Kaleidoscope open the door

Kaleidoscope Opening Chapter 108

"Of course, you will have a deep memory."

A luxury car is a luxury car. People with mild motion sickness like Bailu did not feel any discomfort. The luxury car left from the bustling market, the road was still flat but gradually secluded, and finally drove into a brightly lit luxury built on the mountainside. In the castle.

"We have arrived."

Yue Shanxi put down the wine glass as he spoke, and as his voice fell, the door lock made a soft sound.

The car door was opened from the outside. Two wearing white masks with no distinctive features. They did not distinguish between men and women, ages, and their waists were straight. They looked young and black suits opened the doors for them, and put their hands on the door frame very thoughtfully. On the anti-collision.

Although the castle is brightly lit, it is very clean, and the leisurely lights can only illuminate a small area. Looking further away, it is the dark mountains and woods under the night sky. When the cold wind blows, it feels gloomy and slightly shaking. The woods seem to be the incarnation of monsters.

The waiters in black suits and white masks are even more weird in the orange atmosphere.

Bai Lu took a breath, and suddenly felt different from the city, obviously with the fragrance of vegetation and soil after the rain. Although it is still not very pure, it is definitely much better than the mixed flavor of the city.

Bai Lu couldn't help but sigh from the bottom of his heart:

"It's a nice place, it's just too remote."

A mocking color flashed in Yueshan Xi’s eyes, but a sincere smile appeared on the surface. He opened his arms and embraced nature, very natural:

"It is precisely because of this that we can stay away from the impetuousness of the metropolis. Many human elites under heavy pressure will occasionally come here to relax and experience the natural and quiet feeling.

This is the dual enjoyment of spirit and body!"

That's right, but it is us who enjoy it, not human beings.

Yueshan learned at the end, so he added indifferently in his heart.

The two waiters waited until Bai Lu had talked with Yue Shanxi, before reaching out and saying, at the same time:

"You two, please come here."

Yue Shanxi said to Bai Lu:

"There are a lot of rules here, please don't be offended."


Half an hour later, Bai Lu took a bath, changed into a black dress, white shirt, and tie sitting in a red carpet floor, decorated in a Central European style restaurant.

I have to take a bath and change clothes.

Bai Lu snorted. He knew that in Yue Shanxi's eyes, he was probably equivalent to a cooked duck, but... let the'ingredients' be cleaned by themselves and then put them on the table by themselves. Don't you think it's too embarrassing for them?

In this regard, Bailu can only mean that canine species can really engage in moths. Some canoes come with an affectionate confession before preying, and some canoes need to wash the ingredients themselves before preying.

Chapter 108 The Unlucky Food Club

Bai Lu loosened her tight bow tie, and looked at the room. Although it was prepared for the'food ingredients', it didn't look good.

For example, the brass hanger with white candles in the center of the roof, the stone carvings of the bust of the curly-haired beauty in the corner, the porcelain on the small table, etc., although the authenticity is unknown, the style is instantly there.

It feels like a nobleman in the Middle Ages in Europe.

What Bailu cares most about is that the watercolor on the wall that almost occupies the entire wall, painted a pair of mountains and castles in the dusk, especially the color change between the light and clouds at dusk. Bailu practiced it by himself. The wild roads of the past few years are ashamed, and watch with relish.


While Bai Lu was thinking about the color change technique of the watercolor painting, the door of the room was opened, and the short-haired maid with the same whiteboard mask pushed a cart and walked as if she put a cup of coffee on the table in front of Bailu, the tone was plain and without fluctuation The Tao:

"I will serve you coffee first, please use it slowly."

Without waiting for Bai Lu's response, she pushed the cart away.

Bailu didn't care too much, glanced at the maid and coffee, and then went to study the color changes of the watercolor painting.

Suddenly the candles on the chandelier were all extinguished, and the room suddenly became dark. Bai Lu, who was interrupted to study and admire, frowned slightly. The next moment I felt a slight shock under my body. I heard a slight sense of weightlessness while riding in the elevator, and there was a mechanism above my head. Turn on the sound.

It finally started.

Bai Lu was stunned, she immediately retracted her attention from the watercolor painting, put one hand on the armrest, and the other hand propped up, dragging her cheek, leaning against the back of the chair, raising her legs, waiting for the further development of the situation.

The sound of the agency's death sounded, several bright lights were turned on, and the bright beams of light scanned back and forth in the wide hall, and all gathered on Bai Lu.

Another bright light came on on the second floor to illuminate the host in the black suit and whiteboard mask.

"Guests have been waiting for a long time, today's main course is very special meat... The broker is Mr.!"

The light turned and moved to the third floor above the host’s head. There was a special stand. With the sound of the symphony, Yue Shanxi, dressed in a white suit and half white mask, was in two red masks. The beauties appeared together arm in arm.

"Gentlemen and ladies, what I bring to you today is not the usual ingredients. When I first met, I was attracted by his taste.

Mellow and full-bodied, as intoxicating as old wine, the guests in the front row may have smelled it at this time."

At the same time, some ghouls whispering voices have been heard from below.

"How fragrant and alluring!"

"It's awesome!"

"I can't stand it~"


Bai Lu listened to the gesture of the gang above, and the corners of his mouth twitched, hoping that they would give him a satisfactory harvest, otherwise, don't blame him for revenge.

Although it is a boastful general, it is really disgusting and makes people feel goosebumps.?

Bai Lu remained silent, crossing the seemingly random fingers in his hands, and Chakra began to transform his savings into the source of life into the seat below him.

Yueshan paused for a few seconds, waiting for a kind of reaction, smiled satisfied, looked at Bai Lu's calm look, a little surprised, felt something was wrong, but could not tell, so he said:

"Okay, let's not talk too much nonsense. Then I won't disturb everyone's time for entertainment and taste. Please enjoy the last struggle of the food together. Let us bring the unknown stimulation to the sense of smell and taste!

Come, let's enjoy the food!"


All the ghouls suddenly burst into enthusiastic shouts upon hearing this.

In an instant the lights came on, and countless colorful thin plastic pieces fell from the sky amidst the crackling cold fireworks, as beautiful as fireflies.

Bailu also fully sees where he is at this time. The same Medieval European design style is just in the form of the Colosseum. There are four high walls and a place more than three meters high. There are two floors of auditoriums, full of people. Ghoul.

At this moment, the host answered:

"Then, welcome the appearance of the disintegrator of the main course of today's cuisine!"

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