Chapter 731 Three Ways

“Hornheim.” Hundreds of years, we finally met again, and the villain in the bottle stood up from the throne: “Kesel Kors, it’s been a hundred years, now you are finally coming back?”

“Return? Stop joking, villain in the bottle, what you have done for hundreds of years will only make me more determined to destroy you. Today I am here to destroy you.”

Hohenheim acted alone, much faster than the Edward brothers and Colonel Marstein had to cooperate with the offensive, standing in front of the villain in the bottle early and preparing to fight.

“Hohenheim, don’t forget that I gave you everything you have. You are just a slave. What do you say to destroy me? Why do you?” The villain in the bottle does not look down on humans, but looks down on humans at all.

“Since you look down on me so much, why do you want to keep the same appearance as me?” Hornheim smiled: “For me, you will always be the villain in the bottle who can’t do without the flask.”

The villain in the bottle was pricked in the painful spot, and he scurried away with a burst of red light.

A ray of light greeted Hohenheim’s feet, collided, and flashed, “The villain in the bottle, I know that your sage stone has consumed most of it, and now you won’t be my opponent.”

The little person in the bottle said that it seemed that the other party was not unscrupulous, but came down after the investigation was done. The person who came was not good, and he could not underestimate the enemy: “Then I thank you for sending me more sage stones.” He did not admit defeat. The villain in the bottle wants to swallow Hohenheim: “Let us become one.”

The ground turned into a cage and Hohenheim was locked up.

“Then it depends on your ability.” Hornheim opened a door on the cage and walked out calmly.

The villain in the bottle didn’t speak this time, but looked at the other side quietly, now waiting for the other side to approach, as long as the other side approaches, he can absorb him. He knew that Hornheim would definitely come close, because humans like melee this way.

“What’s the matter, the villain in the bottle? Are these only your abilities? Then it’s my turn!” Hornheim rushed forward as expected.

Good coming, watching Hornheim use the power of the Sage’s Stone to attack him, the villain in the bottle suddenly widened his eyes, his whole body shook, and countless eyes appeared from his body.

The body of the villain in the bottle is still the same as in the flask, except that it is stronger and more disgusting. A fat black man with full eyes smiled at Hornheim: “Humans?!”

No, Hornheim didn’t expect the villain in the bottle to be able to change the shapeshifting state. When he realized that it was not good, it was too late. The fist hits the black skin, as if being sucked into a black hole.

“Don’t struggle, be a part of me.” The villain in the bottle feels that the sage stone in Hohenheim is repelling himself, but it doesn’t matter, he can suppress this repulsive force: “I use it!”

Hornheim is still too gentle, compared to the villain in the bottle, it is the difference between a lamb and a hungry wolf. In the case of the confrontation, Hohenheim fell into a major crisis.

At the moment, the general attack on the Central Military Headquarters began.

The coup is a coup. No one thought that Colonel Mastan would have launched the coup so boldly. The president stood up very calmly, drew his saber, and walked towards the clerk’s room. Since Mastan launched a coup, the hostages are of no use.

But when the President opened the door of the clerk’s room, he found that Lisa Lisa had disappeared. Before launching the coup, Marstein had already thought out a countermeasure, which was to send Zhang Mei to sneak in and rescue Lisa.

Now Mastan has no scruples: “The President colluded with foreign enemies, encouraged the military to conduct inhumane experiments, and brought the military into the quagmire of war. Now I obey the public opinion to fight against it.” There is a reason for everything, although this reason Maybe no one believes it.

However, the intelligence of the cyborgs has been confirmed. Now the important thing is to defeat the cyborg president and not let the president do whatever he wants.

But the combat effectiveness of the Central Military Headquarters is not a joke, plus the president was originally a common man. The offensive and defensive battles were very hard.

No one can stop the President’s fast sword, even bullets can cut it open, and there is no one in the entire Amestoris who can find a second sword so fast.

With the greed of the first attack and his little synthesis beast friend, Liu Adou told him to attack the villain in a bottle. He was the first to run to Zhongyang, but the battle was extremely difficult.

“Who are you?” The greedy Ability is to cover the body with a high-density carbon atom layer, but the coverage takes time. The president can always cut off the uncovered part quickly and quickly.

“You have been away from your father for too long, I am the anger with the strongest eye!” The president unmasked his blindfold and let Greed see his Ouroboros.

“Are you also an artificial human?” Too strong, greedily regaining his wrist, there was another cold light, and his forehead, which was not covered by the carbon layer, was stabbed.

“Greed.” The synthesis beast companion shouted worriedly.

“Go away, this person is not something you can handle!”

But as a companion, how could it be possible to abandon friends and say, “Let’s go together.”

drink! The President gave a swift and powerful drink, and turned into a blade storm, passing through the enemy group as fast as lightning, and everyone was wounded. The president’s physique is better than everyone, no one can match.

Colonel Marstan, who is the main attacker of the gate, also saw this situation. His heart was not good. If the cyborg alliance is killed, his main attacking team will face the attack of the president. How can ordinary people like this monster deal with it?

Fortunately, Zhang Mei came at this time: “Leave this man to me, and you continue to attack!”

“Then trouble you!” Marstein said, and the Edward brothers came behind him: “Leave the door to us, everyone is ready to rush.” ​​There is an alchemist, and any door is just a display. The Edward brothers start alchemy together, The closed door became an open arch, and even rushed in first.

“Everyone rush with me!” Mastan opened the way with flames, allowing the enemy to retreat, and then everyone rushed forward and immediately took control of the hall.

Mas commanded: “Go and occupy the liaison room, and the others will defend the gate.”

boom! As everyone continued to rush inside, the forward was suddenly knocked out by a huge force. It was laziness, the titanic cyborg ran rampant like a bull, and a little bit was fractured and internally injured, and the soldiers wailed.

“Trouble!” While complaining, he knocked people around.

From the ground to the underground is the battlefield. On the top is Zhang Mei, and Grider is facing the president; below is Marstein, the Edward brothers versus sloth; the bottom is Hohenheim versus the villain in a bottle.

The human counterattack against the artificial man began in confusion and surprise. They may not get praise, but in order to stop the conspiracy of the artificial man, they had to fight.

Mas yelled for everyone to make way for the alchemist: “The monster, such as the cyborg, is handed over to the alchemist. Let’s go and occupy other places.”

Colonel Marstein was speechless to his friend. Such obvious rowing behavior was too annoying: “You give me some help to the fire.”

“I still have my family, but I don’t want you bachelors to be so fearless.” As he said, Ma Si had already ran away with ordinary soldiers.

It really hurts friends, but Marstein has no choice but to face laziness with the Edward brothers. ..

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