Chapter 64: Heavenly Obstruction Destroys the Heavens and the Earth

“Heavenly Obstruction Shocking Star!”

Celestial Barrier Shock Star is the extremely powerful forbidden ninjutsu in the Naruto world.

Able to summon a huge meteorite thousands of meters long from outer space!

In terms of swordsmanship, Domineering Al is naturally stronger than Jabba.

But anyway, Jabba is also the third in command of Roger’s regiment.

If you want to share the victory and defeat with him, it will take a lot of time.

Therefore, in order to end the battle as soon as possible, Al is not going to stay.

At the same time, those Yamato, who were originally covered by the ruins, and the Don Quixote family, pushed away the rubble that was pressed on their bodies and stood up.

“Is this the battle between the top powerhouses of the sea? Just the aftermath of the battle completely destroyed our castle so easily!”

“I don’t know if you saw it just now, the weapons of Al and Jabawu did not meet together, but they produced a terrifying power that was enough to destroy the fortress!”

“That was……. Domineering and colliding!”

Doflamingo gasped.

As a Draco who awakened the overlord color domineering, he naturally had some understanding of the power of the overlord color.

He knew very well that the reason why the weapons of the two did not collide together was because both of them had the power of overlord-colored entanglement! However, it is not surprising that Jabba masters this power.

To Doflamingo’s surprise, Al also has the power to domineer!

You know, he has awakened the overlord color domineering since childhood, but until now he has not even touched the door bar of the bully.

But Al’s domineering has already been perfected.

Even more terrifying than old sea thieves like Jabba!

At this moment, he was even more glad to have promised Al 400 million Bailey to buy four devil fruits for him.

Now he knows very well that the sea in the future can definitely stand on the top of the world.

It’s so earning.

Thinking of this, Doflamingo, the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but rise slightly.

“Dover! Look at the sky, the sky is cracked!”

Torrebol exclaimed.

Hearing this, Doflamingo raised his head slightly, and in the next second a dense cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

It wasn’t because he saw the sight of the sky cracking, but because he saw an incomparably huge meteorite descending towards the Dressrosa Kingdom! That huge meteorite almost filled his entire line of sight and occupied the entire sky!

“Hey, hey, just kidding, summon the meteorite???”

That huge meteorite.

If it falls in the Kingdom of Dressrosa, I believe that one-fifth of the area will be destroyed! Just now he was still thankful that he was able to make good friends with Al.

But now he directly regrets it, because the Kingdom of Dressrosa is his territory.

If this meteorite falls, he will have countless losses!

“Fall… Meteorite!”

“Run, get out of here, there’s a meteorite about to land!”

“Damn, what kind of terrifying ability do these top pirates have, and can they summon meteorites? That’s an exaggeration!”

“I remember that Jabba is not a Devil Fruit powerhouse, that means it was Al who released this meteorite!”

“This monster, with his domineering swordsmanship alone, is enough to defeat a terrifying man like Jabba, how can he still have the ability to summon meteorites, what kind of devil fruit did this terrifying guy eat????”

Seeing that the meteorite was about to land, many people from the Don Quixote family were terrified.

They are now standing at the center of the meteorite landing.

Such huge meteorites, once they land, they will have no bones! They simply couldn’t imagine that Al’s swordsmanship was domineering and terrifying.

How can there be such a shocking ability???

At the same time, Jabba among the ruins also climbed up from it.

Taking off the already broken glasses, he glanced at the huge meteorite that was close at hand, and his pupils contracted violently in an instant.

“Just kidding, what is the situation of the opponent I face!”

Jabba is messy at the moment.

He originally just wanted to find out the truth of Ace’s affairs from the population of the Hundred Beast Pirates.

But unexpectedly, he met Al, a monster beyond his common sense.

Domineering, swordsmanship above him is also counted.

This summons meteorites, how many meanings? The strength is exaggerated!


With a loud noise that resounded throughout the Kingdom of Dressrosa.

The meteorite fell to the ground, immediately setting off a terrifying air flow that swept the entire island.

The buildings within a radius of thousands of meters were destroyed and destroyed, forming an uninhabitable ruin, as if someone had dropped countless giant bombs0

In the center of the meteorite falling, a mushroom-like mist rose and rushed straight into the sky.


The surface of the meteorite is constantly cracking, and finally it completely shattered.

I saw the very center of the meteorite, and Jabba stood up covered in blood.

“Sure enough, with such a move alone, it still can’t defeat you, this powerhouse in the pirate world, the physique is a monster!”

Al couldn’t help but complain.

The top powerhouse in the pirate world fights for days at every turn.

So, their physique is notoriously amazing!

Taro stared at Al in horror and said, “You guy, what the hell!”

He didn’t dare to imagine a pirate with a bounty of 1.25 billion Bailey.

Being able to beat Jabba so embarrassed, he didn’t expect him to have so many means!

“My name is Al, and my future is to become the strongest man in the world!”

“Completely tailed beast!”

Al whispered, and then the incomparably terrifying energy began to fill his body, and a yellow energy mass slowly surrounded him.

In the next second, Al’s body directly became huge, resembling a huge demon fox, and had nine tails behind it!

This is exactly the fully tailed animalized form of the Nine Tails.

The completely tailed beast form, different from the nine-tailed form with the power of the nine-tailed form.

Instead, directly use your own body as a shell 2.9.

Fully unleash the power of the Nine Tails and turn into the appearance of the Nine Tails!

In this form, Al can unleash 100% of the power of the Nine Tails! The terrifying momentum was revealed from Al.

That fierce, astonishing aura even made Taro feel a long-lost sense of fear! It was a fear that came from the soul!

“Is it the strongest in the world?”

Taro muttered stunned in place.

If someone else said such a thing, there is no doubt that he would laugh at the arrogance and ignorance of the other person.

But……… After saying it from Al’s mouth, he actually felt a sense of conviction in his heart.

Yes, such a monster-like man cannot become the strongest in the world.

So who else deserves this title!?.

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