Chapter 100: Barrett, the Red Earl, and Bundywald travel to the Chambord Islands

“It’s too late to realize.”

Van Oka raises his gun and shoots to death the Gate of Justice and the surveillance camera bug above the city.

Then Bagers drove the boat, and everyone successfully arrived at the gate of the city.


Just then, the gate to the city opened.

I saw Yu no Hiru appear in front of several people with a cigar in his mouth.

Seeing Yu no Hiru appear, Blackbeard and the others were ready to fight.

Who knew that Rain no Hiru not only did not draw his sword and prepare for the action.

He even took out a large number of keys and slowly spoke.

“I know what your purpose is, release the prisoners in the prison, right, this is the key to the prison door.”

“What do you mean this guy?”

Blackbeard felt deceitful, and his face sank and questioned.

Yu no Kiru threw the key in his hand to Blackbeard, threw the cigar in his hand on the ground and stomped it out, and continued: “I’ve been in this prison long enough, let me 08 follow you out to sea.”

“Are you going to join us?”

Badgers asked suspiciously.

What situation, they are all combat-ready.

Unexpectedly, Yu no Hiru not only did not plan not to fight them.

Even gave them the key, and even more exaggeratedly, to join them???


Rain no Hiru said calmly.

“Thief hahaha……. In that case, our Blackbeard Pirates welcome you, Rain no Hiryu!”

Blackbeard has naturally heard of the daimyo of Yu no Kiru.

So in the face of his joining, he did not refuse.

Hearing that Blackbeard had agreed, the rest of the crew though had some doubts about the purpose of Rain no Hiru.

However, there is not much to say.

“Let’s go, before going to the sixth floor, kill the people of this prison.”

Yu no Hiru turned around, pulled out the blade at his waist, and said lightly.

Blackbeard invaded Advance City, this kind of thing, I believe the jailers in the prison will report it to the Navy.

Therefore, they need to kill the entire prison in advance.

And Blackbeard and the others glanced at each other, and they all suspected that there might be fraud.

But I still followed it.

After all, they don’t want to spend too much time in this place.

Once the Navy comes, it’s all over.

With Yu no Hiru leading the way, all the jailers in the entire city were killed by them.

After killing, they came to the sixth level of Advance City.

Blackbeard looked at the many top powerhouses in Advance City, and immediately laughed excitedly.

“You should have been locked up in this dark advancing city for a long time, so I give you a chance to leave this place now!”

Hearing Blackbeard’s words, many prisoners were in a commotion.

“Then, you will fight each other inside, and the winner will be my companion!”

Hearing Blackbeard’s words, the prisoners locked up on the sixth floor, without hesitation, began to fight each other.

However, only a few pirates in the cell did not move, and quietly came to the cell door.

The reason why they didn’t kill the prisoners in the same room was because they were the only ones in the entire cell! And they are the strongest existence in this sixth-layer prison!

“Barorick Ledfield, Barrett, Bundy Wald!”

Blackbeard also noticed that the three people who were locked up in a separate cell suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

He naturally knew what a terrifying powerhouse these three were!

After the results of the fight between the prisoners in the other prisons, Badgers released them one by one.

“Little ghost, let us out too, just as if we owe you a favor.”

Bundy Wald said with his hands crossed in front of his chest.

Naturally, they would not be willing to be Blackbeard’s crew.

But in order for Blackbeard to release them.

They are willing to owe Blackbeard a favor.

Hearing Bundywald’s words, Badgers turned to look at Blackbeard.

As long as Blackbeard nods, then he releases these three monsters together.

“A favor? It’s a big temptation.”

Blackbeard grinned.

“Get them out, Badgers!”

“I see.”

Badgers, who came to the cell of the three men, released them all.

“This sea today is different from your old times, what are you going to do when you come out?”

Blackbeard asked curiously.

“New World.”

Barrett glanced at him and said lightly.

His purpose is to take revenge, to take revenge on the navy!

As for the Red Count not speaking, his goal is also the New World.

Locked up here for so long, his current appearance, is already old.

He now wants to run to the new world, suck the blood of some strong people, and restore himself to the year.

Bondiwald’s current target is the Chambord Islands.

Since it was released, let’s kill a few Draco to help the fun.

The three of them didn’t pay much attention to Blackbeard and left Advance City directly.

The Red Earl and Barrett aim for the New World, but they also need to pass through the Chambord Islands on the way.

That is to say, the three of them, the current first stop is the Chambord Islands.

The other side.

After some time over the Chambord Islands.

“Ding, congratulations to the host, reputation value increased by +40!”

“Ding, congratulations to the host, reputation value increased by +50!”

“Ding, congratulations to the host, reputation value increased by +70!”

670 on Kaido on his way back to the country of Wa.

Eyre’s mind kept echoing the news of the increase in prestige.

Without hesitation, Al opened the properties panel.

Host: Al

Reputation: (45000/80000)

(Note: After the reputation is full, you will get a number of 10,000 world draws!)

Armed Color Domineering Top (MAX) See the Color Domineering Middle (1400/6000) Overlord Color Domineering Top (MAX) Physique: Immortal Body Middle (1200/5000)

Swordsmanship: Great Sword Hao Level!

Special Ability: Mu Duan, Middle Immortal Eye (300/3000)

(Current ability: Vientiane Heavenly Introduction, Heavenly Obstruction Shocking Star, Complete Body Susano) Dao-breaking Power Advanced (200/5000)

(Note: Can use the ability to break the path under 90!)

Ten Tails: Not fully unlocked (you need to gather the power of one to nine tails before you can be eligible to unlock the ten tails)

Nine Tails: Tailed Beast Jade (Unlocked) Half-Tailed Beast (Unlocked) Nine-Tails Mode (Unlocked) Full Tailed Beast Mode (Unlocked) One to Six Tails (Unlocked) Seven Tails (Unlocked) Eight Tails (Unlocked)

(Note: Currently, two Devil Fruits are required to unlock the Yaoi) Warehouse: Ten Thousand Realms Lottery X 1.


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