“You guys back off a bit, don’t get too close.”

Seeing Al enter the Nine-Tails mode, the pheasant also entered a serious state.

Although he has not yet fought Al in this state.

But he could feel the terrifying momentum in it!

“Ice Blade!”

A terrifying cold aura condensed in the green pheasant’s hand, and a sharp ice blade slowly formed in his hand.

Seeing this, Al did not hesitate, his fist was covered with a layer of armed color domineering, and he rushed directly towards the green pheasant.


The fist collided with the ice blade, and there was a bang.

The green pheasant wanted to control the cold qi in his body and covered Al, delusionally freezing it again.

But Eyre, who entered the nine-tails mode, covered his body with an exceptionally majestic layer of energy, so that his cold qi could not cover his body at all.

That is, the ability he was proud of was almost ineffective for Al!!!

“Bang bang bang !!!”

The two of them constantly launched an offensive, fighting you and me.

In terms of physical skills, domineering, and combat experience, the current green pheasant is naturally ahead of Al.

But Eyre, who entered the Nine Tails mode, did not fall into too much downwind because he could withstand the cold of the pheasant, but almost fought with it!

“What a difficult enemy.”

The green pheasant couldn’t help but say with a little headache.

Then again.

The intelligence given by the Navy headquarters was not that Al only preliminarily mastered the armed color domineering a few days ago?

It stands to reason that Al’s current strength is a little stronger than Klockdar.

But that’s only been a few days.

Al’s strength has already reached this level???

Although the current Al is indeed a little weaker than him.

But in a short period of time, he couldn’t take Al at all.

Sengoku had previously reminded him that Al was a very fast-growing and extremely talented monster.

But the growth rate is so fast, it is too outrageous!

In a few days, from the Qiwu Sea level, he grew to the strength of a brigadier general???

If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, the pheasant wouldn’t have believed it.

A person’s growth rate can be exaggerated to such an incredible extent!

Looking at his naval career, he has never seen such a terrible man!


Not to mention meeting a man of Al’s level.

Not even anyone who has Al growing half the speed!


The attacks of the two kept colliding, erupting into bursts of metallic explosions.

In a moment of fighting, all the buildings in a radius of 100 meters were affected by the battle between the two, destroyed and turned into ruins.

Regardless of the cold breath of the pheasant, how violent and terrifying it is.

But there is no way to take Al.

“On…….. Just kidding, it turned out to be with General Kuzan, the battle is up and down!!! ”

“Hey, hey, what’s the strength of this monster, even General Kuzan can’t take him!”

“I really didn’t expect that the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, the monster born in the sky, is already so powerful, which is a disaster for our navy!”

“Yes, at such an age, he already has the strength to resist General Kuzan, and in the future, his strength is immeasurable!!!

Seeing the pheasant and Al, the battle was almost even.

This group of onlookers of the navy was completely unable to sit still.

When the green pheasant first appeared, anyone thought that it was extremely easy to take down Al.

But now it seems that if you don’t fight for a day, I’m afraid that the pheasants won’t be able to take Al.


Isn’t Al’s bounty only 500 million Baileys?

Moreover, it is still 500 million Baileys that has only recently been reached!

In the past, they didn’t know about the existence of the man Al.

But I have to say that after Al was born, his strength completely shocked the entire sea!

No one would have thought that the pirate who had just followed Kaido out from the country of Wano a few days ago.

In less than ten days, it has now shown too much combat power that is not inferior to the admiral of the navy headquarters!!!

“Physical exertion, it’s really big, and it’s really a little reluctant to deal with the general.”

Al couldn’t help but sigh inwardly.

Because he needs to use the power of the Nine Tails at all times to defend against the cold qi that the green pheasant swept through his body.

Therefore, this greatly consumes the power of the Nine Tails.

If it weren’t for the fact that he could block the cold, he would be invincible!

In exchange for other admirals, he will inevitably fall into a bitter battle!

In the end, the time to obtain the system is still too short, and the strength has not fully grown.

Just then, Kaido shouted at Al.

“Al, don’t entangle with this group of guys for too long, it’s time to retreat!!!”

Kaido was also extremely shocked that Al’s strength was able to compete with the pheasant.

After all, the other day, when they first met, Al was just an ordinary person.

He knew best how terrifying Al’s strength growth rate was.

Therefore, even if he doesn’t kill Luffy today, he must take Al out of here safely!

Now he can be regarded as understanding, Luffy defeated him in two years is a fart!

Give Al two years, I’m afraid it’s better than Luffy who defeated him!!!

Such a terrifying man, he must take away, there can be no accident!!!

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