Kaleidoscope open the door

Kaleidoscope Opening Chapter 137

In Tsunade's impression, Bailu was a "big lady" who didn't get out of the door, and it was strange to know such a big person.

Jilaiya and Oshamaru also showed interest. They are also very curious about the identity of the autumn road taking the wind. What is even more curious is that no matter where they go, Bailu is very popular, even surpassing Senju and Konoha. Princess Tsunade.

Bai Lu explained to the feeling in a low voice:

"Uncle Cho Feng is a member of the Qiu Dao family, who is the one who gave me a lot of snacks and snacks every three to five. But I don't go to the house many times. You just haven't seen it."


Tsunade knew what he said. She was impressed when she said this. Every time someone gave Bailu snacks and snacks, Bailu would give her a lot of snacks and snacks. If the impression is not deep, it won't work. She also knows that it is the legacy left by her uncle. , Did not ask again.

Jilaiya and Dashemaru did not hear any useful information, and were a little disappointed, but they were both measured and did not follow up.

Eating barbecue in the summer, satisfying the appetite, feels not so good. The charcoal temperature of the barbecue stove is also stimulated by peppers. Everyone is sweating profusely, and the ventilation in the shop does not work.

Bailu is thoughtful. At this time, electric fans must be very popular. It seems that Moyiyun has to make a development plan for them, but before that, the power system must be popularized.

If you want to popularize the power system, you will inevitably not get around the senior Konoha headed by Uncle Sarutobi. Even if he has the legacy of his grandfather, he has a good relationship with the senior Konoha, but Uncle Sarutobi won't let him go crazy about major events.

Therefore, it is necessary to come up with something that can fascinate Uncle Sarutobi and the others. Electric fans are definitely not good. This thing is not universal, at least not when it first appeared.

Why did the power system in the previous life develop?Lights?Telegraph machine?

Electric light can bring a bright light source, and it is much safer than candles, kerosene and other pollution, and the possibility of fire is greatly reduced. Most of Konoha's current buildings are made of wood.

The telegraph machine has an unparalleled advantage in information transmission, which is much safer and faster than relying on the ninja or ninja to transmit.

Starting from both the people's livelihood and the military, with a two-pronged approach, Uncle Sarutobi and Konoha high-level officials will definitely support it.

It is time to make a fortune after the power system is popularized.

Light bulbs can be sold at small profits but must be charged for electricity...

From now on, "check the meter" will be done by him!

But there are too many things to do, and it is troublesome to think about it. If it is really done, it will be troublesome even if there are textbooks to guide the principles and detailed steps.

If it weren't for the servants of Mo Yiyun, Bai Lu would definitely choose to give up, and then Xianyu...With such a Patriarch, Mo Yiyun and the others are too pitiful.

The upper class labors, the lower class labors.

Bai Lu nodded, shamelessly found a noble reason for her salted fish dumping, and then enjoyed the food with peace of mind.

With a clear plan in his mind, Bai Lu returned to the clan and separated from Tsunade, immediately went to the laboratory that had not been transferred, and found Mo Yiyun and others.

"Little Lord."

Bai Lu sat in the main seat, nodded and said solemnly:

"Well, have you read the information?"

Mo Yiyun lowered his head when he heard the words and said ashamed:

"Yes, the subordinates can only understand the first two materials on the scroll, the third can barely understand part of it, and the latter don't understand at all."

Mo Yiyun was indeed ashamed. He always felt that he was a wise man and was forced to join Bai Lu's command. In fact, he was not convinced until he saw the information that Bai Lu brought back. He didn't realize how ridiculous his previous pride was.

I don’t know which celebrity said that learning knowledge is like drawing a circle. What is learned inside the circle, but not learned outside the circle. The larger the circle, the more you will understand your ignorance.

Mo Yiyun was aware of his ignorance, and he opened the scroll behind to read it. The more he looked at it, the more he didn't understand.

"It's enough to understand the first two. A great man once said that practice is the only criterion for testing truth. What you learn is not counted, but you can use it."

