeling begging… Kneel and beg you to read the boss, kneel and beg you to read the boss. Small].

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