Kaleidoscope open the door

Kaleidoscope Opening Chapter 127

Kirishima Dongxiang heard the words, a faint joy appeared in her purple eyes, and immediately thought that Bailu was leaving, and calmed down again, her red lips lightly opened, and she stopped talking, and finally turned into a simple and faintly expectant question:

"Will you come again?"


Bailu gave a positive answer to Kirishima Touka, drank the milk-flavored coffee, stood up and said:

"I made an appointment today, I'm leaving first."

Kirishima Touka has been following Shiroru out the door.



Bai Lu walked down the stairs, feeling the gaze from behind, and waved his hand without looking back:

"Your coffee is delicious, thanks."

Kirishima Touka smiled happily when he heard the words, and stood at the door without moving for a while.

Kirishima Aya came over, looked at her sister who was "smirking", glanced at Bai Lu who could barely see her back, twitched the corners of her mouth, and said in an angry voice:

"Everyone is gone, hurry up and work!"

Kirishima Dongxiang woke up suddenly, and his smile disappeared. He turned to look at his younger brother who didn't have long eyes. His nature was exposed, his brows were cold, and he instigated:

"Huh!? You are the one who has to work hard, right? Go boil the water and wipe the cup!"


It seems that when I was a child, my sister was still so heroic, and even more... Kirishima said nothing, lowered her eyebrows and went to boil the water, he didn't want to be beaten afterwards.


"You're here, sit down, Kuink has done it, but it hasn't delivered it yet."

Maru Tesai put down his work, walked to the sofa opposite Shirou and sat down, and poured a cup of tea for Shirou himself.

"Shinohara is going to take Suzuya to pick one. I will ask him to bring it back for you, or do you get it yourself?

Bailu came, and was warmly received by Marutesai. Obviously, the dozen or so ghouls caught alive had helped Marutesai a lot, but it could not completely offset the battle of [Bronze Tree]. Loss, so the state of the person is not so good, without the spirit of the previous.

Bailu was a little surprised when he heard Marutesai's words:

"Oh? Can it?"

As far as he knows, Kuink’s manufacturing is g’s unique technology, and the manufacturing plant or laboratory is not located at g’s headquarters. It can be said to be a highly confidential place. Even inside g, there is no special search officer’s authority. Can't just go there and walk around, let alone he is an outsider.

"Of course, you helped me so much this time. It's okay to just go get what belongs to you. Wait a moment, I'll sign a warrant."

Maru Tesai did not hesitate to hear the words, and expressed his sincere gratitude to Bailu, then got up and walked to the desk, picked up a brush and signed Bailu a pass.

Bai Lu thoughtfully, just now Maru Tesai had something in his words,'help me' instead of'help g'... After a while, Bai Lu smiled, and reached out and picked up the way in front of Marutesai:

"I understand."

Marutesai breathed a sigh of relief.

"Happy cooperation."

Maru Tesai’s crusade caused heavy losses to G and the Guards. Although not all his responsibility, no one would have thought that [Bronze Tree] would be so cruel. It would be the same if he used his own person as a trap, and whoever becomes a commander. Recruits, but the responsibility is still to be borne.

In addition, he also felt g's problem, or he had noticed that it was too messy, but there was no evidence.

In the crusade against [Bronze Tree], if there are heavy weapons, the losses will not be so heavy, and it can even be said that it is a completely different situation and a big victory!

This failure made Maru Tesai very reconciled. On the one hand, he was right on [Bronze Tree] and on the other hand. He planned to check the problem of g and make a good relationship with Shiroru, which is considered to be the worst assumption. Add a layer of safety lock in reality.

Allow Bailu to enter one of the most important departments, the Kuink development laboratory is the greatest degree of goodwill.

However, Maru Tesai still had ethics before he determined the problem of g. It seemed that he generously agreed to Bailu to go to the Kuink development laboratory. In fact, his warrant only allowed Bailu to take away his own Kuink and visit. In the insignificant area, confidential things are not visible at all.

Bailu knows this well, and is happy to have a good relationship with Maru Tesai, and even prepares to give it a hand if necessary.

He is a lone ranger in this world, but in the Ninja Realm, he is the head of the family division of the Thousand Hands Clan. Since he is sitting in that position, he naturally has to consider the people under him.

I vaguely remember that the Senju clan in the original work later declined and disappeared. In the end, only Tsunade was left.

Since he was reborn in the Ninja Realm, there is no other traverser who wants to change the world, but as the only grandson of the second generation, and the Patriarch of the collateral family, he could not watch the Senshou clan really fall.

He can't control the direct line, and the collateral line must be kept.

The use of resources to find talents in the development of electronic technology in the Ninja world is not only an obsession with past lives, but also a plan to open up sources of financial resources for collateral families.

Money is not everything, but no money is absolutely impossible.

Most of the resources of the Thousand Hands Clan are in the hands of the direct lineages, and many general decisions are made by the family's undead direct line elders, and the side lines can only be obedient if they want resources.

With a new way of making money, Bailu has enough confidence to lead the sidelines to break away when necessary, and keep the fire for Qianshou.

However, in the Ninja world, money alone is not enough.If you have money but no strength, you are just a piece of fat in the ninja world.

The strength of a ninja depends on ninjutsu and equipment.

The resources allocated to the Qianshou sideline are less than those for the direct lineage, but they are also sufficient. Ninjutsu cultivation is not much weaker than other Ninjutsu Ninjutsu.

In terms of equipment, the level of the entire Ninja World is the same. The special ninja that can be passed to Chakra is too rare, and Kuinke is a bit awkward, as long as there is a canyon, there is Kuinke!

Equipment is a shortcut to improve strength. So far, Bailu has not found any ninja equipment that is better than Kuynk and more suitable for ninjas.

This is also the main reason why Bailu intends to operate in this world.

But when he arrived at the place, Bai Lu was mentally prepared and was shocked. In front of him was an iron barrel-shaped cylindrical gray concrete building covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters and a height of tens of meters.

Feeling the sense of surveillance from all directions, Bai Lu absolutely does not believe that this place is just a simple scientific research base.

Is it a trap?

Bai Lu was secretly surprised, and tentatively said:

"Oh, is it so strict?"

Chapter 127 The Research Room and the Engagement

Bai Lu never minded speculating on others with the utmost malice. His suspicion was always heavy. The heavily guarded building in front of him made Bai Lu feel jealous.

Suzuya Shizo also looked at Yuki Shinohara with a curious look.

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