Bailu anticipated Mo Yiyun’s changes when collecting the information and grading it. He was not surprised. He did it on purpose. It’s not a good thing for him to be too proud of his subordinates, so he casually said a few words of chicken soup to comfort him. Then, turn to:

"Do you have any thoughts on the application and development of electricity?"

Bai Lu didn't directly express his thoughts. He has a specialization in the field of art. If someone who studies electric power with his own understanding has a plan, it will definitely not be more reasonable and more realistic than the plan he came up with with his head.

And Mo Yiyun did not disappoint Bai Lu, his eyes were blaring and he said his thoughts. He is now developing electricity, but his main business is a businessman!!

Chapter 137 Changes in the Kabane World

Ah oh!!!

The beast-like howl can't be seen at a glance, as if it sounded under the tall city wall connected to the edge of the world, the lifeless blue-gray skin, the orange-rayed monster staggered like a melting pot of heart, and it rushed at strange speed. To the young man who set foot in the wilderness.

Chi Chi Chi...

The fine and insignificant sound of breaking through the air sounded in the air. The blood-eating walking corpse, the monster named Kabane suddenly flew up, staggered out several meters, and fell to the ground.

It was as if an invisible barrier guarded the young man stepping in the wilderness, beheading all the walking corpses that were close to him and malicious towards him. Looking closely, a white line was looming beside the young man.

Mottled blood stains are faintly visible on the top of the tall city wall, and a few spots of black smoke are faintly floating in the sky in the city. The huge city, known as the largest and safest shogunate, Jingang Guo, is so quiet that the wind is a little noisy, if there is nothing. The howl was particularly harsh and heart-palpiting.


Bai Lu frowned, doing two things with one heart and two, walking towards Jingang Guo, while manipulating the circular waterline with a thick pencil around him to reap the Kabane who had hit the dead end.

This pencil-thick waterline is the result of Bailu's return to Naruto in the past two months. He uses a lot of Chakravin to raise a small amount of water every day. Although it is still a bit jerky, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is like an arm. You can control the water to perform subtle operations that shock the ninja without needing to seal.


As time went by, the tasks that Tsunade and others took were no longer the d-level tasks for miscellaneous tasks, and began to perform some c-level tasks that were not dangerous and required a short time to leave the village.

Shiroro is not a ninja. There is no way to go out of the village with Tsunade for tasks, and it is not convenient for him to join in. Everyone has their own growth. His participation is not for Tsunade, Jilaiya, and Oshemaru. What a good thing.

Moyiyun completed the research and development of power systems and electric lights in just two months. However, with the plan of maximizing benefits, it did not immediately cooperate with Konoha. Instead, it suggested that Bailu release one generation, stay one generation, R & D generation···

In other words, after the second optimization of the'electric light', Bailu will make the power system and electric light public, and take it out to cooperate with Konoha.

Power plant technology is the real big head. Although for various reasons, it must be built together with Konoha, and even Konoha is the mainstay, but even this can make a lot of money, but it is a long-term business. This is not to mention. .

In Mo Yiyun's words, the world has never lacked genius, and there is something like ninjutsu, and something with low technology like electric light is not difficult to imitate.

As a popular commodity, the retail price of electric lights is destined to be low, but as a necessity, it means small profits but quick turnover. Many people will find business opportunities in it.

After a while, someone will inevitably copy it.

Optimizing the lamp twice is to keep the lead even when others are imitating, at least to seize sufficient market share in the early stage.

As for the later period... Compared with military telegraphs and tentative luxury electric fans, the profit of electric lights is still considerable, but it is laborious and it is like a tasteless one. It is better to give up and give others a little soup to prevent others from being jealous. Moved to two other high-end, high-profit products to gain more wealth.

This makes people do not have me, people have me better, and people are better than me!

Mo Yiyun is worthy of being a genius. His business acumen has even surpassed his scientific talent. Compared with Bai Lu's superficial and flawed plan, I don't know how many times he is brilliant and his vision is extremely long-term.

Bai Lu readily agreed, thinking that Tsunade would go out to do an escort mission. Even if the destination was in a small country nearby, it would take at least half a month. He didn't have any problems, so he simply ran to the world of Kabane to see what happened to Wuming.

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