Kaleidoscope open the door

Kaleidoscope Opens Chapter 190

The sound of harsh tires rubbing against the ground sounded, pulling out four dark traces on the asphalt road, and a faint burnt smell permeated.


Wearing glasses, expressionless face, white hair and white clothes, a slender young man carrying two black and white suitcases pushed the door and got out of the car, and then saw three missiles dropped almost indiscriminately in the abandoned military fortification circle ahead. In the office building.


A deafening explosion sounded, the ground shook suddenly, the building collapsed, and fragments of large and small buildings were flying around, like squally showers, crackling in all directions, and the soldiers could only hide behind the simple fortifications and dare not show their heads. Any piece of debris that flies at supersonic speeds at any time may become a weapon for killing.

The shock wave mixed with sound waves sweeping across the square, the glass of nearby buildings burst one after another, and a mushroom cloud mixed with flames and dust rose.

Seeing this, the white-haired young man suddenly stopped, and finally stepped on his slender legs and walked towards the command car.

The taxi driver regretted taking this business when he saw the army and armored vehicles. After seeing the missile bombing with his own eyes, he was even more frightened, for fear of being taken away by the army on charges such as'peeping on secret missions'. I ran back when I reversed, and I didn't care about asking for money.

Chapter One Hundred and Ninety Two

When the young man with glasses and white hair appeared at the door of the command car, Marutesai was a little surprised:

"There is a horse! Why are you here?"

Arima Gui, known as the legend of the search officer, the white-haired killer god who is famous for his discoloration did not show arrogance in front of Marutesai, but was very humble. He heard Marutesai’s words and his voice was gentle. The Tao:

"Senior Marute, Director Hexiu asked me to come and help. The harm of the bronze tree is too great, so try to cut the grass and root."

Maru Tesai was startled when he heard the words, and didn't understand what the old friend was thinking, but anyway, it was just what he wanted, and he laughed sincerely:

"Great, if you and Bai Lu are here, you can definitely win the bronze tree this time."

Sorry, senior.

Kikyo Arima muttered apologetically in his heart, but on the surface, he turned his eyes to Bailu, put down the suitcase, stretched out his hand, and smiled gently:

"You have a horse, hello."

Bai Lu reached out and shook hands with Takasama Arima, and chuckled:

"Thousand hands Bailu, hello."

Guijiang Arima looked at Bailu with emotion:

"I wanted to see you a long time ago. Unexpectedly young, it's incredible."

Unexpectedly young?

Bai Lu smiled in her heart, smiled, and said modestly:


Maru Tesai smiled and patted Takasho Arima and Shiroro on the shoulders, interrupting the communication between the two of them, pointing to a few more points not far away, and smiling in the burning office building:

In fact, those who rushed out were all C-level Ghoul species. They were not strong and had no combat experience. As a result, they sent a wave of heads to the army.

The shrewd ghouls are all shrunk in the office building and do not show up, and those mercenary ghouls are more battle-tested, familiar with the military's routines, and will not come out to die at this time.


The explosion sounded again, although the momentum and destructive power were not as strong as before, but one after another, the momentum was very strong.

The Ghoul also started to counterattack. The Yuhe Ghoul who is suitable for long-range attacks began to release dense khits. Although the colors and styles are different, there are many, and the results are good.

They don't need to aim or detect because they are surrounded by enemies.

Ghoul with abundant rc cells can be invulnerable and even hard against bullets. The Kazue condensed with pure rc cells is even more rigid. The soldier’s helmet is directly pierced like paper, and what’s more It can even break through simple fortifications, hurting soldiers behind.

For physically fragile humans, this kind of racial talent is really terrifying, no wonder humans are always talking about Ghoul.

This time, Arima and the side can't just sit idly by. The situation has developed to such a degree that the army no longer has the advantage and it is time to leave the field.

You Ma Gui will enter the venue with two suitcases. The silver-white suitcase is opened and turned into a sword that looks like a sword, but without the point and blade. It is more like a white long ruler. The sword swung easily and knocked the dense Kazuko into the air.

At the same time that Kazuko interrupted, Arima Gui shook his wrist, and the white ruler bounced back to form the form of four whiteboards. Golden lightning gathered inside. With a flick in the direction Kazuko shot, the golden electric ball flew out. It exploded in the smoke and the screams of Ghoul came out from it.

Noble General Arima’s weapon is Chimera Kuink, a very high-level weapon!

Bai Lu is more relaxed than Arima Guijiang. In front of the army, he didn’t want to expose his ninjutsu to cause trouble. He unfolded a custom-made Kuink armor to look like, and then rushed in, changing his position during the period, easily avoiding Yu Hehe. child.

Bai Lu noticed Arima’s movements and raised his eyebrows slightly. Most people might think that Arima’s reaction speed is very fast and very powerful, but he can see that Arima’s reaction speed and strength are higher than The limit of ordinary people.

If g's rumors about Arima Guijiang are not too outrageous, then Arima Guijiang's strength is probably stronger than the current Houji, and the average Zhongnin may not be his opponent.

However, Bai Lu has no plans to delve into it. He has more important things to do. I hope that future brother-in-law will be smarter and not go to Arima Guijiang.


ps: The status adjustment is completed, we will definitely add more tomorrow!

Chapter 193 The First Battle of Erha

The soot soaring obstructed the sight of outsiders, and the white dew that rushed into the interior felt even more annoying, but fortunately, he did this only as a cover, and the kunai engraved on the god of thunder had already been thrown out by him, and it had already passed through the smoke. Sensing the coordinates, he activated ninjutsu and teleported directly.


The sudden appearance of Bai Lu shocked the ghouls who were carrying out cover-saturating'bombings’ in the abandoned building. The mercenary who was in charge of the guards reacted first, and almost indiscriminately attacked Bailu with guns, but it was a waste of effort. Then, all the bullets were resisted by the condensed Chakra shield outside the dark blue armor, making a dull sound.

Afterwards, Jiahe, Ouhe, and Linhe's other bronze tree species also reacted, releasing their own Yahezi, and it was like a dance of demons.

Bai Lu saw that most of the people here were c-grade scum, and did not find the future brother-in-law, making him wonder if the rebellious young man rushed out from other directions with the canon army.

Bai Lu was anxious to find someone, did not waste time with these scum, but couldn’t just leave it like this. After all, he and Maru Tesai cooperated, his eyes entered the three-hook jade mode, and he glanced around. Anyone who came into contact with him saw the line of sight. The Ghoul species settled in place one by one, and screamed, with cold sweat, and seemed to be suffering from some inhuman suffering.

Magic·Songhang Art!

It is one of the illusions that the "hypnosis" ability of writing round eyes is extended by itself. The subject will feel as if the limbs are being beaten into a wedge, and the body will completely lose freedom. At the same time, there is the illusion of weakness and pain.

This is the supreme illusion that can exert a torture-like effect and restrain the opponent's actions. It does not require seals, and can be activated as long as the eyes are facing each other.

Although it is the supreme illusion art, it is a talent from the bloodline. For Bailu, there is no difficulty or consumption, and it is only a three-gou jade level. Even if it is released more than ten consecutively, it does not matter. Scum.

Bai Lu casually solved a group of weak chickens with a look, took out a little blood and wiped it on his palm, his hands were knotted, and he slapped the ground with a slap. The black runes formed a cobweb-like teleportation array spread out from under his palm.



Erha's calf-like body appeared in front of Bailu, with a big bone stick in his mouth, and was summoned by spiritism for the first time, and the dog's face was written awkwardly at Bailu.


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