Chapter 189: Let Karp Kill Luffy [Subscription Request].

The already desperate heart is even more desperate,

No way, all along, the Straw Hat Pirates have always thought that under the shackles of friendship, they can defeat everything, can defeat all evil forces, and can go further and further.

Well, now, in the face of the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, any fetters seem to be vulnerable, crushed like devastation and decay. Kidd is dead,

He also died so tragically that Luffy, Luo, Solon, Yamaji, Nami, Robin, Usopp and others were completely desperate in their hearts, and the courage that was hard to summon up was like a deflated balloon, completely deflated.

Even Straw Hat Luffy gave birth to a sense of powerlessness and despair for the first time in history. Resist?

Facing the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, still resist a hammer?

“Luffy! What are we going to do? ”

“This… This sea ancestor is really too strong. ”

“What’s more than tough? It is simply powerful to the limit, even if my 060s are united, it seems that there is no use. ”


So, in such a situation, Robin, Nami, Usopp, Choiba and others, under the glance at each other, each can see the despair and helplessness in their respective eyes, not that they are not strong enough, but that the opponent is too perverted.


Hearing these words, Solon clenched the famous knife in his hand and opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but finding that he couldn’t say anything. Now the ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, is already invincible,

They rebelled…

Maybe it’s really useless.

“Luffy, what now?”

Sanji hesitated, but still looked at Luffy, and said in a heavy tone: “What do you say, what will they do”

“That’s right.”

Luo gritted his teeth and nodded crisply.

Things have developed to this point, they have no way back, they can only bite the bullet and go to the end. Swish! Swish! Swish!!

After these words, Robin, Nami, Usopp, Choiba and others also looked at Luffy, of course,

Not only that, in such a tense moment,

Countless people at the scene, as well as countless people on the sea who are watching the live broadcast, are looking at Luffy, they know very well that this shocking battle is about to come to an end, the ancestor of the sea Luo Lei has become the winner who laughs last, and the only thing that makes everyone curious now is whether Straw Hat Luffy will continue to resist like an ant.

Revolt? It is looking for death, not resisting, it seems to be looking for death, it can only be said that Straw Hat Luffy should die.


Sensing the gaze of countless people, Luffy trembled and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and the whole person was lost to the extreme,

If he still had a little confidence just now, but… After the ancestor of the sea, Roley, killed Kidd in seconds and easily suppressed him, everything was over, in short,

The last bit of dignity and courage in Straw Hat Luffy’s heart has been mercilessly shattered,


A few seconds later, Straw Hat Luffy looked up to the sky and smiled bitterly, that’s it, that’s it,

He lost, and he lost very completely, Grandpa Karp died, Munch D. Dragon Papa died, Saab died, Redhead died, Momonosuke died, Kid died… Now the Straw Hat Pirates are about to be destroyed by the Sea Ancestor Luo Lei Group.

When I thought of this, Monchi D. Luffy really felt uncomfortable and wanted to cry.

He couldn’t figure out why, obviously he is the child of destiny, obviously he is the future One Piece, obviously he is the absolute protagonist of the sea, and the result is good,

The ancestor of the sea, Luo Lei, was born, plundered everything that belonged to him, and did whatever he wanted with his incomparable strength, forcing him to a desperate situation where death was undoubted.

Uncomfortable, really uncomfortable?

“Luffy, don’t you give up?”

However, at this time,

Karp, who had never spoken, gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: “No matter what, you are the hero of the D race, as long as you don’t abandon or give up, you will definitely create miracles.” ”

Speaking of this, Karp clenched his fists, took a deep breath, and added: “The ancestor of the sea Luo Lei is very strong, but… This is not a reason for you to give up. ”

“That’s right…”

Hearing this, the red-haired Shanks seemed to have thought of something, and said in a deep voice: “We are dead, we can’t help you, but…” Our spirit is always on your side. ”

“Come on, Luffy.”

“Come on, you can do it.”

“Luffy, please stand up and defeat the ancestor of the sea Luo Lei.”


Soon, after the beginning of Karp and Redhead Shanks, Sengoku, Whitebeard, Roger and others hesitated for a while, and they all made their own voices, and the meaning was very simple, that is, although they died, they were resurrected by the ancestor of the sea Roley, but… The heart is always on Luffy’s side.

“You guys… You guys…”

Before the words fell, Luffy’s eyes, which had already given up waiting for death, overflowed with tears,

I only felt that a rush of blood was spreading in my heart and body, making the body, which had already run out of oil, begin to be full of strength again. No way, he really didn’t think of it,

Even now, his grandfather Karp, red-haired Shanks and others still believe in him and think that he can win against politics.

“Good… Really good. ”

In mid-air, the corners of Luo Lei’s mouth turned up slightly, and his eyes glanced at Karp and the others indifferently, and said, “Since you are so confident in Luffy, then I will let you take matters into your own hands and kill Monchi D. Luffy.” ”

[PS: Kneeling for tips, collections, flowers and evaluations, cute new, tearful kneeling begging… Kneel and beg you to read the boss, kneel and beg you to read the boss. 】。

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